
From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
Moblist thumb Atrox.png
Name Atrox     Combat Close
Origin Entropia Universe     Attacks 20
Destination(s) Calypso, ROCKtropia     Range
Class Animal     Aggression High
Movement Running     Tamable No
Sweatable Yes     Version Update

The real name of this massive carnivore is Atroxenosaur. It has a short and stocky appearance due to its dumpy tail. The Atrox may look slow and clumsy but it's a formidable predator with four characteristic arms to grab on to its prey.





LevelSweatHealth LevelDamage
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAtrox Young99017990StrongMedium2010109920¦class=fa fa-pencil
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAtrox Mature1,030181030MassiveMedium25101010330¦class=fa fa-pencil
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAtrox Old1,110201110MassiveMinimal25101011190¦class=fa fa-pencil
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAtrox Provider1,290241290MassiveLarge251510129301¦class=fa fa-pencil
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAtrox Guardian1,460291460MassiveLarge251510146301¦class=fa fa-pencil

Maturity Health Regen. Speed Max. Damage Threat Taming Level Sweat Available Health level Damage potential Agility Intelligence Psyche Stamina Strength
Young 990 4.71 48 4752 - 45 - - - - - - -
Mature 1030 4.9 50 5150 - 47 - - - - - - -
Old 1110 5.29 56 6216 - 51 - - - - - - -
Provider 1290 6.14 72 9288 - 59 - - - - - - -
Guardian 1460 6.95 94 13724 - 67 - - - - - - -
Dominant 1600 7.62 110 17600 - 73 - - - - - - -
Alpha 1740 8.29 132 22968 - 80 - - - - - - -
Old Alpha 1960 9.33 165 32340 - 90 - - - - - - -
Prowler 2140 10.19 184 39376 - 98 - - - - - - -
Stalker 2450 11.67 270 66150 - 112 - - - - - - -
Hatchling 230 - - - - 11 - - - - - - -
Elite 11040 - 310 342240 - 502 - - - - - - -
Marauder 12240 - 320 391680 - 557 - - - - - - -
Slayer 19550 - - - - 889 - - - - - - -
Queen 49420 - - - - 2247 - - - - - - -


MissionDestinationMission ChainMission ScopeMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU
120 Pound Workout 1ROCKtropia120 Pound WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????),Kill 100 AtroxDodge (~0.38 PED TT)
120 Pound Workout 2ROCKtropia120 Pound WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)120 Pound Workout 1, |Kill 500 AtroxEvade (~1.88 PED TT)
120 Pound Workout 3ROCKtropia120 Pound WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)120 Pound Workout 2, |Kill 1000 AtroxFirst Aid (~3.76 PED TT)
120 Pound Workout 4ROCKtropia120 Pound WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)120 Pound Workout 3, |Kill 5000 AtroxDodge (~7.84 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT)| |
120 Pound Workout 5ROCKtropia120 Pound WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)120 Pound Workout 4, |Kill 10000 AtroxAND choice between Evade (~24.79 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Dodge (~24.79 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Support Weapon Systems (~24.79 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT)
120 Pound Workout 6ROCKtropia120 Pound WorkoutHunting(?????, ?????, ?????)120 Pound Workout 5, |Kill 10000 AtroxAND choice between Explosive Projectile Technology (~49.58 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Athletics (~49.58 PED TT), 1 Courage (~ PED TT) OR Courage (~49.58 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR First Aid (~24.79 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT)

Atrox Mission Chain (7)[edit]
Moblist thumb atrox.png Atrox Mission Chain
Mission Name Start Location Broker Name Objective Reward
Scout the Island Outpost NE of
Fort Ithaca
Albert Scout locations 25 Nova Fragment
Iron Challenge: 100 Atrox Kill 100 Atrox + 1 Strengh
Iron Challenge: 500 Atrox Kill 500 Atrox 250 Nova Fragments
Iron Challenge: 1,000 Atrox Kill 1,000 Atrox + 1 Agility
Iron Challenge: 5,000 Atrox Kill 5,000 Atrox Option 1: 100 Intelligence Tokens and increase Evade by 7.29 PED

Option 2: 100 Intelligence Tokens and increase Dodge by 7.29 PED
Option 3: 100 Intelligence Tokens and increase Support Weapon Systems Skill by 7.29 PED
Option 4: increase Evade by 15.63 PED
Option 5: increase Dodge by 15.63 PED
Option 6: increase Support Weapon Systems Skill by 15.63 PED

Iron Challenge: 10,000 Atrox Kill 10,000 Atrox
Bronze Atrox Challenge Kill 10k Atrox, Minimum Maturity ???


Creature has no Destination specified yet!No Atrox spawns documented yet!

Land Area Zone Quantity Maturity
Club NEVERDIE Biodome 4 1/10 0/10
Club NEVERDIE Biodome 4 5/10 0/10
Club NEVERDIE Biodome 4 0/10 0/10
Club NEVERDIE Biodome 19 0/10 7.5/10
Club NEVERDIE Biodome 20 0/10 0/10

Creature Control[edit]

Creature Control documentation methods are not done yet!


* the average number of kills this item usually needs to drop at least once

Item Frequency Last VU
Advanced Electronic Fluid Memory Rare 10.0.14
Advanced Gem Extractor Rare 10.0
Advanced Scanning Sensor Rare 10.0
Advanced Strategic Combat Processor Unknown 10.0
Advanced Target Assessment Unit Rare 10.1
Angel Arm guards Extremely rare Unknown
Animal Adrenal Oil Very often 10.3.1
Animal Brain Oil Rare 10.0.14
Animal Eye Oil Very often 10.3.1
Animal Heart Oil Uncommon 9.3.5
Animal Hide Very often 10.3.1
Animal Kidney Oil Uncommon 10.0.12
Animal Liver Oil Common 10.0.14
Animal Oil Residue Very often 10.3.1
Animal Pancreas Oil Often 10.3.1
Animal Spleen Oil Uncommon 10.0
Animal Thyroid Oil Very often 10.3.1
Atrox bone Common 10.3.1
Atrox claw Uncommon 10.1
Atrox Eye Extremely rare 8.5.1
Atrox fang Uncommon 10.3.1
Atrox skin Uncommon 10.1
Aurora Harness (L) Uncommon 10.0
Basic Cloth Extractor Unknown 10.0.14
Basic Gem Extractor Rare 10.0
Basic Leather Extractor Often 10.3.1
Basic Scanning Sensor Uncommon 10.1
Basic Stone Extractor Often 10.3.1
Basic Strategic Combat Processor Rare 10.0.14
Basic Target Assessment Unit Rare 10.0
Chronicle Arm guards Extremely rare Unknown
Chronicle Harness Extremely rare 8.3.2
Chronicle Helmet Extremely rare Unknown
DNA Fragment A Rare 10.2.2
DOA Foeripper, SGA Edition Event 10.0.10
Electro Matrix Common 10.1
Emik T10 Extremely rare 9.2.4
Empty Skill Implant (L) Rare 10.1.1
Enhanced Metal Extractor Unknown 10.0
Enhanced Target Assessment Unit Rare 9.4.4
Eon Arm guards Extremely rare Unknown
EWE EP-32 Enforcer Extremely rare 8.6.3
EWE EP-32 Enforcer, SGA Edition Unknown 10.0.10
EWE EP-45 Hunter Rare 8.4.2
Explosive Projectiles Very often 10.1.1
Fine Hide Common 10.2.2
Fine Wool Often 10.3.1
Fire Forge ARR 8000, SGA Edition Event Unknown
Foundation (Dark Brown) Rare 10.2.2
Highlighter Uncommon 9.2.4
Hitch-hiker´s Towel No longer drops 9.4.4
Isis CB13 (L) Common 10.3.1
Isis CB26 Extremely rare 9.3.2
Isis CB26 (L) Uncommon 10.4.2
Isis LR32 (L) Common 10.0.14
Isis LR32 (L) Improved Extremely rare 9.0.5
Isis LR32 Improved Extremely rare 8.12.3
Jaguar Foot Guards Extremely rare 9.4.4
Jaguar Harness Extremely rare 9.3.6
Korss H350 (L) Common 8.12.1
Korss H400 (L) Unknown 9.3.6
Light BLP Pack Very often 10.1.1
Light Weapon Cells Very often 10.1.1
Marber Bravo-Type Plasma Annihilator Uncommon 8.1
Massive Oak Table Extremely rare 7.5.1
Meckel & Loch ML-45 Extremely rare 8.11.1
Medium BLP Pack Very often 10.1.1
Medium Weapon Cells Very often 10.1.1
Nemesis Gloves Event 8.4.2
Note Event 9.0.3
Omegaton A105 Rare 8.0.3
Omegaton Fast Aid FAP-5 Uncommon 10.1
Omegaton M2910 Extremely rare 9.4.4
Omegaton M71A1 Extremely rare Unknown
Paint Can (Brigadier) Rare 9.3.6
Paint Can (Brown) Common 10.0
Paint Can (Burgundy) Common 10.0
Paint Can (Burnt Umber) Common 10.3.1
Paint Can (Cornsilk) Uncommon 10.0.14
Paint Can (Crimson) Uncommon 10.0.14
Paint Can (Dark Blue) Uncommon 9.3.5
Paint Can (Dark Lavender) Unknown 10.0
Paint Can (Dark Umber) Rare 10.0
Paint Can (Darkslate Grey) Rare 9.0
Paint Can (Deep Cadmium) Common 9.3.8
Paint Can (Green) Common 9.3.5
Paint Can (Light Green) Common 10.2.2
Paint Can (Mauve) Common 10.3.1
Paint Can (Orange) Common 10.0
Paint Can (Purple) Rare 10.0
Paint Can (Silver) Unknown Unknown
Paint Can (Steel Blue) Uncommon 10.0.14
Paint Can (Umber) Common 10.0
Paint Can (White) Rare 9.3.6
Paint Can (Yellow) Common 10.0
Paradox Harness Extremely rare Unknown
Ravenger Mini-Sweeper V1 Extremely rare 8.2.2
Relaxed Woman Statue Extremely rare 7.2
Right Atrox Stone Statue Extremely rare 8.5.4
Ruby Rare 9.4.3
Rutuba Back Strap (L) Rare 9.4.4
Rutuba Foot Guards (L) Rare 10.0.14
Rutuba Shin Guards (L) Rare 9.4.3
Rutuba Shoulder Guard (L) Rare 8.12.3
Second-Rate Cloth Extractor Rare 10.1
Shadow Helmet Event 8.4.2
Short Midastree Board Often 10.3.1
Soft Hide Often 10.3.1
Starkhov AS-97 Adjusted Extremely rare 8.6.4
Superior Cloth Extractor Uncommon 10.0.14
Supremacy Arm guards Event 8.4.2
Supremacy Shin Guards Event 8.4.1
Thin Wool Often 10.3.1
Tiger Harness Event 8.4.2
Tiger Helmet Event 8.4.2
Tourmaline Extremely rare 9.4.4
Vain Harness Extremely rare 8.6.2
Vigilante Arm guards Uncommon 10.1
Vigilante Arm guards, SGA Edition Unknown Unknown
Vumpoor Tuhota 80 (L) Rare 9.4.4
Weak Cloth Extractor Uncommon 10.0.13
Wool Often 10.3.1


Forum Icon.png Events featuring Atrox:
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{{#get_db_data: db=globals |from=globallog |where=item=3 |limit=10 |order by=value DESC |data=date=date,avatar=owner,item=item,type=type,value=value }}

Date Avatar item type Value (PED) {{#for_external_table:
{{{date}}} {{{avatar}}} {{{item}}} {{{type}}} {{{value}}} }}


Taming has not been re-implemented yet.

Further information[edit]

Generic info goes here

Name Explanation[edit]

Atrox - Atrox comes from the Latin, it means atrocious, bad , terrible, cruel, horrible, mean.


DNA info goes here

Hunting Log[edit]

Average Return on Atrox: 0 %




Scanner Images[edit]

Other Images[edit]

Images go here

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
