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Release Date
Release Date::2002/06/26
Short Description
Original VU name unknown, bug fixes, server stability, improved chat, societies
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Official release notes[edit]

June 26, 2002 04:23:32 PM GMT



Here are the major parts of the COT Patch 2, which is to be applied to the Project Entropia Commercial Open Trial version. The information herein is divided into categories; Bug fixes, Gameplay Enhancements, and Known Bugs. This is not a complete listing, as we make several small enhancements regularly. This listing is to be regarded as a listing of the major key elements of this patch.


Inventory fixes Several things in the inventory category have been fixed.

General server stability issues have been fixed A lot of minor tweaks and fixes have been applied to the universe system. One of the major issues was with a very nasty critical server-crashing bug in the collision detection sub-system, which has been remedied. This bug alone was responsible for numerous server crashes. Now it is squashed.

Skill ratings on blueprints will not diminish anymore The bug that reset the skill ratings on the blueprints as an effect of the corrupted inventory is fixed.

Dead animals with wrong names Exarosaur carcass and Cornundacaud carcass, which had the wrong name, have been fixed.

Construction machines Clicking the Manufacture button too fast in the Create Armor or the Create Weapon machines would sometimes lead to errors

Sulphur lakes did not work correctly Now they do.

Tools Equipping non-weapon tools could sometimes lead to errors. This is now fixed.

Locked UI&Keyboard bug Sometimes the login would fail and only half the dashboard was visible, complete with a locked keyboard. This is fixed.

Mining time limit Previously the radar that pops up when mining could disappear after just a few seconds. This time limit is now set higher.


Items variation Even more items have been added to the world, together with both treasures and loots.

New monster behaviour Several of the monsters have gotten more distinctive behaviours, like the Atrax, which is no longer likely to flee even if badly damaged. The monster AI is updated across the board.

More new things with the chat Several new improvements have been made to the chat, specifically between players.

Huge drill towers For those mining tycoons out there the addition of drill towers now exists for those truly huge deposits.

Teleporters A lot of teleporters are now available on the Calypso surface, making travelling swifter and less tiresome.

Society Participants can now form official societies, elect members, and have leaders etc. For further in-depth info about the society system, please consult the Project Entropia Manual.

Manual The Project Entropia Manual is updated and comes with the patch. It is available in Acrobat PDF format in your Project Entropia Folder on your hard drive.

Death When you are dead, you are more aware of this. The body icon by the bottom bars are changed into a nice blood red color, and the general look is turned reddish while in first person view.

Voting booths Several Voting Booths have been placed near almost all of the "red dots" on the map, i.e. near the cities, outposts and shoping containers. Vote away!


Corrupted Inventory The inventory still gets corrupted in certain instances, mostly due to delays in the entire system in connection to logoff. The CI message also comes up in some rare instances when the inventory is not corrupted! This is not harmful, but severely annoying. Sometimes the inventory gets corrupted if the participant begins to move items around in the inventory directly from login.

Obsolete tools Several of the tools have become obsolete. The best way is to recycle them and purchase new ones. This does not cost you any further money.

Further information[edit]

COT Patch 2 has been aplied to PE today. It fixes many bugs /inventory, server stability, login crash and more/, more items has been added, chat has been improved, first societies tools have been created and new teleports have been added for faster travelling.

Wiki documented changes[edit]

No wiki documented changes yet.

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]

  • Previous Version Update:
