Difference between revisions of "Creature:Atrox/Card"

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|Status=In Game
|Creature Profile Image=120px-Moblist thumb Atrox.png
|Creature Description=The real name of this massive carnivore is Atroxenosaur. It has a short and stocky appearance due to its dumpy tail. The Atrox may look slow and clumsy but it's a formidable predator with four characteristic arms to grab on to its prey.
|Origin=Entropia Universe
|Destination=Calypso, ROCKtropia,

Latest revision as of 17:27, 11 December 2014

File:Moblist thumb none.jpg
Name: [[Creature: target=_blank]]     Combat:
Origin:     Attacks
Destination(s):     Range:
Class:     Aggression:
Movement:     Tamable:
Sweatable:     Version Update: