Beginner Markup Trends/ROCKtropia[edit]

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< Beginner Markup Trends
Revision as of 20:56, 18 August 2014 by RAZER (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== <big>'''ROCKtropia'''</big> == === Hunting === *Android Vixen Gears - ~800% - looted from any lvl of android, but best camping for new players is the low hp ones directly a...")
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  • Android Vixen Gears - ~800% - looted from any lvl of android, but best camping for new players is the low hp ones directly across the street from City of Dreams Teleport.


  • Alternative Rock/Ingot - 135-145% - mined around City of Dreams, Vampire Cathedral Backgarden, Hell Mine #1 and #11
