Camp Icarus[edit]

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Entropia Universe Guide
Page last updated: 7 June 2022 02:16:58
Guide last updated: 18 October 2023 00:31:06

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Monria Beginner's Flow: Genesis > Crystalline Cavern > Calypso Gateway > Monria Hub

Camp Icarus[edit]

Camp Icarus (CI) is the location on Planet Calypso mainland where new players arrive when leaving the Calypso Gateway tutorial area. It's located south-east of Calypso's capital city Port Atlantis (where new players arrived from Calypso Gateway before the re-vamping of the latter in VU ???).

Coming from Calypso Gateway you should arrive at CI on a landing platform, facing north you should see Captain Saana and a dialogue window should with the tracking mission "Welcome to Camp Icarus!". The mission informs you that Captain Saana wants to talk to you, so walk to her and talk to her. At the end of the following dialogue with Captain Saana you should absolutely choose to go to Half Moon Bay and only return to Camp Icarus once all the mission at Half Moon Bay are done.

What to do at and around Camp Icarus[edit]

On first arrival at Camp Icarus you should talk to Captain Saana at the landing platform at the beach south of the Camp Icarus Outpost building and chose to go to Half Moon Bay immediately for a series of new player missions. So you first visit should be a very short one :). Alternatively you can do exactly the same missions with the same rewards at Camp Icarus but it is recommended to do them at Half Moon Bay as this is considered the newer and better designed version of the missions. You cannot do these missions at Half Moon Bay AND Camp Icarus, you can do them just once at either Half Moon Bay or Camp Icarus.

Later you should definitely do the The Gauntlet instance series available from the Gauntlet Organizer NPC at the outpost building.

Camp Icarus also serves as a beginners trading spot but with a relatively low level of activities.

Being a hub for new players usually veteran players hang out at Camp Icarus offering their mentor service and recruiting new players to their societies.

Facilities at Camp Icarus[edit]

The Camp Icarus Teleporter can be found at [63221, 74372, 113]. Make sure to collect it (by getting close to it) so you can use it as a teleport destination in future.

Instances at and around Camp Icarus[edit]

The Gauntlet

Missions at and around Camp Icarus[edit]

Welcome to Camp Icarus[edit]

The mission "Welcome to Camp Icarus!" should start with the popup of a dialogue window as soon as you approach the landing platfrom at the beach just south of the outpost building. It suggest to talk to Sergeant Saana who's located just a couple of meter north of the landing platform. At the end of the dialogue with Sergeant Saana you should definitely choose to go Half Moon Bay and only return to Camp Icarus once all the missions at Half Moon Bay are done.

Creatures around Camp Icarus[edit]


ENE of Camp Icarus you can find The Berycled Nest dynamic event.


Regular spawns[edit]

Caudatergus Puny
Bristlehog Pup
Berycled Puny, Juvenile
Daikiba Cub, Juvenile

Maps and locations[edit]


Beyond Camp Icarus[edit]

Recommendations for activities and places to go after "finishing" the greater Camp Icarus area.




Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
