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Item:Herman SIR-50/TIR/1
Owner: Oboy Berto Oboyto
Item: Item:Herman SIR-50
TIR 1: 97
TIR 2: 106
TIR 3: 150
TIR 4: 130
TIR 5: 143
TIR 6: 121
TIR 7: 85
TIR 8: 84
TIR 9: 66
TIR 10: 147
Owner: Oboy Berto Oboyto
Item: Item:Herman SIR-50
TIR 1: 97
TIR 2: 106
TIR 3: 150
TIR 4: 130
TIR 5: 143
TIR 6: 121
TIR 7: 85
TIR 8: 84
TIR 9: 66
TIR 10: 147