World of Firepower 2014/Schedule
Time slots
- 14:00
- 19:00
- 00:00 (Midnight/Sunday Morning) on Saturdays
- 07:00
- 12:00 (Midday) on Sundays
likely to be the same throughout the competition.
Qualifier Stage One
- October 18 and 19
- October 25 and 26
Qualifier Stage Two
- November 8 and 9
- November 15 and 16
Teams only have to hunt ONCE during this time to get their Stage One score. Those who have not finalised a time for this coming weekend will be able to hunt the next weekend instead. ALSO; those who are hunting on the 18th/19th and are unhappy with their score may RE-TAKE the hunt on the second weekend and use the higher of their two scores as their Stage One score. The combined scores from Stage One and Two will give the Qualifying Totals for progression.
Each team conducts a 3-hour hunt against the QA Moblist
(Top 24 Teams from the Qualifiers): 3 Weekends of hunts as 6 Groups of 4 hunt against each other in turn.
(Top 12 Teams from Group Stage A): 3 Weekends of hunts as 3 new Groups of 4 hunt against each other in turn.
(Top 6 Teams from Group Stage B): 1 Saturday, 3 one-on-one matches.
(Top 3 Finalists): 1 Saturday (Probably February 2015).
Hints for the first moblist? News of the threat was largely unspecific, but the language was unmistakably robotic