Hunt The THING Teleporters

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Revision as of 14:06, 3 March 2012 by Tass (talk | contribs)

Teleporters to be found on Hunt The THING.

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Click Expand for help
Finding more Information
  • Most individual TP pages have a lot more information than this table, click a specific TP name to access its page
  • Click the "Browse ... Teleporters link in the bar above for additional information and options
  • There might be links leading to further information at the bottom of the page
  • Check out the forums: EntropiaPlanets Forums

Adding a Teleporter

  1. Enter the exact ingame name in the field above
  2. Click the "Add/Edit Teleporter" button
  3. Enter data in the fields of the form
  4. Click the "Save page" button
  5. Optional: Add additional data in each section of the TP page by clicking the Edit link of the according section

Editing a Teleporter (Infobox data)

  1. 3 Options:
    - Click the the Edit Pencil in the last column of the table
    - Click the name of the Teleporter, then on the TP page click the "Edit with form" tab
    - Enter the name of the TP in the field above, click the "Add/Edit Teleporter" button
  2. Enter data in the fields of the form
  3. Click the "Save page" button

Editing a Teleporter (Page sections)

  1. Click the name of the Teleporter
  2. On the Teleporter page click the Edit link of the according section
  3. Click the "Save page" button

Questions, suggestions, bug reports?

Camp Campbell(34335, 17242, 102)Hunt The THINGDiscovery Ridge12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
Camp Finale(39097, 20308, 326)Hunt The THINGIn Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
Extractions (Arctic Wasteland)(36461, 17625, 104)Hunt The THINGArctic Wasteland12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
Extractions (Logan Peak East)(38334, 19138, 558)Hunt The THINGLogan Peak12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
Extractions (Logan Peak North)(39161, 20343, 329)Hunt The THINGLogan Peak12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 1(38700, 21900, 283)Hunt The THINGCorina Ridge12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 2(37850, 23622, 471)Hunt The THINGUncharted Mountains12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 3(35526, 23054, 107)Hunt The THINGOuter Coast12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 4(35244, 20496, 410)Hunt The THING12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 5(36591, 22317, 349)Hunt The THINGCarpenter Valley12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 6(39141, 23528, 238)Hunt The THINGBoron Badlands12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 7(36595, 23848, 170)Hunt The THINGUncharted Mountains12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 8(37576, 22296, 400)Hunt The THINGCarpenter Valley12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil
LZ: Expert - 9(35522, 21907, 327)Hunt The THINGHalvorson Plains12.0.4In Game¦class=fa fa-pencil

Total: 14

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