The Gauntlet[edit]
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The Gauntlet is a series of new player instances (Gauntlet Stage I and Gauntlet Stage II) on Planet Calypso with an entry at Camp Icarus.
How to start The Gauntlet[edit]
As soon as you are approching the Camp Icarus outpost building east of Port Atlantis, for example by arriving there from Calypso Gateway, a dialogue window will pop up informing you about the existence of The Gauntlet. It also offers to add a waypoint to the Gauntlet Organizer NPC to you map, if you accept you will also get the mission Gauntlet Directions which serves as a mere tracker for the waypoint.
The Gauntlet Organizer can be found in front of the Camp Icarus outpost building at ~???,???,???.
The Gauntlet Stage I[edit]
- really simple
- beginner-friendly
- ~ 7900m2 size
- usually less than 10 minutes to finish
- no time limit
- trade and repair terminal inside
- 1 end boss
- special very low level versions of robot enemies such as Drones, Defenders and Warriors
- access to end boss only after destroying 2 generators located in NE and NW corner of the instance
- both generators are guarded by one L7 Gauntlet Warrior each
- some rooms are proteced with Laser Barriers
- do the instance in a team of 2, best with a friend
- make sure you have healing tools
- study the map
<map goes here>
- one enemy at a time, one after another
- keep the distance to enemies, they have a low aggression level
- "kill" the Laser Barriers before you run through because they do deal damage when still functional
- don't waste ammo on Proximity Mines
- the order in which you destroy the generators doesn't matter
- loot the L4 Drones you've killed
- if you want to save on healing tool decay you can just wait and regenerate naturally
Ending and rewards[edit]
The instance ends with killing the end boss Lord Charon.
The rewards for the first time finishing are a Vivo S10 and 1 Daily Token. For further runs the reward is only 1 Daily Token.
An exit teleporter to Camp Icarus is located just a few meters away from the end boss.
The Gauntlet Stage II[edit]
The requirement for access to Stage II is finishing Stage I at least once.
Ending and rewards[edit]
The Gauntlet History[edit]
- 5 June 2018 Planet Capylso Content Release 2018.3: "Changed the Gauntlets to require exactly 2 players."
- 12 September 2017 Planet Capylso Content Release 2017.4: "Optimized The Gauntlet Stage 1." ... "Corrected an issue where the mines and laser walls in The Gauntlet Stage 1 didn’t deal any damage."
- 30 May 2017 Planet Capylso Content Release 2017.3: "Improved the Gauntlet Organizer’s dialogue text"
- 4 October 2016 Planet Capylso Content Release 2016.3: "Gauntlet Stage 2 rewards are now available to all above level 10 for 1 run"
- 3 November 2015 Planet Capylso Content Release 2015.4: "Added informational text that pops up when getting close to either the Camp Icarus or Half Moon Bay camp buildings that informs colonists about the Gauntlet. This text is only shown once to those who have not completed the Gauntlet’s first stage." ... "Changed Lord Charon’s model from Harbinger to Warlock in The Gauntlet: Stage 1 instance."
- 30 September 2015 Planet Capylso Content Release 2015.3.1: "Updated the visuals of Gauntlet Stage 1"
- 22 September 2015 Planet Capylso Content Release 2015.3: "All avatars are now able to do the Gauntlet Stage 1 mission at least once."
- 17 March 2015 Planet Capylso Content Release 2015.1: "The Gauntlet Organizer now Provides a clearer explanation of the Gauntlets." ... "The Gauntlet Organizer now correctly admits Participants with highest professional level of 10 or lower."
- 24 June 2014 Planet Capylso Content Release 2014.2: "The second stage of the gauntlet series of instances has been added and is accessible from the “Gauntlet Organizer” NPC’s as soon as you’ve completed stage 1."
- 26 March 2014 Planet Capylso Content Release 2014.1.1: "The boot-camp style arena known as “The Gauntlet” is now accessible from the Gauntlet Organizer NPC located in the Cape Corinth bar. This instance is intended for new participants, and a daily mission is available inside for those with a profession level no higher than 10." At this point there was only 1 Gauntlet stage.
Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]