Port Atlantis

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Revision as of 20:34, 30 September 2010 by RAZER (talk | contribs) (→‎Videos)

Port Atlantis in the major city on Calypso. It's the place where new colonsits arrive after they went throuh Calypso Gateway. Port Atlantis (PA) is loacted in the Port Atlantis Area and features the closest TP to Swamp Camp.

Port Atlantis after CR 2010.5:
Port Atlantis Post CR 2010-5.jpg



A day/night cycle at Port Atlantis A sneak preview of the new VU 11.3 Port Atlantis
<youtube>OyZH-UKLMag</youtube> <youtube>O5vgWU56i9Q</youtube> You know of other videos that should be on the wiki? Please leave a note in this tread: Videos to wikify!
Video by .


Post CR 2010.5

VU10 - CR 2010.5
