Creature:Vampire Chick

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Revision as of 14:24, 10 October 2010 by Kay Jones (talk | contribs)



Name explanation

Maturities and stats

Maturity Health Regen. Speed Max. Damage Threat Taming Level Sweat Available Health level Damage potential Agility Intelligence Psyche Stamina Strength
Lost One 230 - - 560 - - - Small 40 51 51 23 21
New Born 200 - - 280 - - - Minimal 38 50 50 20 20
Animal Eater 270 - - 756 - - - Limited 41 53 53 27 22
Seducer 310 - - 1116 - - - Limited 43 55 55 31 23
Man Eater 350 - - - - - - Medium 45 56 56 35 24
Wicked 400 - - - - - - Medium 47 58 58 40 25
Starving 470 - - - - - - Large 49 60 60 47 26
Evil 540 - - - - - - Large 51 61 61 54 27
Ancient 710 - - - - - - Large 55 65 65 71 29
Blood Fiend 620 - - - - - - Large 53 63 63 62 28


Name Frequency Last VU

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Where to find this mob

Land Area Zone Quantity Maturity
ROCKtropia VampireFreaks Cathedral - Vampire Chick New Born
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - -

Highest recorded loots

No. Maturity Value Date
1 Ancient 221 PED 2010-07-04

2 Ancient 158 PED 2010-09-04

3 Ancient 145 PED 2010-06-04

4 Blood Fiend 137 PED 2010-06-04

5 Blood Fiend 137 PED 2010-06-04

6 Ancient 134 PED 2010-08-04

7 Blood Fiend 131 PED 2010-06-04

8 Ancient 131 PED 2010-07-04

9 Blood Fiend 118 PED 2010-07-04

10 Blood Fiend 117 PED 2010-10-04