Creature:Armax Bull[edit]

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Moblist thumb Armax Bull.png
Name Armax Bull     Combat Close
Origin Planet Calypso     Attacks 20
Destination(s) Calypso     Range
Class Animal     Aggression Medium
Movement Running     Tamable No
Sweatable Yes     Version Update

This is a large male xenosaur equipped with an impressive armament of horns, thick plate armor and a club on the end of its tail. Its full scientific name is Armaxenosaur and it's an herbivore that feeds on any type of vegetation, even in barren landscapes were it uses its tusks to dig for water or roots. The bull walks alone or as the sole leader of a small group of Armax cows. Alone it's quite peaceful but when it's with a herd it will defend its cows at all cost and become very aggressive.





No results!

Maturity Health Regen. Speed Max. Damage Threat Taming Level Sweat Available Health level Damage potential Agility Intelligence Psyche Stamina Strength
Young 410 0.28 52 2132 - 19 - - - - - - -
Mature 550 0.39 63 3465 - 25 - - - - - - -
Old 650 0.48 75 4875 - 30 - - - - - - -
Provider 800 - 83 6640 - 37 - - - - - - -
Guardian 850 - 89 7565 - 39 - - - - - - -
Dominant 950 - 115 10925 - 44 - - - - - - -
Alpha 1100 - 133 14630 - 50 - - - - - - -
Old Alpha 1300 - - - - 60 - - - - - - -
Prowler 1440 - - - - 66 - - - - - - -
Stalker 1500 - - - - 69 - - - - - - -


Armax Mission Chain (5)[edit]
Moblist thumb armax.png Armax Mission Chain
Mission Name Start Location Broker Name Objective Reward
Iron Challenge: 100 Armax Minopolis ??? Kill 100 Armax + 1 Strength
Iron Challenge: 500 Armax Kill 500 Armax 250 Nova Fragments
Iron Challenge: 1,000 Armax Kill 1,000Armax + 1 Intelligence
Iron Challenge: 5,000 Armax Kill 5,000 Armax 1000 Nova Fragments
Iron Challenge: 10,000 Armax Kill 10,000 Armax


Use mouse to drag or scroll bars to scroll the map. Hover map markers for further information.

Calypso map empty.jpgNo Armax Bull spawns locations documented yet!No Armax Bull mission locations documented yet!

No Armax Bull spawns documented yet!

Creature Control[edit]

Creature Control documentation methods are not done yet!


* the average number of kills this item usually needs to drop at least once

Item Frequency Last VU
Amethyst Unknown 9.3.6
Animal Adrenal Oil Very often 10.2.2
Animal Eye Oil Very often 10.2.2
Animal Hide Very often 10.2.2
Animal Muscle Oil Common 10.2.2
Animal Oil Residue Very often 10.2.2
Animal Thyroid Oil Often 10.2.2
Armax large horn Common 10.2.2
Armax Plate Uncommon 9.4.4
Armax skin Common 10.1.2
Armax Skull Common 10.1.2
Armax skull complete Common 10.1.2
Armax small horn Common 10.1.2
Armax tusk Unknown 10.1.2
Aurora Arm guards (L) Rare 8.8.1
Aurora Gloves (L) Rare 9.3.6
Aurora Thigh guards (L) Uncommon 9.3.6
Basic Electronic Fluid Memory Uncommon 10.1.2
Basic Stone Extractor Unknown 10.0
Basic Target Assessment Unit Uncommon 10.1.2
Bear Harness Extremely rare 8.5.1
Bear Thigh guards Extremely rare 8.6.2
Body Fat Common 10.1.2
Diluted Mineral Extractor Unknown 10.1.2
DNA Fragment A Rare 9.2.4
Empty Skill Implant (L) Rare 9.4.4
Enhanced Cloth Extractor Unknown 10.1.2
Enhanced Metal Extractor Unknown 10.1.2
Explosive Projectiles Often 10.1.1
Eyeshadow (Olive Drab) Rare 10.0
Fine Hide Common 10.1.2
Fine Wool Common 10.1.2
Fire Forge BGH 4400M Modified Extremely rare Unknown
Focus Chip Medium Common 9.4.1
Isis HL6 Extremely rare 9.3.2
Korss H380 (L) Rare 8.6.1
Light BLP Pack Often 10.1.1
Light Weapon Cells Often 10.1.1
Martial Helmet (L) Rare 9.3.5
Meckel & Loch ML-35 Modified Extremely rare 7.4
Medium BLP Pack Often 10.1.1
Medium Weapon Cells Often 10.1.1
Nemesis Arm guards Rare Unknown
Nemesis Harness Rare Unknown
NeoPsion Ab Mindforce Implant Uncommon 9.4.4
NeoPsion Ac Mindforce Implant Uncommon 9.3.8
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-90 Extremely rare 8.0.3
Paint Can (Blue) Unknown 10.1.2
Paint Can (Brown) Unknown 10.0
Paint Can (Dark Purple) Unknown 10.1.2
Paint Can (Deep Cadmium) Common 10.1.2
Paint Can (Light Green) Unknown 10.1.2
Paint Can (Mauve) Uncommon 9.2.4
Paint Can (Navy) Unknown 9.4.4
Paint Can (Pink) Unknown 10.0
Paint Can (Umber) Uncommon 10.1.2
Ravenger Mini-Sweeper V2 Extremely rare Unknown
Riker UL1 (L) Uncommon 9.4.4
Riker UL2 (L) Common 10.1.2
Rouge (Cardinal) Uncommon 9.3.5
Soft Hide Uncommon 10.1.2
Strong Cloth Extractor Unknown 10.1.2
Tegretov TR5 Rare 8.12.3
Tegretov TR5, SGA Edition Event Unknown
Thin Wool Common 10.1.2
Viking Arm guards Extremely rare Unknown
Viking Harness Extremely rare Unknown
Viking Thigh guards Extremely rare Unknown
Wool Often 10.1.2


Creature:Armax Bull/Globals

ID Value Date Maturity Avatar
01 24524 Unknown Provider Harry Bond Hole
02 21669 Unknown Dominant idvali idvali mosu
03 20746 2008/12/24 Dominant Team "Its a Team its a Hof"
04 19912 Unknown Old Team "Renis & Costa 4 MA Cash"
05 19818 2008/08/20 Provider Ola Domber Kafar
06 19683 2008/06/03 Provider Rhi Zebra Mammothslayer
07 19436 2008/02/16 Provider Mike Matchbook Striker
08 18961 Unknown Guardian Gloria GoNi Nicestyle
09 17623 2009/06/16 Provider Lady Nadie Hawke
10 16718 Unknown Guardian Czumbil Mczimi Imre
11 16109 2005/12/04 Guardian Leo zed Hart
12 16064 2008/04/02 Old Brad rad Peaty
13 16083 Unknown Old manistan wildman lee
14 15633 Unknown Provider Team "~You're Not Alone~"
15 15105 Unknown Provider Oberon Oberon de Monmur


Taming has not been re-implemented yet.

Further information[edit]

Generic info goes here

Name Explanation[edit]

Armax Bull - The "armax" part means "arms, weapons" in lapin. So it would make some sense to call them "armed bulls".

Xenosaur - "Xeno" is from Greek meaning "a stranger, strange, without the knowledge of, new, unheard of". "Saur" means lizard in Greek.


DNA info goes here

Hunting Log[edit]

Average Return on Armax Bull: 0 %




Scanner Images[edit]

Other Images[edit]

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Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
