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===2. Trading===
===2. Trading===
'''PED Balance: <10 PED.'''
'''PED Balance: <10 PED.'''
With such little trading capital there also little you can do. Auction doesn't make much sense because the auction fees alone would probably make it rather unprofitable already. However, if you are taking the sweating approach above discussed in the section above you could keep your eyes and ears open for other players who want to get rid of their sweat quickly and offer it slightly below market price. You can buy it and later sell it for a higher price - maybe together with your own.

'''PED Balance: <100 PED.'''
'''PED Balance: <100 PED.'''

Revision as of 08:11, 18 April 2014

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Short URL: http://bit.ly/eumoney
Entropia Universe Guide
Page last updated: 18 October 2023 00:31:06
Guide last updated: 18 October 2023 00:31:06
Latest Forum Threads

How to make money in Entropia Universe is a question regularly asked. This up-to-date guide discusses possibilities, compares different methods, exemplifies one possible way to earn money, and directs to more detailed information. If you are only interested in one possible how-to check out the final section of the guide: From rags to riches - a short guide.

Sections of this guide:

Real Cash Economy

In Entropia Universe 'making money' is possible at all because the game features a "Real Cash Economy", meaning you can deposit real-world money into the game and also the other way round withdraw money from the game to your real-world bank account. The ingame currency Project Entropia Dollars (PED) has a fixed exchange rate of 10/1 to the US Dollar.

Entropia Universe, virtual property and real money

It should be noted that by the Entropia Universe EULA and ToU there is no real-world money inside Entropia Universe. Also there is no virtual property whitin the legal meaning of the term "property". Everything in game incl. avatars, their skills, in-game money, etc are parts of the Entropia Universe system belonging to MindArk and partner companies who are licensing the use of these to the players. However, it is a unique feature in Entropia Universe that players are able to convert in-game money to real-world money by "withdrawing" it to their bank accounts.

These are the relevant sections in the EULA and ToU discussing virtual property:

Entropia Universe End User License Agreement (EULA):


7. Virtual Currency Transfers and Fund Transactions


The terms in this paragraph 7 do not apply to Your participation within the Entropia Universe Starting Area.

The Entropia Universe incorporates a PED Card System connected to each Account, through which MindArk administers the funds You transfer to and withdraw from the Entropia Universe (the “PED Card”).

You may use MindArk’s approved and secured fund transfer methods to increase by deposits and/or decrease by withdrawals the PED balance on Your PED Card. The deposited funds are converted by MindArk to PED that may be used by You as virtual currency in the Entropia Universe. If You choose to deposit or withdraw funds to or from the Entropia Universe You hereby agree to any costs and fees involved in all fund transfers.


Entropia Universe Terms of Use: (ToU)


4.1 MindArk’s Proprietary Rights


Virtual items are fictional in-world graphical objects with a predefined set of parameters in Entropia Universe and will often have names similar or identical to corresponding physical categories such as "people", "real estate", "possessions”, “currency”, “cloths” and the names of specific items in those categories such as "house", "rifle", "tools", "armor", “coat”, “money” etc. (“Virtual Items”). Despite the similarity in terminology, all Virtual Items, including virtual currency, are part of the Entropia Universe System and/or features of the Entropia Universe, and MindArk and/or respective Mindark’s Planet Partner(s) retains all rights, title, and interest in all parts including, but not limited to Avatars, Skills and Virtual Items. These retained rights include, without limitation, patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret and other proprietary rights throughout the world. Notwithstanding any other language or context to the contrary, as used in this EULA and/or in the Entropia Universe in the context of Virtual Items, You expressly acknowledge that all terms like “exchange of”, “trade with”, “purchase of”, “sale of” or “use of” Virtual Items, and all similar terms in context of transactions with Virtual Items, refers to the licensed right to use a certain feature of the Entropia Universe or the Entropia Universe System in accordance with the terms and conditions of this EULA.


Entropia Universe is a business

In general MindArk PE AB, the company developing and operating the Entropia Universe platform, as well as the Planet Partner companies creating content for Entropia Universe are for-profit private businesses. Entropia Universe and its planets are supposed to generate income for them coming from the players playing the game.

Development and operation of games like Entropia Universe costs a lot of money, usually Millions of USD per year. The total of costs has to be defrayed by charging players depending on the business model of the game, for example one time payments for regular 'offline' games, monthly subscription fees for MMOGs, microtransaction models utilitzing "item shops", etc etc etc.

When in Entropia Universe players profit from playing the game these are from the developers perspective a part of the running costs too. To defray costs and generate profit in Entropia Universe players are charged based on their ingame activities, for example consuming ammunition when hunting creatues in game, fees for auctioning ingame items, deterioation of equipment used in game and many more.

Consequently the majority respectively the average of players has to spend money to enable a minority of players to earn money in Entropia Universe or simply use the service for free.

Activities that usually cost money

Possible ways to make money in Entropia Universe

General considerations:

  • most of the items listed below are rather theoretical but nevertheless listed to ensure completeness.
  • most of the items listed below need a lot of dedication and time
  • some of the items listed belelow need a significant starting capital


Sweating or formally "Sweat Gathering" is the process of gathering "Vibrant Sweat" from the various creatures around Entropia Universe. Sweating is a free-to-play activity. Since "Vibrant Sweat" is used for further processing, mainly for creating "Mind Essence", it has a small market value and can be sold to other players. Depending on your strategies and dedication you can gather a couple of 100s of units of sweat per hour. Sweat usually sells best in stacks of 1000 units with the market prize for 1000 units between 1 and 3 PED currently (May 2013).

While sweating you will also get in-game skills that theoretically can be sold to other players. But to get a substantial amount that is possible to sell at all you probably need to sweat for 100s if not 1000s of hours.

Further information: Sweating guide

Collecting fruits, stones, dung and Broken Elysian Technology

  • Various types of fruit, various types of stones, Common Dung are resources that can be found on the ground of planets occasionally
  • "Broken Elysian Technology" can only be found on planet Next Island occasionally

All of them can be used for further processing, mainly in Crafting, therefore have a small market value and can be sold to other players. Depending on one's luck the profit can be in about the same range than the profit from sweating but is somewhat boring since it only involves walking around and keep your eyes open for the items on the ground.

Further information: Collecting resources from the ground

Oil Rig and Beer Gardens

Oil rigs and similar are free goods spreading facilities and regularly found in areas with Player-versus-Player combat (PVP) enabled and usually controlled by groups of high-skilled and well-equipped players. The costs to control and defend control over these facilities quite likely eat up all possible profit from collecting the oil.

Free Competitions

Free competitions or events are usually run by other players but sometimes also by Planet Partners, ingame or on community websites. Depending on the setup of the event one does not necessarily have to spend PEDs to achieve good results. Often those events offer low value prizes for the winners. Considering the chance to win and the rather low frequency of these kind of competitions this is merely a theoretical way to make money.

Skill selling

A small group of skills can be acquired for free. They increase while Sweating or getting hit by creatures. Skills can be extracted to Empty Skills Implanets (ESI) and sold to other players. But due to the relatively high prize of ESIs compared to the relatively low prize of most of these free skills you first need a substantial amount of skills to make selling of these profitable.

Further information: Skilling for profit


There are a few missions that can be completed without spending any PED and which reward completion with items or skills theoretically worth PED. Since each can only get done once and the value of the rewards sums up to a maybe few PED (<10) this method is actually not worth mentioning.


Entropia Universe has a Mentoring system that allows experienced players to be mentors for new players. New players need to reach specific skills level to "graduate" and if they do the mentor gets awared with a low value ingame item. Considering the time spent to mentor a new player and the low vaule of the rewarded item this is just a theoretival way of earning money.

Further information: Mentoring

Land deeds

Lands deeds, similar to shares, entitle the deed holder to receive a share of the revenues of the entity represented by deeds.

Currently there are only two types of lands deeds available: Calypso Land Deeds (CLD) receiving a 25% share of Planet Calypso's total revenue and Arkadia Underground Deeds (AUD) receiving 5% tax revenues of the Arkadia Underground estate. For further information please refer to the respective wiki pages and/or the general Land deeds page for a comparison.

Further information, opinions and the option to discuss land deeds and their revenues are available in this thread: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/threads/land-deeds.11486/

ROI Market Price 2014: Calypso Land Deeds vs Arkadia Underground Deeds ROI is based on the market price for both CLD and AUD! The chart or graph is empty due to missing data

Calypso Land Deeds

In November 2011 MindArk announced a citizenship program and started to sell Calypso Land Deeds for 1000 PED (=100 USD) each. Each of these deeds entitles its "owner" to get a share of Planet Calypso revenues on a weekly basis. Considering an investment of 1000 PED/Deed the ROI is around 25% p.a., condidering the current (as of June 2013) market value of Calypso Land Deeds of about 1400 PED/Deed the ROI is around 16%.

Further information: Calypso Land Deeds

Arkadia Underground Deeds

Arkadia Underground Deeds


Trading is one of the more promising ways to profit in Entropia Universe but requires a start-up capital depending on the scale of trading. The capital can come from depositing money into the game and/or building it up by the other methods.

Offering services

Most of those activities require a significant amount of starting capital and profitability is not at all to be expected.

Piloting and transportation service
Item customization service

Many items like clothes, vehicles, furniture can be customized by applying textures and colors to them. The ability to do so is largely depending on ingame skills in the area which enables higher skilled players to offer customization services to lower skilled players. Further information: Item Customization (Coloring, Texturizing)

Beauty service
Event Management service

Playing for profit (Pro Gaming)

There is no "Professional gaming" in Entropia Universe in the common meaning of playing competively in tournaments or leagues. Playing for profit is not a true feature of the game but rather MindArk allowing for a few success stories to support the marketing concept of 'getting paid for playing a game'.

In Entropia Universe playing for profit mainly relates to having a huge amount of in-game skills allowing you to efficiently use high-end ingame equipment performing regular activities such as hunting, mining and crafting. The according equipment is rare allowing only a small cirlce of players to profit regularly. Consequently both, acquiring the skills and even more the necessary equipment are fairly expensive, at least costing 1000's of dollars if not ten-thousands of dollars. And then, merely having the skills and equipment are not sufficient to profit on the long run, it also involves deep knowledge of the game mechanics.

Making PED outside Entropia Universe

Entropia Universe Emisary Program

The Entropia Emissary Program is a Facebook app that allows players to share promotional material via Facebook and receive points for these activities which can be turned into low value ingame items. Considering the limited content to share and low value of the rewarded items this is just a theoretival way to earn money.


Sometrics is a service provider MindArk partnered with in 2012 to enable Entropia Universe players to add Project Entropia Dollars to their ingame accounts. This can be done by accepting offers provided via the Sometrics platform. The offers appear at the depositing page on EntropiaUniverse.com: https://account.entropiauniverse.com/account/deposits/sometrics/ (login required). The offers depend on the account holder's country and other parameters. The content of the offers can vary largely, most likely one will have to buy something to be granted a prize of a couple of PED. Also the availability of offers is rather scarce.



Questbomb is an official website by ROCKtropia developer NEVERDIE Studios for reviewing ROCKtropia content like missions and instances. Currently NEVERDIE Studios are paying 10 PED per appropriate review.

Free Competitions / Events

Free competitions or events are usually run by other players but sometimes also by Planet Partners, ingame or on community websites. Depending on the setup of the event one does not necessarily have to spend PEDs to achieve good results. Often those events offer low value prizes for the winners. Considering the chance to win and the rather low frequency of these kind of competitions this is merely a theoretical way to make money.

External Paid-to-Click, microtasks and offer service websites

Entropia Partners

Entropia Partners is crowdsourcing website that rewards small amounts of PED for performing more or less simple tasks. Tasks include things such as flagging inappropriate content in photographs and taking marketing surveys. Simple tasks that take around 30 or so seconds to complete pay 8 to 16 PEC. There are also surveys for marketing purposes available which reward up to 20 PED and take about 10 or so minutes.

When having gathered a few PED you can request a withdrawal session with a representative of Entropia Partners in game. The request is done on the Entropia Parnters website and the ingame meeting is negotiated in a chat window on the Entopia Partners website. On the website lets there is only an display of who of the representatives is currently online.

Entropia Partners also features a referral systems that allows users to place referral links on the internet. Before posting referral links anywhere please make sure that this is allowed on the website in advance. Referral links look like this: http://www.entropiapartners.com/?r=17460 (which is EntropiaPlanets' referral link, all PEDs potentially generated will be used to fund rewards for free events, so you can use this link with a clear conscience).



PEDtoClick is similar to Entropia Partners and Sometrics. It offers small amounts of PED for completing offers, watching ads, filling surveys and similar.

You can withdraw PED from your account by meeting with a PEDtoClick representative in game.

PEDtoClick also features a referral systems that allows users to place referral links on the internet. Before posting referral links anywhere please make sure that this is allowed on the website in advance. Referral links look like this: http://www.pedtoclick.com/?ref=EntropiaPlanets (which is EntropiaPlanets' referral link, all PEDs potentially generated will be used to fund rewards for free events, so you can use this link with a clear conscience).



Stuffpoint is a site where you can get points for actively participating in so-called "fan clubs", doing tasks, completing offers, etc.

Stuffpoint also features a referral systems that allows users to place referral links on the internet. Before posting referral links anywhere please make sure that this is allowed on the website in advance. Referral links look like this: http://stuffpoint.com/index.php?r=EntropiaPlanets (which is EntropiaPlanets' referral link, all PEDs potentially generated will be used to fund rewards for free events, so you can use this link with a clear conscience).

Comparison of money making methods


Method Sweating Collecting fruits & co. Rigs & similar Free competitions Skill selling Mentoring Missions Calypso Land Deeds Arkadia Underground Deeds Trading Services Playing for profit Sometrics Entropia Emissary Program Questbomb EntropiaPartners
Short description
Official/Non-official Official Official Official Both Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Official Non-official
Provider Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe, Planet Parnters, Community Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe Entropia Universe NEVERDIE Studios Entropia Partners ("3rd party")
In-game/off-game In-game In-game In-game In-game, off-game In-game In-game In-game In-game In-game In-game In-game In-game Off-game Off-game Off-game Off-game
Locations All planets All planets, Elysian Tech. exclusivey on Next Island Planet Calypso, ROCKtropia, Hunt The THING In-game events, off-game on websites All planets All planets All planets All planets All planets All planets All planets All planets Website Facebook Website Website
Requirements None None None None ESI Specific skill levels None Investment of at least ~1350 PED (as of April 2014) Investment of at least 50 PED (as of April 2014) Investment, amount depending on scale of trading Investment, largely differs between various servies Significant investment, probably USD 10k+ None None but Facebook account None None
Profit potential max a few PED/hour max a few PED/hour max a few PED/hour depends on available competitions, usually tiny max a few PED for many ours of skilling usually max a few PED per graduated disciple limited, probably between 10 and 100 PED in total for all free missions ~ 14% ROI (considering the market value of ~1350 PED/Deed as of April 2014) ~ 14% ROI (considering the market value of 50 PED/Deed as of April 2014) depdends on scale of trading largely depends on the service unpredictable limited, max a few PED/task limited, max a couple of 100 PED in total for achieving all levels 10 PED/review a couple of PEC to max a couple of PED/task
Fun factor little very little little depends, can be high little individually high not really applicable not really applicable individually individually high very little little individually very little
Further information Sweating guide Oil rigs and similar facilities Skilling guide Mentoring guide Missions guide Calypso Land Deeds Arkadia Underground Deeds Trading guide Sometrics Entropia Emissary Program Questbomb Entropia Partners

From rags to riches - a short guide

This section exemplifies one of many possible ways to start from scratch with 0 PED and end up with a regular income.

1. Sweating, rigging, etc

PED Balance: 0 PED.

From the free-to-play activities that earn you money Sweating still is the most promising. A more detailed description of the whole sweating process can be found in the Sweating guide.

First you have to find a good sweating spot on your planet of choice. These may vary over time so best ask other players and/or consult the Sweating guide.

It is recommended to sweat in team with other players for the following reasons:

  • attacks of the sweated creatures are shared among the sweaters, you die less and consequently receive more sweat/hour
  • other players skilling healing or simply enjoy helping might turn up and heal for free, you die less and consequently receive more sweat/hour
  • other players skilling mindforce or simply enjoy helping might turn up and give you focus - a status effect that enables to keep up the sweating process while being hit by a creature-, consequently you receive more sweat/hour
  • other players in need of sweat often go to popular group sweating spots to buy sweat
  • it's a social activity and good way to make ingame friends

When getting hit you regularly receive skills that increase your ability to evade the attacks as well as slowly increasing your max health points, both of which make the sweating process a little bit easier over time.

While sweating keep your eyes open for players buying sweat, as soon as someone does you should try to sell to him if the offered price is reasonable. Alternatively you can actively try to sell your sweat at the planet's trading hubs. You should at least have 1000 bottles of sweat before doing so beause usually sweat is traded in chunks of 1000 (="1k") bottles. The market prize varies slightly over time, currently (June 2013) this can be considered a rule of thumb:

< 1.5 PED/1k Sweat = bad deal
1.5 - 2.0 PED/1k Sweat = acceptable deal
> 2.0 PED/1k Sweat = good deal

There are mentors who offer good deals to their disciples as well people offering good deals to other society mates.

The process of continous sweating and trying to sell sweat can be boring. For a change you might want to consider other free-of-charge activities like free missions, lining up at the oil fields, gathering Teleporters, participating in free events, ... and/or check out other options to earn money discussed further above. Alternativly you could also "swunt" instead of sweat from time to time.

But as a rule of thumb you might want to consider not engaging in activities that usually cost your hard earned PED like:

  • buying anything
  • using vehicles
  • hunt, mine, craft
  • ...

Once you have a few PED you can already start trading on a very small scale. You can also wait until you have a 100+ PED (or even much more). The more you have the easier it should be.

2. Trading

PED Balance: <10 PED. With such little trading capital there also little you can do. Auction doesn't make much sense because the auction fees alone would probably make it rather unprofitable already. However, if you are taking the sweating approach above discussed in the section above you could keep your eyes and ears open for other players who want to get rid of their sweat quickly and offer it slightly below market price. You can buy it and later sell it for a higher price - maybe together with your own.

PED Balance: <100 PED.


PED Balance: <1k PED.


PED Balance: 1k+ PED. ...

3. Investing


Links, references, contributors, categories
