Blueprint Bonanza/Scoreboard

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< Blueprint Bonanza
Revision as of 11:26, 27 September 2011 by Tass (talk | contribs)

Last updated 27 September 2011 11:27:39

For live scoreboard please refer to Entropia Tracker Blueprint Bonanza (Login required)

New (after the change of rules) Obsolete (before the change of rules)
# Blueprint Winner
1 Intensity Amplifier Blueprint Benjamin Ben Coyote
2 Heat Shieds Blueprint Sam Diafelx Sara
3 Extended Breech Blueprint Walter Walter Himmel
4 Herman ASI-20 (L) Blueprint Clark ManOfSteel Kent
5 Gas Plug Blueprint Walter Walter Himmel
6 Extended Bolt Carriage Blueprint Paul Crystal Thunder
7 Canis Shin Guards (L) Blueprint Kikki KJ Jikki
8 Canis Foot Guards (L) Blueprint Mathias Pipes Mccarthy
9 Feedback Coupling Blueprint Kikki KJ Jikki
10 Lupus Helmet (L) Blueprint Sara Creator Conner
11 Headshot 2 Blueprint Snablesnot Male Young
12 Energy Chamber Blueprint Aura Chlorene Lily
13 Lupus Harness (L) Blueprint Aura Chlorene Lily
14 MANTA K.-4 (L) Blueprint Anna Chrona Chrona
15 Extended Breech Blueprint Aadu dRifteR Asi
16 Standard Magnets Blueprint Maximus Alive GoodEvil
17 Herman CAP-404 (L) Blueprint Maximus Alive GoodEvil
18 L'rsa Harness (L) Blueprint Maximus Alive GoodEvil
19 Extended Bolt Carriage Blueprint Lucky Angel Bob
20 Lupus Harness (L) Blueprint Mathias Pipes Mccarthy
21 Herman LAW-303 (L) Blueprint Aadu dRifteR Asi
22 Raven Lunchbox Palehorse Lupus Arm Guards (L) Blueprint
23 Eric Beston Jonson Rock Ripper 4 (L) Blueprint
24 Alex Fishface Walton Gimbals Blueprint
25 Eric Beston Jonson MAKO FAL-4 (L) Blueprint
26 ??? ???
27 ??? ???
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# Blueprint Winner
1 Intensity Amplifier Blueprint Benjamin Ben Coyote
2 Heat Shieds Blueprint Sam Diafelx Sara
3 Extended Breech Blueprint Walter Walter Himmel
4 Herman ASI-20 (L) Blueprint Clark ManOfSteel Kent
5 Gas Plug Blueprint Walter Walter Himmel
6 Extended Bolt Carriage Blueprint Paul Crystal Thunder
7 Canis Shin Guards (L) Blueprint Kikki KJ Jikki
8 Canis Foot Guards (L) Blueprint Mathias Pipes Mccarthy
9 Feedback Coupling Blueprint Kikki KJ Jikki
10 Lupus Helmet (L) Blueprint Sara Creator Conner
11 Headshot 2 Blueprint Snablesnot Male Young
12 Energy Chamber Blueprint Aura Chlorene Lily
13 Lupus Harness (L) Blueprint Aura Chlorene Lily
14 MANTA K.-4 (L) Blueprint Anna Chrona Chrona
15 Extended Breech Blueprint Aadu dRifteR Asi
16 Standard Magnets Blueprint Maximus Alive GoodEvil
17 Herman CAP-404 (L) Blueprint Maximus Alive GoodEvil
18 L'rsa Harness (L) Blueprint Maximus Alive GoodEvil
19 Extended Bolt Carriage Blueprint Lucky Angel Bob
20 Lupus Harness (L) Blueprint Mathias Pipes Mccarthy
21 Strong Magnets Blueprint
22 Canis Shin Guards (L) Blueprint
23 Power Regulator Blueprint
24 MAKO FAL-4 (L) Blueprint
25 Ursa Foot Guards (L) Blueprint
26 Canis Heimet (L) Blueprint
27 Lupus Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint
28 Recoil Stabiliser Blueprint
29 MANTA K-3 (L) Blueprint
30 Bullseye 2 Blueprint
31 Lupus Shin Guards (L) Blueprint
32 Herman LAW-202 (L) Blueprint
33 Lupus Arm Guards (L) Blueprint
34 MAKO FAL-3 (L) Blueprint
35 Canis Harness (L) Blueprint
36 Herman CAP-303 (L) Blueprint
37 Herman ASI-30 (L) Blueprint
38 Hotfoot 15 (L) Blueprint
39 Strong Magnets Blueprint
40 Canis Foot Guards (L) Blueprint
41 MANTA K-3 (L) Blueprint
42 Lupus Shin Guards (L) Blueprint
43 MAKO FAL-4 (L) Blueprint
44 Extended Breech Blueprint
45 Herman ARK-20 (L) Blueprint
46 Canis Harness (L) Blueprint
47 MAKO FAL-4 (L) Blueprint
48 Canis Shin Guards (L) Blueprint
49 Herman ARK-30 (L) Blueprint
50 Recoil Stabiliser Blueprint
51 TerraMaster 2 (L) Blueprint
52 Extended Bolt Carriage Blueprint
53 Lupus Foot Guards (L) Blueprint
54 Longreach 1 Blueprint
55 GYRO FAP-10 (L) Blueprint
56 Projector Housing Blueprint
57 Herman LA\V-303 (L) Blueprint
58 Extended Breech Blueprint
59 Lupus Arm Guards (L) Blueprint
60 Projector Housing Blueprint
61 Discharge Module Blueprint
62 GYRO FAP- IS (L) Blueprint
63 Standard Magnets Blueprint
64 MANTA K- 5 (L) Blueprint
65 Canis Heimet (L) Bhieprint
66 Rock Ripper 4 (L) Blueprint
67 Heat Shields Blueprint
68 Strong Magnets Blueprint
69 Herman ARK-20 (L) Blueprint
70 Herman LAW-202 (L) Blueprint
71 MAKO FAL-2 (L) Blueprint
72 PropeUant Supercharger Blueprint
73 Canis Thigh Guardi (L) Blueprint
74 Gimbals Blueprint
75 Canis Arm Guards (L) Blueprint
76 Intensiv Amptner Blueprint
77 PropeDant Supercharger Blueprint
78 Exreoded Bolt Carriage Blueprint
79 Herman ASI-30 (L) Blueprint
80 Focusing Lens Blueprint
81 Flash Suppressor Blueprint
82 Canis Gloves (L) Blueprint
83 Weld Filament Blueprint
84 Discharge Module Blueprint
85 Propeflant Booster Blueprint
86 Herman CAP-303 (L) Blueprint
87 Canis Gloves (L) Blueprint
88 Herman ARK-20 (L) Blueprint
89 MANTA K-2 (L) Blueprint
90 Lupus Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint
91 Herman CAP-202 (L) Blueprint
92 Canis Arm Guards (L) Blueprint
93 MANTA K-4 (L) Blueprint
94 Hotfoot 15 (L) Blueprint
95 Recoil Stabiliser Blueprint
96 Standard Magnets Blueprint
97 PropeJlant Booster Blueprint
98 Gas Phig Blueprint
99 Canis Gloves (L) Blueprint
100 Gas Module Blueprint
101 Gas Module Blueprint
102 GYRO FAP-10 (L) Blueprint
103 TerraMaster 5 (L) Blueprint
104 Canis Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint
105 Rock Ripper 3 (L) Blueprint
106 Canis Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint
107 Stimulation Modulator Blueprint
108 Herman ARK-20 (L) Blueprint
109 Flash Suppressor Blueprint
110 Ursa Gloves (L) Blueprint
111 Weak Magnets Blueprint
112 PropeUant Booster Blueprint
113 GYROFAP-iS(L) Blueprint
114 MANTA K-2 (L) Blueprint
115 Energy Chamber Blueprint
116 Stimulation Modulator Blueprint
117 Herman LAW-202 (L) Blueprint
118 MAKO FAL-2 (L) Blueprint
119 Herman ARK-30 (L) Blueprint
120 Lupus Foot Guards (L) Blueprint
121 MAKO FAL-3 (L) Blueprint
122 Rage 10 (L) Blueprint
123 Recoil Stabiliser Blueprint
124 Herman ARK-30 (L) Blueprint
125 Herman CAP-303 (L) Blueprint
126 Lupus Heknet (L) Blueprint
127 MAKO FAL-3 (L) Blueprint
128 Ursa Shin Guards (L) Blueprint
129 Lupus Gloves (L) Blueprint
130 Canis Foot Guards (L) Blueprint
131 Gas Module Blueprint
132 Weld Filament Blueprint
133 MANTA K-3 (L) Blueprint
134 TerraMaster4 (L) Blueprint
135 HermanLAW-303 (L) Blueprint
136 Projector Housing Blueprint
137 Strong Magnets Blueprint
138 Herman ASI-30 (L) Blueprint
139 Ursa Aim Guards (L) Blueprint
140 Heat Shields Blueprint
141 GYRO FAP- 1 8 (L) Blueprint
142 Herman ARK-30 (L) Blueprint
143 Hotfoot 15 (L) Blueprint
144 Herman CAP-202 (L) Blueprint
145 MANTA K-4 (L) Blueprint
146 Flash Suppressor Blueprint
147 Herman CAP-404 (L) Blueprint
148 MANTA K-5 (L) Blueprint
149 Weak Magnets Blueprint
150 Gimbals Blueprint
151 Power Regulator Blueprint
152 Extended Boh Carriage Blueprint
153 MAKO FAL-4 (L) Blueprint
154 Heat Shields Blueprint
155 TerraMaster 3 (L) Blueprint
156 Rock Ripper 2 (L) Blueprint
157 Canis Heimet (L) Blueprint
158 Gimbals Blueprint
159 Herman CAP-202 (L) Blueprint
160 Lupus Gloves (L) Blueprint
161 Weak Magnets Blueprint
162 Intensitv Amplifier Blueprint
163 Feedback Coupling Blueprint
164 Herman LAW-303 (L) Blueprint
165 Focusing Lens Blueprint
166 Herman ASI-20 (L) Blueprint
167 Ursa Helmet [L) Blueprint
168 Discharge Module Blueprint
169 Lupus Harness (L) Blueprint
170 Feedback Coupting Blueprint
171 Canis Arm Guards (L) Blueprint
172 Ursa Thigh Guards (L) Blueprint
173 Canis Harness (L) Blueprint
174 MANTA K-4 (L) Blueprint