
From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info

This is a list of societies you can find in the Entropia Universe. Feel free to update the information but be aware to put in your society in the structure of Alphabetic order, thanks.

Societies within Entropia Universe

Society name Society leader Website
Calypso Desert Rangers Atlan Ion Leticron Calypso Desert Rangers
Calypso Rescue Team Michael Coachman Lampa Calypso Rescue Team
Church of Lootius Kalanen Church of Lootius
CK Website - CK Website CK Forum & Tools
Dawn Daemons Vintage Yquem Port Dawn Daemons
Dark Knights & Squires - Dark Knights & Squires
Dragons Shadow - Dragons Shadow
Eternal Knights/Destiny - Eternal Knights/Destiny
Free Wanderers - Free Wanderers
Groene Draeck - Groene Draeck
Jurai Blood Fort Fort Tress Jurai Blood
Lost Renegades Narfi Hungry William Lost Renegades
Natural Born Killers Eil Imoyaro Murderhugh Natural Born Killers
Skillin' Villains . Skillin' Villains
Swedish Hunting Society . Swedish Hunting Society
The Disturbed Ones - TDO Angel Spike Sunny The Disturbed Ones - TDO
Tomorrows Troops Alfadur Alfadur Speed Tomorrow Troops
Via Dolorosa Scan Caliber Eagle Via Dolorosa
WizFox Dan Richard Baker WizFox