Planet Cyrene[edit]

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This page contains basic information about Planet Cyrene most of which from pre-launch. For post-launch and in-depth information please refer to Portal:Planet Cyrene.

Planet Cyrene Logo

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Planet Name Planet Cyrene
Planet Partner Creative Kingdom
Developer Digital Scryers
Planet Status Released
Release Date
Release VU
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Planet Cyrene[edit]

Planet Cyrene is a planet in Entropia Universe that has been launched in 2012.

General Information[edit]

Planet Cyrene Development[edit]

Planet Cyrene is a planet of the Entropia Universe being developed by the Los Angeles based game development studio Digital Scryers LLC[1] in cooperation with CKA Chiang Mai Co. Ltd[2] for the official planet partner Creative Kingdom Inc.[3][4][5]

According to CKI there are 60 people working on the project. You can find more info about them on Team Cyrene.


Planet Cyrene Gameplay[edit]

As the game mechanics are preset by the Entropia Universe platform the gameplay is not expected to differ significantly from what is known from the existing planets in Entropia Universe. But statements by the Planet Cyrene Developers indicate that new gameplay systems will be added before the release of Planet Cyrene and there will be creative approaches to the existing systems potentially leading to unique gameplay.
For a first impression of very few aspects of Cyrene Gameplay you might want to watch the unofficial teaser video in the Video section of this page.

World Events[edit]

"'World Events' are special things that only happen during a certain time or on a certain day or in a certain area. For an example, there could be an event that might lead to a real change on the planet, or it could be as simple as a Holiday that is being celebrated on Cyrene. These World Events are a fun way of changing things up for a small time and they also help build the history of the Planet, or the areas that they involve. This history is all made possible by the Players so it is what we love most. Personally working on and planning for these events are my favorite days on the job." Kris Altergott in EntropiaTimes Magazine June 2011 (page 23).


According to statements by Ed Robles -creative director for Planet Cyrene and head of Digital Scryers- on the Planet Cyrene Facebook group one focus will be missions embedded in elaborated storylines.[6]

For post-launch and in-depth information please refer to Planet Cyrene Missions.


Planet Cyrene will feature a broad selection of vehicles. For images and more info please refer to the vehicles section of this page.

For post-launch and in-depth information please refer to Planet Cyrene Vehicles.


(Player-versus-Player Combat)
"Also, yes there will be some heavy PVP areas on Cyrene. PVP is one of my favorite things to do in MMO's so it has had an effect on Cyrene." - Ed 3, Planet Cyrene Creative Director


One of the screenshots showing animals in stables suggests that there will be pets/taming on Planet Cyrene.

Planet Cyrene Setting[edit]

Cyrene features a genre mix of science fiction and fantasy. Shamanistic natives and robot invaders are fighting each other.[7]
Concept art, models and preview screenshots suggest that besides robots and humanoids Cyrene is inhabited by aquatic, bug-like and other creatures.
You also can find images of a tree city and an ancient Rome style city called Janus as well as futuristic looking places with flying properties. Accordingly you can spot vehicles like a classic sailing ship as well as space ships.
It is not known whether the name 'Cyrene' is related to Cyrene known from Greek mythology.


Planet Cyrene[edit]

Offical storyline introduced by Planet Cyrene Creative Director Ed 3 in this thread: [ Sneak Peak at Cyrene Storyline]

Chapter one, "The Sons of Remus"

Planet Cyrene Storyline

Cyrene - Secrets and Covert Operations[edit]

Secrets and Covert Operations is semi-official Planet Cyrene storytelling written by MS9.

Secrets and Covert Operations

A Committed Mission, But At What Cost?

"Unfinished Business" - Part 1

"Unfinished Business" - Part 2

"Unfinished Business" - Part 3

Cyrene - Secrets and Covert Operations

Cyrene Chronicles[edit]

Announced as "coming soon" to introduce the history of Cyrene.

Planet Cyrene Factions[edit]

"The players will have 5 initial factions to start with. At first there will be missions to help any of them out but as the player progresses the choices get more defined and the player will have to choose a stricter path depending on their belief of how their character lives on Cyrene." -Ed Robles in Entropia Times

Forum thread discussing how factions could work: Choosing sides?

Factions Overview[edit]

Planet Cyrene Factions Overview
(names are clickable links)
Green: Players can affiliate themselves with these factions

Another Chart:

Imperium Turrelions ACR
(Acaia Rebirth Corps)
Zekkonians Vida's Group
Senator Neff's side Sons of Remus Tanhok Zik


Looks like the humans came to Cyrene after the Imperium was forced to join The Coalition. Read more (and post a comment): Sneak Peak at Cyrene Storyline


The Zekkonians are the most technologically advanced of all the intelligent Humanoids on Cyrene. Though they are accepting of the human presence on Cyrene, the Zekkonian nobility are only interested in gathering insight and information from the Human alien's technology.
Entropia Times June 2011:"'The Zekkonians are bee-like humanoids who are the most technologically advanced species on Cyrene,' began the Senator 'and are not the only advanced race on Cyrene, but are the friendliest toward the humans. There are different factions of them, but not all are friendly.' Ok, now I was wondering whether there was a chance I could run into some of the unfriendly kind during my trip to the Zekkonian Island, but the Senator continued with further information before I could ask. 'They are also capable of using some mystic-type magic with the crystals that are native to Cyrene,' he went on, 'which they use to power their machinery. The Sons of Remus seem very keen to unlock their secrets.'"


Friendly to humans, at war with the Merfolken and the Zekkonian Zik hive.


Hostile to humans, at war with the Zekkonian Tanhok hive.


Ther Turrelions were the oldest of the human's/the Imperium's allies. Then they ran over to The Coallition. It's not clear whether the Turrelions will make their appearance on Cyrene. There will be a location called The Turrelion Outpost inside the game as confirmed by Ed on 3/12/2010. It was originally code named Smuggler City and is featured in the above picture of Ed (on the wall) as well as the speed painting video by Tum. It appears to be a major location...


Sons of Remus[edit]

Sons of Remus.

Senator Neff[edit]

(-> EntropiaTimes June 2011)

Acacia Rebirth Corps[edit]

EntropiaTimes June 2011: "The Acacia have the symbolism of purity, the endurance of the soul, and also symbolizes resurrection and immortality. ... The ARC started as Turrelion reclones, and individuals who were scheduled to be destroyed by the Sons of Remus."


(-> EntropiaTimes June 2011)

Planet Cyrene Geography[edit]

The Northern Continent[edit]

The northern continent is an ice continent. Mentioning "the northern continent" implies Cyrene has more than just one single continent.[6]

Imperium Area[edit]


"The Gate city of Janus is one of the last great cities of the human inhabitants on Planet Cyrene. Originally a vacation hub for the political and military elite, it now houses many refugees and is one of the main re-cloning centers after the devastating attack on the capitol city of Cyrene. Built to reflect the architecture of one of mankind's most ancient civilizations, there was no expense spared in its authentic feel including a massive colosseum at its center. Whether you are a refugee, re-clone, or an adventurer who heeded the call for help, Janus will undoubtedly be one of your first experiences on Planet Cyrene."[6]
Quite likely Janus is controlled by the Imperium (-> Entropia Times June 2011).

Skylab (Flying City)[edit]


Zekkonian Island[edit]

Home of the Zekkonian Tanhok hive.(-> Entropia Times June 2011)


Capital of the Zekkonian Tanhok hive.(-> Entropia Times June 2011)

Zekkonian Royals[edit]

EntropiaTimes June 2011:"The Zekkonian nobility prefer to live high in the clouds and in safety. Using powerful crystal magic and machines they have managed to make these large islands float in the air away from dangers below. It takes a massive amount of crystals to recharge their machinery and the Zekkonians of Tanhok’Zis are in constant warfare over the rights to these precious commodities. Although the elite do live high up above, most Tanhok hive Zeks live on the bottom of the city and protect the lands below."

Zik'Zis Swamplands[edit]

Home of the Zekkonian Zik hive located somewhere west of Janus and east of Tanhok'Zis (-> Entropia Times June 2011).

Other Places[edit]

Acacia Rebirth Corps Camp[edit]

(-> Entropia Times June 2011)

Turrelion Outpost[edit]

"Still under development, this zone will feature high end content and rewards for those crazy enough to make the journey and strong enough to enjoy it."[6]
"Once an important distribution and warehouse hub, this city has since become an abandoned ghost town and taken over by the criminal elements of Cyrene. Many great things await those strong enough to enter and survive long enough to claim the rewards had at this conflict ridden city."[6]

Tree Village[edit]

Early screenshots of Cyrene also show a tree village. The Tree Village and Zyn'Dos Village (see section below) are probably the same place.

Zyn'Dos Village[edit]


Planet Cyrene Creatures[edit]

Note: All names and images from the development phase and therefore potentially subjects to changes. 'For post-launch and in-depth information please refer to Planet Cyrene Creatures.

Creature Development Process

Armored Whiskerfish[edit]

Introduced in this forum thread: Oceans of fishes from Planet Cyrene
"The Armored Whiskerfish is a lover, not a fighter. This creature is plentiful in the seas of Cyrene because it is a favorite meal for many creatures. It has a quick spawn cycle with very few actually making it to a ripe old age. Using its thick armor as its only means of protection, an old Armored Whisker fish could prove to be a very tough meal indeed." -Ed Robles

Bile Jellyworm[edit]

Introduced in Unofficial Teaser Video

Dust Devil[edit]


"It is harsh and crude surroundings prevailing in a forsaken small shipping center on Planet Cyrene, containing lots of deserted warehouses, a place also known as the Turrelion Outpost.

The Turrelions are always under constant attack by bandits and thieves but the Duster Gang is, as the only highly organized group around the city, a major force.

These guys play for keeps and are always ready to fight with the Turrelions to claim the outpost from them." [8]


EntropiaTimes June 2011:"The Empis is one of the most hated creatures on Cyrene. They have a quick spawn and birth cycle and exist only to consume. Their main food source are the different types of native crystals found on Cyrene.
Once they have found a field of crystals they quickly swarm and begin to inject the crystals with their saliva-like liquid and then consume the melted crystals. Although not very hostile the Empis will attack if it feels threatened.
The Zeks from hive Tanhok have no use for these pests but other races use the acid-like saliva in their mystic potions and for construction methods."



Introduced in this forum thread: Oceans of fishes from Planet Cyrene
"The Hackfin is a medium sized fish. Its gentle nature should not be confused for weakness. The Hackfin will put up a good fight if disturbed and will not stop until it defeats its foe. Found off most coasts, the Hackfin tends to live a more solitary life, though schools can often be found during the spawning season. Its fins are a valuable commodity with certain locals who make weapons and tools from them." -Ed Robles

Horned Bird[edit]

Introduced in Unofficial Teaser Video


Imperium Trooper[edit]

Imperium Stalker[edit]


-> EntropiaTimes June 2011 (page 16).


EntropiaTimes June 2011:"Merfolken are the bane of the Tanhok hive Zekkonians. A humanoid race from the seas of Cyrene, the Merfolken (as they are called by the Imperium) have recently become more and more bold in their attacks on the mainlands.
Although not much is known or just how many there are, it is rumored that they control the seas and that there are many types of Merfolken who have yet to show themselves. They send scouts and raiding parties to steal the crystals the Zeks require, and prefer hit and run skirmishes to an outright assault. Not as powerful on land as they are in the water the Merfolken risk much to attempt these raids. Although some are capable of strong magic and powerful attacks, most use brute force to overpower their adversaries.
All attempts to broker a peace treaty with the Merfolken have ended badly. For now the Tanhok hive has been on the defensive, as they have a two front war to deal with from the Zik hive."


Introduced in this forum thread: Oceans of fishes from Planet Cyrene
"The Muckjaw is the true lion of the sea. A feared creature that is considered by many Merfolken a true test of a Merfolken Champion. They gather in groups and look to find schools of fish to round up and attack. Using its massive rock-like head to stun its opponent with a charge, the Muckjaw will then proceed to tear its victim apart with its teeth. It is known as the Muckjaw because it will sometimes hide amongst the seabed rocks and sandy muck waiting until an unlucky creature gets within striking distance." -Ed Robles


Plains Skyshatter Robot[edit]

Introduced in Unofficial Teaser Video

Razerhorned Whiskerfish[edit]

Introduced in this forum thread: Oceans of fishes from Planet Cyrene
"The Razerhorned Whiskerfish is a small but ravenous little thing. They travel in large schools and look to take advantage of anything that might be too old or weak to put up much of a fight. Using its powerful jaws with razor sharp teeth, a school of these fish will consume its prey rather quickly. As if that was not enough, any creature unfortunate enough to try and eat one of these little guys will get a very rude awakening when they sink their teeth into the large razor sharp horn on top of its head. These little guys prove the old axiom, Strength In Numbers." -Ed Robles

Rhino Beetle[edit]

Introduced in Unofficial Teaser Video




Introduced in this forum thread: Oceans of fishes from Planet Cyrene
"The Skreel is one of the most feared underwater creatures lurking around the coast and deep waters. The Skreel uses its strong and lightning fast whips to sting its prey with a paralyzing electrical charge. Not much is known about this rare and solitary fish. Considered a true prize not only by the locals, but by the Human factions as well, has led many an explorer and hunter to an early demise." -Ed Robles

Sons of Remus[edit]

EntropiaTimes June 2011:"As a reclone, or a visitor heeding the call from ARC for help, you are constantly in danger in the wilds of Cyrene. Not just from the many creatures or races but from the Sons of Remus as well.
Many acolytes are sent into the Zekkonian lands to prove themselves and are under order to cleanse the lands of anything they deem a threat to the Imperium or the Supreme Commander. As such most of the planet is on lockdown and any human found outside the designated areas on the planet are to be quickly terminated.
The acolytes are equipped with the Fenris power armor and the Fenris Assault Shotgun. Some are also equipped with a special shield made of extra tough materials that add to the already high defense of the power armor.
If unlucky enough to be found by an acolyte in training, then it is best to run. Unless you are with a large group and ready to take heavy casualties, you are best advised to steer clear of any of the Sons of Remus.
The Fenris helmet is modeled after the symbol of the Sons of Remus which is a fierce looking Wolf. The powerful automatic assault shotgun is capable of firing a quick payload of explosive rounds that are devastating to anything that is struck by them."

Sons of Remus Venator[edit]

"The Sons of Remus Venator is a very powerful weapon in the S.O.R arsenal. The Venator is capable of recon, sentry duty, bodyguard or hunting missions - they can do it all.

Venators are often found with Fenris Snipers where they usually flush out an enemy while the Fenris Sniper is allowed to take aim from a safe distance

The mobs are to be found around the Fenris Snipers areas and they stand 6 feet tall!" (Sons of Remus Venator - EP Exclusive,, 01 Febuary 2012).


Meanwhile these became known as Zekkonians.

Swamp Lurker[edit]

"A primitive species on Cyrene, Swamplurkers are territorial creatures with insatiable appetites that lead them to often attack more powerful prey in packs." -Ed Robles
EntropiaTimes June 2011:"Swamplurkers are reptilian swamp-dwelling creatures. They roam the swamplands looking for prey. Unfortunately for everything in the swamps, anything and everything is on the menu.
Having huge jaws in their midsection with abnormally powerful teeth, the Swamplurker tastes first and decides if it likes it later. They tend to gather and hunt in packs but may also wander the swamps alone looking for a new pack.
Highly poisonous, the Swamplurker uses neurotoxins to paralyze its prey as it consumes it alive. Luckily, these creatures have little by way of defense so it is best to be offensive when confronted with the Swamplurker attacking."


"The Terranix is a real monster but tends to leave people alone unless they get a little too close for comfort. These creatures devour large crystals and burrow deep into caves to slowly digest their meals. Their acid is capable of melting the strongest of armors. Their hides are highly prized by crafters who can make powerful armor and weapons from the abnormally strong skin." -Ed Robles

Tide Claws[edit]

Introduced in this forum thread: Oceans of fishes from Planet Cyrene
"Tide Claws are an annoying pest to say the least. These creatures are constantly combing the beaches looking to scavenge anything they can find. Though most are wild, some have been tamed and used as guardians for the Merfolken tribes. Their extremely tough shell armor can be difficult to get through so it's best to keep distance when fighting them. If they get close enough to use their claws, they will cause heavy damage. Once spotted by these creatures they will all try and swarm the prey as they each try and take a bit for themselves." -Ed Robles

Tree Dragon[edit]

"There are no mammals naturally found on Cyrene but Treedragons most closely resemble a lizard like ape. Highly communal and territorial, anyone unlucky enough to find themselves face to face with one will have many more to deal with." -Ed Robles



EntropiaTimes June 2011:"The Zekkonians of hive Tanhok can be clearly identified from the more hostile hives by looking closely and recognizing the differences. Tanhok Zeks wear a golden armor and are brown colored. The Tanhok Zeks have molded the local crystals into an amber-like material which they use in their constructions. Everything from their weapons, tools and even homes are made from this crystal amber.
They therefore protect their lands fiercely from any who might intrude. Highly intelligent, the leaders of the Tanhok hive quickly recognized the Human Aliens who landed and decided friendship and cooperation would be in their best interest. They have sought to make treaties with the humans in exchange for technologies and knowledge.
The Tanhok are welcoming to all Humans but they can be further influenced by helping them in their missions to rid their lands of both their rivals, Zek hives and the Merfolken invaders from the seas. The Capital City of Tanhok'Zis is one of the many cities and camps that protect their resources and people."


EntropiaTimes June 2011:"The second strongest hive of Zeks is known as the Zik. They can be distinguished by their red and gray coloring and aggressive nature. Not as evolved as the Tanhok hive, the Zik make up for it in numbers and sheer brutality. They attack swiftly and steal what they can in order to reuse anything gained to further their advancement into the Tanhok lands.
Already capturing much of the Southwestern Swamplands, now known as the Zik'Zis swamplands, the Zik are merciless. Also using the crystals to mold their armors and weapons, the Zik are not settlers and would rather travel from area to area becoming parasites on the already established cities of the Tanhok or other Zek hives. Zik are always found in packs and are extremely aggressive."


The final name of this creature once called "Lizard Bear" was determined in a "Name the mob" contest by Planet Cyrene in Entropia Times respectively this forum thread: EntropiaTimes Cyrene Contest: Name the mob


Various Other Creatures[edit]


Concept Art

Planet Cyrene Items[edit]

Planet Cyrene Vehicles[edit]


Personal Infantry Ground Vehicle[edit]
Spear Head Hover Bike[edit]
"Hover Tank"[edit]

Spaceships/Flying vehicles[edit]

Imperium Mothership[edit]

Introduced on - the blog by Narfi: Imperium Mothership

Imperium Spaceship[edit]

Imperium Spaceship -> Entropia Times June 2011

Imperium Transport[edit]

Imperium Transport -> Entropia Times June 2011 (page 13).


Lance -> Entropia Times June 2011



Centurion Mech[edit]

Introduced in Planet Cyrene Presents: The Mechs
The Centurion Mech is a Sons of Remus design and it stands 16 feet high. It can be outfitted with different weapons and armor combinations. Used as guardians of SoR forts and cities, few things on Cyrene are able to withstand the Centurion assault. Often found leading patrols, the Centurion can be piloted or controlled remotely by Sons of Remus Sentinels.

Imperium M.A.V.[edit]

Introduced in Planet Cyrene Presents: The Mechs
The Imperium M.A.V. is a Multi-purpose Assault Vehicle. Dubbed the Mavrick by its Pilots, the MAV is capable of many duties. It allows the pilot to travel into extreme conditions and can be outfitted for diffrent functions. Also used for building forts in hostile locations, the MAV is equally at home as a vehicle of construction or destruction.

Fenris Power Armor[edit]

Introduced in Planet Cyrene Presents: The Mechs
The Fenris Power Armor is another Sons of Remus design. Fashioned with a wolf like helmet, the Fenris is a tribute to the Sons of Remus symbol. Standing at 8 feet tall the Fenris is standard equipped with an auto assault shotgun but can also carry a shield made of an extra tough amalgam of metals. The Fenris is used as the grunt for the Sons of Remus but is equally capable of getting the job done alone.

Planet Cyrene Weapons[edit]

Planet Cyrene Armor[edit]

Planet Cyrene Media[edit]

iPhone Game[edit]

"the Planet Cyrene iphone game. This game with be a card based game that teaches players all about the creatures, allies, and enemies of Cyrene." And there it is: Sons Of Remus Lone Wolf. It didn't become a card based game.

Comic Book[edit]


Short stories[edit]

Several short stories are planned to be published in June 2010 to illustrate the background story of Planet Cyrene.[6] A sneak preview (Chapter 1 The sons of Remus) posted by Cyrene Creative Director Ed Robles can be found at the forum: Sneak Peek at Cyrene Storyline.


It is planned to set up a motion picture project based on Planet Cyrene.[4][9]


First Day Look at Planet Cyrene


by Video by Larkin/BxRabbitx Gaming.

Unofficial Cyrene Preview X-Mas 2011
First moving images from Planet Cyrene!
Introduced there: Unoffical Teaser Video


Planet Cyrene, Tum Dechakamphu Lead Concept Artist

You know of other videos that should be on the wiki? Please leave a note in this thread:

Videos to wikify!

"A behind the scenes look at how concept art if formed at Creative Kingdom Studios.

This video showcases Tum Dechakamphu, Lead Artist on Planet Cyrene, working on a piece of concept art. It took him 3 hours to create this work but the video has been sped up for time."[10]


"One of the best things about working with CKI is that I can have them make figures of any of the Mobs I think up. Sure it's pricey, but seeing them in RL 3D is a great asset =)" - Planet Cyrene Creative Director Ed Robles
All the images of models have been moved to specific sections, fx Planet Cyrene Creatures.


Most images have been moved to specific sections of this page, fx Geography. In this section just a couple of more that didn't really fit any of the other sections of this page. In general all images should be found in the Planet Cyrene Gallery.

Articles, Interviews, etc[edit]





Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
