John K. Bates[edit]

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Platform Evangelist & Strategic Marketing MindArk PE AB

December 2006 – Present (6 years 3 months)

John is responsible for business development and public relations initiatives throughout North America. As the US representative, John speaks with the media and at conferences and other events for Mindark and the Entropia Universe all over the Americas and the Pacific Rim. John creates and executes marketing strategies, generates business partnerships, and expands Entropia's reach to a new and greater population of gamers and virtual world enthusiasts. John oversees overall US business development for the Entropia Virtual World Platform, negotiates potential alliances, brand development, and more.

MindstarMedia audio interview[edit]

08 September 2012

MSM John K. Bates Interview 08 Sep 2012 Banner.jpg

John K. Bates

Business Development & Platform Evangelist for MindArk PE AB
