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EntropiaToday is a part of the Entropia Universe History Project.

EntropiaToday (Sunday, 22 12 2024)
More about EntropiaToday | EntropiaToday RSS Item | Calendar

EntropiaToday Tools: Add/Edit Server Downtime Message | Add Version Update | Add News Article

What is EntropiaToday?

  • Entropia Today is a wiki snippet displaying links to wiki pages of today's events.
    It is also available in the form of a RSS Item: Entropia Today RSS.

What will appear in EntropiaToday?

  • Version Updates on the day of their arrival when added with the form
  • Links to news articles, currently CashPlanets.com, EntropiaPlanets.com and Entropia Star can add their articles
  • Entropia Universe Holidays
  • Selected events/competitions (only selected official events/competitions by Planet Partners so far)

More to come

Where will EntropiaToday appear?

How can I show EntropiaToday on my website?

  • Please use the following URL delivering a RSS Item:
    Note: The feed really contains 1 single item, you need to enable showing the content of the item.

Is there only the plain unordered list version of EntropiaToday?

  • A couple of different versions will be available, examples
Bullet List Table More to come


Is there a way to further customize EntropiaToday?

  • Yes. On the wiki side various options are available for changing appearance and/or filter contents, for example per planet. If you don't know how to do that just ask: EntropiaToday Discussion Page.

And what about tomorrow or next week?