
From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
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Moblist thumb Cornundos.png
Name Cornundos     Combat Close
Origin Planet Calypso     Attacks 20
Destination(s) Calypso     Range
Class Animal     Aggression Medium
Movement Running     Tamable No
Sweatable Yes     Version Update

A placid creature, bipedal, with a distinctive single horn sprouting from its nose.



No results!

Maturity Health Regen. Speed Max. Damage Threat Taming Level Sweat Available Health level Damage potential Agility Intelligence Psyche Stamina Strength
Young 150 - 20 300 - 7 - - - - - - -
Mature 200 - 23 460 - 10 - - - - - - -
Old 230 - 25 575 - 11 - - - - - - -
Provider 260 - 35 910 - 12 - - - - - - -
Guardian 300 - 40 1200 - 14 - - - - - - -
Dominant 250 - - - - 12 - - - - - - -
Alpha 280 - - - - 13 - - - - - - -
Old Alpha 330 - - - - 15 - - - - - - -
Prowler 370 - - - - 17 - - - - - - -



Use mouse to drag or scroll bars to scroll the map. Hover map markers for further information.

Calypso map empty.jpgNo Cornundos spawns locations documented yet!No Cornundos mission locations documented yet!

No Cornundos spawns documented yet!

Creature Control[edit]

Creature Control documentation methods are not done yet!


* the average number of kills this item usually needs to drop at least once

Item Frequency Last VU
A-3 Justifier Mk.I Common 8.11.1
Advanced Leather Extractor Common 9.4.4
Advanced Mineral Extractor Rare 9.4.4
Animal Adrenal Oil Often Unknown
Animal Eye Oil Very often 10.2.2
Animal Hide Very often 10.1.1
Animal Muscle Oil Very often 10.1.1
Animal Oil Residue Very often 10.2.2
Basic Gem Extractor Unknown 9.3.6
Basic Mineral Extractor Uncommon 9.4.4
Basic Stone Extractor Common 9.3.4
Basic Strategic Combat Processor Uncommon 10.4
Basic Target Assessment Unit Uncommon 10.1.1
Cornundos skin Common 10.1.1
Empty Skill Implant (L) Rare 9.0.5
Explosive Projectiles Often 10.1.1
Fine Hide Common 9.4.4
Fine Wool Common 9.4
Goblin Harness Uncommon 8.12.1
Knight Face guard Rare 8.5.4
Light BLP Pack Often 10.1.1
Light Weapon Cells Often 10.1.1
Medium BLP Pack Often 10.1.1
Medium Weapon Cells Often 10.1.1
Nemesis Shin guards Rare 8.12.2
Omegaton A103 Rare 8.7.1
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-10 Uncommon 9.4.4
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-15 Common 9.3.2
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-50 Uncommon 9.4.4
Omegaton Z1001 Rare 8.12.3
Paint Can (Brown) Often 10.1.1
Paint Can (Deep Cadmium) Unknown Unknown
Paint Can (Green) Often 10.1.1
Paint Can (Navy) Uncommon 9.4.4
Paint Can (Pink) Unknown 9.4
Paint Can (Purple) Unknown Unknown
Paint Can (Violet Cream) Often 10.0.11
Pixie Harness, SGA Edition Rare 10.2.2
Second-Rate Cloth Extractor Uncommon 9.4.4
Soft Hide Common 10.1.2
Thin Wool Common 10.1.1
Weak Cloth Extractor Unknown 9.4.4
Wool Often 10.1.1



ID Value Date Maturity Avatar
01 12364 2008/11/22 Prowler Thor CBR 1971
02 10580 Unknown Stalker galandrom galandris drinis
03 9647 Unknown Prowler Team "13-5 Win 1000 ped, see EF"
04 9332 Unknown Prowler Jaan Rahaboss Hass
05 6035 2008/03/04 Old Natalya Nyxy Xen
06 5176 2008/06/05 Old Team "bla bla"
07 5505 Unknown Old Rob Egg90 Owens
08 5500 2008/07/09 Old Zeven Zev Moon
09 5121 2008/03/04 Old Natalya Nyxy Xen
10 5038 Unknown Old Suu Left Miles
11 3684 2008/06/11 Young Team "SWEDEN ELITE"
12 3470 Unknown Young Team "Orrholmen TP Spring"
13 1081 Unknown Provider David steuk Steukelinio
14 924 Unknown Guardian Jim Jimbo Steinman
15 492 2008/02/04 Old KosmosZ Zeas Aer




Taming has not been re-implemented yet.

Further information[edit]

Generic info goes here

Name Explanation[edit]

Cornundos - "Cornu" is a very common prefix to mobs names in Calypso. "Cornu" comes from the Latin and means nothing more than "horn". When you look at a Cornundos I'm sure you won't have to think twice about that. Also , in portuguese it's called "cornudo" something that has horns.


DNA info goes here

Hunting Log[edit]

Average Return on Cornundos: 0 %



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Scanner Images[edit]

Other Images[edit]

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Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
