Property:Flight Vehicle

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(Created page with "This is a property of type Has type::Page.")
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This is a property of type [[Has type::Page]].
This is a property of type [[Has type::Page]].
The allowed values for this property are:
* [[Allows value::Mothership]]
* [[Allows value::Sleipnir Mk1 (C,L)]]
* [[Allows value::Sleipnir Mk2 (C,L)]]
* [[Allows value::Sleipnir Mk3 (C,L)]]
* [[Allows value::Quad-Wing Interceptor (L)]]
* [[Allows value::Vega Class Privateer]]

Latest revision as of 14:02, 7 October 2011

This is a property of type Page.

The allowed values for this property are:

  • Mothership
  • Sleipnir Mk1 (C,L)
  • Sleipnir Mk2 (C,L)
  • Sleipnir Mk3 (C,L)
  • Quad-Wing Interceptor (L)
  • Vega Class Privateer
Showing 4 pages using this property.