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Outback Area 05
This Land Area is located east of Nate Valley TP.
Planet: Calypso
Continent: Amethera
Closest TP: Nate Valley
Location (Land Area Marker): 36480, 35977, 129
Owner: Zachurm Deathifier Emergen
Slot 3 Longu 10 6 Slot 4 Longu 7.2 4.6 Slot 5 Longu 0 0 Slot 6 Longu 0 0
Hunting Tax: 4% Mining Tax: 4% Shopping Tax:
Revival Point: 36503, 35930, 121 Fertilizer Station: 36501, 35929, 121 Repair Terminal: 36499, 35939, 120 Trade Terminal: 36499, 35942, 120 Amethera Outback Shed #5: 36480, 35977, 129 Land Area Marker: 36480, 35977, 129
Improvement Points
Available: 915 Spent: 0
Slot | Creatue | Numbers | Maturiy |
Slot 1 | - | - | - |
Slot 2 | - | - | - |
Slot 3 | Longu | 10 | 6 |
Slot 4 | Longu | 7.2 | 4.6 |
Slot 5 | Longu | 0 | 0 |
Slot 6 | Longu | 0 | 0 |