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Revision as of 14:06, 23 October 2010 by Kay Jones (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The K'Ger Paladin armor is an upgraded version of the knight armor. The changes are somewhat superficial, but the increased level of protection is an acknoledged fact. Several hi...")
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The K'Ger Paladin armor is an upgraded version of the knight armor. The changes are somewhat superficial, but the increased level of protection is an acknoledged fact. Several high profile mercenaries use this armor as a symbol of their professionalism. On Calypso this is a very sought after item, especially the local made custom versions.

Item armor settler face.jpg
Item armor settler arms.jpg
Item armor settler harness.jpg
Item armor settler shin.jpg
Weight: ? kg
Durability: 2200
Stab: 6.5 HP
Cut: 13 HP
Impact: 13 HP
Penetration: 6.5 HP
Shrapnel: 0 HP
Burn: 13 HP
Cold: 0 HP
Acid: 0 HP
Electric: 0 HP
Close: 32.5 HP
Firearms: 19.5 HP
Total: 52 HP
Set TT: 240.0 PED
Source: Crafted