All values as of the specified date.
Date: 2012/05/21
Revenue (PED): 201.19
Number Of Deeds: 40
Markup: 1212.42857
Revenue Per Deed (PED): 5.02975 (automatically calculated)
ROI %, base 1000 PED: "Revenue %" contains a listed "%" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid. (automatically calculated)
ROI %, base 1000 PED, rounded: "Revenue % rounded" contains a listed "%" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid. (automatically calculated)
ROI %, base markup, rounded: "Revenue % markup" contains a listed "%" character as part of the property label and has therefore been classified as invalid. (automatically calculated)
Calypso Total Gross Revenue (PED): 1207140 (automatically calculated)
Currency effects[edit]
USD-EUR exchange rate (1 USD = x EUR): 0.7843
Revenue Per Deed (USD): 0.502975 (automatically calculated)
Revenue Per Deed (EUR): 0.3944832925 (automatically calculated)
More info: Calypso Land Deeds