Original project-entropia.com/faq 2001[edit]

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Partially restored version of the original FAQ on the PE website during 2001

A version from 2002 is also available: Original project-entropia.com/faq 2002

Basic Information[edit]

What does the acronym MMORPG stand for?[edit]
Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It should be noted that Project Entropia is much more than a game; we consider it a new form of Internet-based interactive entertainment.
Who is making Project Entropia, and where is the developer located?[edit]
Project Entropia is being developed by MindArk AB, which is located in Gothenburg, Sweden. For further information please visit MindArk’s website at www.mindark.com or send an e-mail to info@mindark.com
What is the basic theme of Project Entropia?[edit]
Project Entropia is set in a futuristic science fiction environment on the planet Calypso.
How much will Project Entropia cost to own or play?[edit]
The Project Entropia client software will be available at no cost, and there will be no monthly subscription charge outside of the individuals’ own Internet connection costs.
Will stealing be possible within the world, and why or why not?[edit]
No, it will not be possible. The reason for this is that almost everything inside Project Entropia will have a value, meaning they can be sold for Project Entropia currency, which can be exchanged for real money.
What are the accepted methods of payment for depositing money into the world?[edit]
To begin with, we will accept credit cards, pre-payment and money orders. Other alternatives may be added later.
Will citizens be forced to spend real money in Project Entropia?[edit]
What are the estimated dates of closed beta, open beta, and release?[edit]
Phase 2 of the beta test will begin in August. Following that there will be other closed beta phases followed by a final open beta. When Project Entropia is released will depend on how quickly we work through the beta phases.
What kinds of the features will the Community Section have?[edit]
It will have mail functions, a forum, user homes, society homes, guest books and chat rooms as well as a whole load of other functions that will be upgraded continuously.
Does the Project Entropia website have a newsletter, and where is it located?[edit]
Yes, we have a newsletter that can be found at http://www.project-entropia.com/news/default.asp?topic=news. In the coming updates of the Project Entropia website, there will be several different newsletters included to which you can subscribe.
Where is the beta application located on the Project Entropia website, and how long will it stay up?[edit]
You can apply for a beta test account at http://www.projectentropia.com/betatest/apply.asp?topic=betatest This application form will be accessible until Project Entropia is launched.
Will the Project Entropia client software come with a manual either as a download or in paper form?[edit]
Project Entropia will include a user manual in electronic form. It has not yet been decided whether a printed version will be available.
How old do you have to be to play Project Entropia?[edit]
The minimum legal age applies as there is real money involved.
What’s the history behind MindArk AB?[edit]
MindArk began officially in the spring of 1999, although the development of Project Entropia had begun before this date.
Does MindArk AB do anything else aside from developing Project Entropia?[edit]
No, MindArk is solely concerned with the development of Project Entropia.
How big in staff is MindArk AB at present moment?[edit]
At the moment there are about 45 people working at MindArk, plus a number of consultants and other external personnel for a total of about 50 to 55 at any given moment.
Will MindArk AB create any other online projects in the future?[edit]
At the moment, our sole focus is the development of Project Entropia, now and in the future.
Who’s the official spokesperson for Project Entropia, and what does she / he do as for duties?[edit]
Patric Sundström works as Marketing Manager for Project Entropia and is responsible for all the external communications from MindArk, this includes the press / media as well as questions from users.
What’s the name of the Project Entropia world?[edit]
Project Entropia takes place on a world called Calypso. Other worlds may be added later.
Will the MindArk continue to fix bugs, exploits, and adds new content to the world after it’s rel?[edit]
Yes. This is one of the core concepts of Project Entropia – a world under constant development, both from MindArk’s side as well as that of the user.
Why is it called Project Entropia?[edit]
According to the world’s background story it’s a calculation of the future development of the situation on Calypso, but also a plan to ensure this future. This plan forces the citizens to defend their new home world in order to find a way to defeat the invading robots. Still, there may be more behind this plan…where Calypso is only the beginning.
Why is the world called Calypso?[edit]
It’s related to the background story where a large robot vessel called an Odysseus Probe discovers the planet. The name originally comes from an ancient Greek epic called the Odyssey where the hero Ulysses is waylaid by a beautiful nymph named Calypso. The journey of the Odysseus Probe was postponed by the discovery a beautiful planet, which is why the world was named Calypso.
How will Project Entropia be distributed when it is released?[edit]
We expect to use various means. One possibility is through magazines that include CD-ROMS. Another is as a free download via the Internet, and it will even be free to copy and distribute amongst friends. And if anyone can´t get it in these ways, MindArk will probably offer it on CD for the cost of the CD plus delivery.


How big will Project Entropia be?[edit]
Project Entropia will be large enough for all players to have space, without needing to run over each other the whole time. Under the course of the game, new worlds will be discovered. The whole of Project Entropia is built up as a dynamic world where the players themselves are actively involved in shaping how this world looks as well as the discovery of new land areas therein. This is why we can not say how many square kilometres Calypso is, as it will change and evolve the whole time. What we can say however, is that Calypso will be big enough for all its players to be content.
What is meant by a dynamic world?[edit]
What we mean by a dynamic world is that the players themselves will contribute to the development of the planet. This world will not consist of certain fixed landmasses that are set, the players themselves will build this world as they advance. There will however be a foundation scenario that is constant.
What different types of environment will be found on Calypso??[edit]


What type of creatures will be found on Calypso?[edit]


Will all the creatues encountered be dangerous??[edit]
No, there will also be harmless and friendly creatures in Project Entropia. Certain creatures may be tamed while others will live their own lives on Calypso.
What can you find in the cities[edit]
In the larger cities you can count on finding everything you could find in New York, London or Tokyo. Everything from hotels, bars and shopping centers to red light districts, arenas, hospitals and banks. In the smaller towns there may not be quite as diverse activity, but the essentials will be found even there.
Can I build my own house?[edit]
Yes.It will be possible to build your own house.
Can I get transport and use it in the game?[edit]
Yes. There will be transportation in the game.
Will there be NPCs?[edit]
Yes, there will be many different NPC´s in the game, as humans, robots, mutants and different animals.
What type of landscapes will be on Calypso??[edit]
In relation to landscapes, Calypso will contain everything imaginable. Calypso will not be that different from Earth when it comes to landscapes, meaning that there will be mountains, deserts, forests, swamps, lakes and oceans. There will even be cave systems as well as sewers in the cities.
Will there be different types of weather on Calypso?[edit]
The weather on Calypso will change according to the time of year. There will be rain, sunshine, overcast etc.
Will there be caves?[edit]
Yes, there will be a well-developed cave system.
How will I move from one place to another?[edit]



Are there different races I can play?[edit]
How do I create my character?[edit]
The first thing to be done when beginning to play Project Entropia will be to create a character. One may choose which sex to be, how long\short, thin or fat you want to be, even the colour of your skin, hair and eyes will be determinable.
Can I shape my character in any way I choose?[edit]
How many characters will I be able to have?[edit]
You can only have one character per game-account.
Will there be different classes of characters?[edit]
No, characters will not be divided into different classes.


Can users allocate their experience to which specific skills, or will it be done automatically?[edit]
Will there be a maximum skill cap?[edit]
There won’t be any maximum skill cap.
Are users limited in what type of skills they may choose within a specialization or skill category?[edit]
No, it will be up to each individual to decide which skills to practice.
Can users teach skills to other users?[edit]
Yes, to a certain degree, users will be able to practice skills together.
Where can users learn new skills, and train existing ones?[edit]
New skills can be learned or trained either by practicing those you wish to be good at, or by going to the appropriate schools.
Will there be trade skills within Project Entropia?[edit]
Are there any political skills within Project Entropia?[edit]
Can users become snipers with ranged weapons?[edit]
Are there farming skills within Project Entropia?[edit]
Are there civil engineering skills that are beyond research, like for building bridges or streets?[edit]
No, not at the moment but perhaps later.
Is there a hair styling skill within the game?[edit]

Why train or cut your own hair when you can go to the plastic surgeon and hairdresser?

How diverse will the skill trees be for specializations, any examples?[edit]
You will for example be able to use a wide range of weapons directed to 1H and 2H skill combat. This kind of structure includes many other skills for instance the creation of injections.
Will any skills within Project Entropia conflict with each other?[edit]
What is MindForce, is it a type of magic[edit]
It’s a type of magic based on the development and progress of the human brain capacity. That’s why it’s called Mind force.
How many total skills are planned for Project Entropia? ?[edit]
To begin with, there will be about 50 different skills. Some of them in classes other will be stand alone skills.
What examples of what type of trade skills will be found in Project Entropia?[edit]
Evaluate Item, Cooking, Butchering, Create Armor & Weapons and more.


How do you fight in the game?[edit]
You can use your hands or different weapons that will be available. Even certain Mindforces can be useful in combat.
Can one fight in the cities?[edit]
No. There will however be arenas in the cities where you can fight or train your combat skills before going out into the wilderness.
What type of weapons / armour will be availible?[edit]
There will be a variety of different weapons. Everything from simple knives to heavy energy canons. The same applies for protection with everything availible from light armour to energy shields.
Can I use my skills and mindforce in combat?[edit]
Yes, you will be able to combine different skills with Mindforce in combat situations.
Do I loose everything when I die?[edit]


Will the MindArk AB staff ever edit messages in the official forum?[edit]
Our overall goal for the official forum is to create a channel of communication with members of our community that facilitates civilized discussion. While it is not our desire to edit or remove messages, we reserve the right to do so when they contain extreme language, attack other individuals or groups, or are otherwise inappropriate.
Will MindArk staff continue posting on the official forum after Project Entropia has been released?[edit]
How often will MindArk AB update the Project Entropia website?[edit]
Although various factors will affect exactly how often the site is updated, it would be reasonable to expect at least several times per month.
What is a society in terms of the Project Entropia world?[edit]
A society is group of citizens who work together under a common theme. They will have special cooperation features as well as the ability to perform joint actions such as quests and expanding cities into the wilderness.
Will societies be provided with any tools to help govern themselves in Project Entropia?[edit]
Yes, there will be tools for communication, hierarchy and command as well as joint ownership of some items.
Will societies have their own bank accounts within the world?[edit]
Will citizens be able to belong to more than one society, if not how will MindArk enforce this?[edit]
No, it will not be possible, at least to begin with since it would create inordinate strain on the database. Enforcement is not a problem; you simply cannot get a second membership if you already have one.
Can the builders of a settlement create their own charter of rules/laws?[edit]
In limited ways; yes.
Will a settlement built by citizens have a self-elected government body to manage it?[edit]
This part of Project Entropia will develop dynamically. As settlements grow in the world, we will be able to see what kind of input we receive from citizens relating to desired functions.
Will Project Entropia have any fictional religions?[edit]
No. MindArk does not plan to build any religious elements into Project Entropia.
Can citizens get married or divorced within the fiction of world?[edit]
Will Project Entropia have a quest/mission engine?[edit]
Will quests be static or dynamic?[edit]
Can citizens create their own quests?[edit]
Can societies create quests for their members??[edit]
Will items in Project Entropia decay?[edit]
Yes they will.
What are the requirements to become an officially sanctioned society within Project Entropia?[edit]
At least five citizens must first create a group and then initiate a vote to start a society.
What are cybernetic implants used for in Project Entropia?[edit]
Cybernetic technology is used for implants and artificial limbs. Cybernetics will be used to enhance the character’s body with such things as extra abilities or built-in utilities. Examples of basic implants include the NECI, which is a computer implant that displays the character user interface, and a Mindforce device that gives an initial access to mental powers called Aspects.
Can citizens for example become medics, doctors or nurses within Project Entropia?[edit]
Can MindForce be used to heal citizens or NPCs?[edit]
Will MindForce be able to resurrect deceased citizens without using up their insurance?[edit]
Will the 3D casino in Project Entropia be for adults only?[edit]

Project Entropia Engine[edit]

Will Project Entropia be a zoned or seamless world?[edit]
It will be seamless, except when teleporting to another place, which will involve a certain initiation time.
Can users listen to MP3’s or streamed in Internet radio in Project Entropia?[edit]
This will depend on the copyright laws for those different media.
Will Project Entropia use a real world physics engine?[edit]
Not in the beginning but possibly later on.
Where will MindArk AB place those servers for Project Entropia?[edit]
Our servers will be grouped in server parks in the USA, Europe and Asia. These parks will then be inter-connected with each other.
What are the predicted system requirements?[edit]
The minimum requirements will be a modern computer with a 3D graphic card. More exact details will be available later.
What graphic engine is being used for Project Entropia?[edit]
NetImmerse 4.0 from NDL.
Will the user Interface be easy to learn and use?[edit]
Yes, from the beginning each user will have a basic interface. Afterwards this interface can be individually adjusted to a certain degree.
Will a users Interface have radar or a HUD (heads up display)?[edit]
Yes. This will also be upgradeable through the use of certain implants.
What level of security will your servers have from hackers?[edit]
We will use the absolute highest level available. With money being involved, our system needs to be very secure to prevent hackers from coming in.
Is there any artificial life programming within Project Entropia?[edit]
No, not in the beginning, but possibly later on.
Will there be a Linux or Mac version of Project Entropia software?[edit]
Perhaps following the release of the PC version.
Will Project Entropia support Windows operating systems of: WIN 95/ 98/ 2000/ NT/ ME?[edit]
Is Project Entropia going to have 3D sound?[edit]
What art software programs do your artists use at MindArk AB?[edit]
Mainly Photoshop, 3D Studio Max as well as our own in-house developed programs used to build the Project Entropia world.
Can players take screenshots of the world when they are in Project Entropia?[edit]