Planet Calypso Shops

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Revision as of 02:08, 5 February 2013 by Mastermesh (talk | contribs)
Nearest TP OLA # Owner Inventory Other details Link Last updated
AOL #15 15 Jos Bernz Bernz Armor, Few Clothes, BPs (I-II) Shopkeepers in shack, as well - 1/1/12
Atami's Paradise - Atami Tami Atemi MF, Armor, Misc. - - 1/1/12
Atum 42 N Divinity Deth Undefined LP485 Apis (Lots) Always Below MU - 1/6/12
Nea's Place - Qetesh Qetesh Qetesh A-3, A-3 Imp, Weapon DE I, Misc. - - 1/1/12
Segna Forest 53 Warants Skalman Skalmansson Explosive Projectiles (lots) - - 1/7/12
Z's Little Farm - Lee Zhorgul Salmon BLP Stack - - 1/6/12

Camp Echidna Cabins
Nearest TP: Camp Echidna Last Updated: (1/6/12)
Cabin # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
1 - Maureen Twister Twist Armor Plating - -
2 Xander's Pride Xander Zan Catman - Beauty Salon -
4 - Luna Lun Moonsparkle Armor, Lights - -
5 Siam's Shopping Area Siobhan Siam Ameno Weaponry (Ranged, Amp), Armor - -

Camp Echidna Hangars
Nearest TP: varies Last Updated: (1/10/12)
TP Hangar Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
North 3 - Christer toad Johansson Component Extractors (large variety) NW of TP -

Cape Corinth Marketplace
Nearest TP: Cape Corinth Last Updated: (1/21/12)
Booth # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
11 - mg Joda VVV VVV ESI -
12 - Jet Go Black Furniture, Decorations, Welding Wire, Misc. -
15 - mg Joda VVV VVV Armor, ESI, MF -
17 Bjorn's Stall Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff Weaponry (ranged), Armor, Decorations, FAP, MF, Misc. -
18 - Bill Burnsey Reznor Weaponry, Armor, Amps, Armor Plate, MF, Misc. -

Deer Mall
Nearest TP: Bilton Towers or New Oxford Last Updated: (1/18/12)
Floor Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
1 1 Sarah's TT+1 Shop Sarah Witchblade0815 Pezzinni BPs (I-IV), Beauty Supplies, Armor, Decorations, Misc. -
1 3 Bearlover General Store Michael Bearlover Deede Animal Parts, Weaponry, Tools, Clothes, Misc. -
1 4 Trance Make-up hypnotica trance blain Makeup Services, Misc. -
1 5 - Maureen Twister Twist Weaponry (melee), Displays, Paint, Textures, BPs, Components, Misc. -
1 6 Pal's Palanor Pal Vendrion Clothes, Misc. -
1 7 Xander's Pride Xander Zan Catman Textures -
1 8 - Gloria GoNi Nicestyle Components, BPs, Weaponry, Armor, Misc. -
1 9 ManBearPig's Deal ManBearPig DeCur BPs, Enhancers, Armor, Masks (Painted), Misc. -
1 10 Nilin's Lell Nilins Lell Weaponry, Paintings -
1 11 Antonio's Photography Antonio Amar Mar Pictures, Misc. -
2 1 TusaLusa Shop Alpha FIT Beta Tools, Weaponry, MF, Enhancers, Mining, Armor -
2 2 - Monique Mon Cauldron Ore, Enmatter -
2 4 Delta Force Unity Shop Zam White Killjoy Furniture, Clothes(T,C), Textures, Misc. -
2 5 Alien Items Shop George Ace Skywalker Weaponry (ranged, melee), Armor, Decorations, Misc. Non-Calypsonian
2 6 Chilix Armor Shop Boardian Chilix Corunian Weaponry (Ranged), Space Thruster -
2 7 Dead Mans Plunder Dave Nihilist Quantison BP, Misc. -
2 8 - Fiona Ataria Joensdottir ME, LME, Gems, Robot Parts -
2 9 Cat's Catiana Cat Well Decorations, Misc. -
2 10 - mai isma apari Misc. -
2 12 Smith Store Richard Smith Grandux ME, VS, Misc. -

Emerald Lakes Mall
Nearest TP: Emerald Lakes Mall Last Updated: (2/7/12)
Floor Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
1 1 - Divine Vixen Incarnate - -
1 2 KlowN's Kosmetics Krevorn KlowN Tzavask Beauty Services, Coloring/Texturizing, BPs, Clothes, Misc. -
1 3 SilverFox Outlet FighterAce SilverFox WingCommander Displays, Clothes, Misc. -
1 4 - Warden Coz Coz Weaponry, FAP, Misc. -
1 5 - Daniel Oxid Berit Armor, Weaponry, FAP, BPs (I-IV) -
1 7 - Mike the goat Powers Make-up Supplies, Animal Parts, Drink Mixes, Crystals, Misc. -
1 8 Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer Armor, Tools, Components, BPs -
1 10 - Onkel RobRoy Bob - private
1 11 Crafters' Hall Tony Nixon Larsen - private
1 12 - bigdaddy bigdaddycg ciano - private
1 13 - Mikee King BeNut BPs (I-X) -
1 14 Summer's Fashion Designs Alkesh Summer Vallan Clothes, Paint, Textures, Beauty Supplies, Texturing/Coloring -
2 2 - Radiance Rad Luminosity Welding Wire, Weaponry, Armor, BPs (I-VII,XIV), Beauty Supplies -
2 2 - Caius Thiti Ceasar - On sale in Twins F2S3S
2 3S The Supply Line Earl Von Kippler Pictures, Furniture, Armor, Weaponry, Amps, Misc. Looted Items will vary due to hunting patterns
2 4L Celia's Salon celia penats krok Textures, Paint, Components, Weaponry, B.A.M.F., Animal Parts, Beauty Services -
2 5L - iulrorck abaddon bark Decorations, Paintings, Clothes, Misc. -
2 7S - Gallyon Luckycharm Sundstrand MF, Weaponry, Armor, ESI, Misc. -
2 8S - Lucifer dandy Leon MF Only a few are for sale
2 10 - Marcus - -
2 11 LeeLoo's Corner LeeLoo LeeLoo Faith Textures, Paint, Weaponry, Clothes, Ore, Enmatter, Misc. -
2 12 - Krimanji Krimey Groening Weaponry, Armor, Misc. -
2 13 70's Shop Seventy 70 Was Vehicle Tools, Armor, MF, Weaponry -
2 14 Bigdaddy's bigdaddy bigdaddcg ciano Weaponry, Masks, Signs, Clothes, Misc. -
3 1 - Marcus - -
3 2 - Marcus - -
3 3 - Marcus - -
3 4 - Marcus - -
3 5 - Marcus - -
3 7 - Marcus - -
3 8 - Marcus - -
3 10 - Marcus - -
3 11 - Marcus - -
3 12 - Marcus - -
3 13 - Marcus - -
3 14 - Marcus - -

Genesis Towers
Nearest TP: Genesis Amethera Headquarters Last Updated: (1/31/12)
Tower Block Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
B - 1 L'enclave larr larr delenclave Ore, Enmatter, Beauty Services -
B - 7 - Kalevi Susi Susi Tools, Components, Deeds (Apartment), FAP, Misc. -
B - 8 - Philippe Phil Reyme Finders -
B - 10 - david phoenix wharrier Weapons (M1A, M2A) -
B A 1 - Jos Bernz Bernz Component BPs (I-III) -
B A 4 - Jessica Jessabell Bell Furniture, Decorations, Clothes -
B A 6 - Dirk DR Rand Tools, MF, Armor -
B B 1 Gunrod's Store Jock Gunrod Zarrafakt Furniture, Decorations, Misc. -
B B 4 - Eleria Orion Starwind Animal Parts, MF, Enmatter, Misc. -
B C 2 Sol's Little Shop of Horrors Robin Solaris Hat Armor, Furniture, Animal Parts, Components, MF, Decorations, Makeup -
B C 4 - Miggobar Miggobar Nostra Pixie, Skeleton Pants, Heart Pillows, Misc. -
B C 5 Rufus' TT Shop Rufus deathouse dragon Armor, BPs, MF, Mining (Tools, Amps), FAP (T-10,20;HR1) Most items TT+1. On sale (with contents) on PCF
B C 6 Bearlover Super Store Michael Bearlover Deede Clothes, Equipment, BPs, Armor, Weaponry, Extractors -
D B 1 Dessy's Clothing Dessy Dessy Valnor Furniture, Clothes (T,C), MF, Vehicles (T,C) -

Medusa's Head
Nearest TP: Medusa Teleporter Last Updated: (2/6/12)
Floor Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
1 1S - The Shadow Knight Mining Amps (Level 7) -
1 2S Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer MF, Misc. -
1 3L - Jok star de PE LeMagniFik BPs (I-IV), Clothes, Ore, EnMatter, Components, Leather, Misc. -
1 4L - Nighty Skorp Shadow Weaponry (Ranged, including explosive projectile), Tools, Amplifiers, Enhancers, Skill Implants -
1 5S Project Society Ron Jubal Jester Weaponry (Ranged), MF, Clothes (T,C) -
1 6S - keano kman runner Weaponry, Misc. -
2 1 - Marcus - -
2 2S RobVee's Pet Shop Rob RobVee Vee Deeds (Pet), Fruit, Misc. -
2 3 - Marcus - -
2 4L - The Family Guy BPs (I-VI), Space Thruster -
2 5S Ionar Electronics Fritz Sir Smuggler lonar BPs (III-VIII), Electrical Components -
2 6 - Marcus - -
3 1 - Marcus - -
3 2 - Yohimbe Yo Darkcloud - private
3 3 - Marcus - -
3 4 - Marcus - -
3 5 - Marcus - -
3 6S Chug's Last Stand benjamin haphazzard kane Weaponry (Ranged, Vehicle) -
4 1 - Marcus - -
4 2 - Marcus - -
4 3L - bunny bunnygirlz girlz - On sale in PA F1S3S
4 4 - Qetesh Qetesh Qetesh - -
4 5 - Radio Radio Radio - empty
4 6 - Marcus - -

Omegaton West Habitat
Nearest TP: Omegaton West Last Updated: (2/8/12)
Tower Block Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
Alpha - 1 - Sultan Starscream Dunder - empty
Alpha - 2 - Leeroy Jughead SgtWood Misc. -
Alpha - 3 - Baha Jay Calypso Armor(M), BPs(I-II), Misc. -
Alpha - 4 - Jos Bernz Bernz - empty
Alpha - 5 - Zapra Zap Greadon Binary Energy -
Alpha - 6 - FA Loeken Aderschnausser - empty
Alpha - 7 - Atlan Ion Leticron Weaponry (Ranged) -
Alpha - 8 - mellow molleke janssen Clothes, Ore, Enmatter -
Alpha - 9 - Lane von Hohenstein - empty
Alpha - 10 - Lane von Hohenstein - empty
Alpha - 11 - kira red star-rigger - empty
Alpha - 12 - Marcus - -
Alpha - 13 - Marcus - -
Alpha - 14 - Marcus - -
Alpha - 15 - Marcus - -
Delta - 1 - norua norua cain EMT BP, Shear XR50 -
Delta - 2 Smith Store Richard Smith Grandux Weaponry (Ranged), ME, Misc. -
Delta Booth 3 - Maria mastermesh mesh - See Maria's Melee Market
Delta - 4 - Albus topodoco Zerdrob Weaponry(r) -
Epsilon - 1 - Marcus - -
Epsilon - 3 - Page Snow Snow - -
Epsilon - 4 - bunny bunnygirlz girlz - On sale in PA F1S3
Epsilon - 5 Fry's Market on the Sea Phillip TheTank J-Fry Vehicle Tools, Wire, Misc. -
Epsilon - 6 - Silver Argentum Fox - empty
Epsilon - 7 - Leeroy Jughead SgtWood BPs(I-II), Misc. -
Epsilon - 8 - Angor Snap Assassin - empty
Epsilon - 9 - Kygon Shr00m Infraction - empty
Epsilon - 10 - Naws Tel Telmah - empty
Epsilon - 11 - Salamander Cugel Noir Evil Skull Facemask (M) -
Epsilon - 12 - - - On sale in PA F2S2
Alpha all all - - - Internal err.
Delta A 1 Maria's Melee Market Maria mastermesh mesh BPs (I-VII) See Maria's Melee Market Slowly transitioning to melee
Delta A 2 - Qetesh sidney Beautician Makeup, Ore, Paint, Projectiles, Misc. -
Delta A 3 - Garkham Garkham666 MorgSkull Clothes (T,C), Armor, Misc. -
Delta A 4 SirEmi's Weapon Shop Emi Odyssey Sir Weaponry(r) -
Delta A 5 Habitat Bargain Bin Morticha Dragoness Exodia Mining & Hunting (low-mid range), Armor, HR2, Misc. Below MU
Delta A 6 - Lady Impzar Impzar - empty
Delta B 1 Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer Animal Parts, Comp(elec), Weaponry(r), Misc. -
Delta B 2 - Josh Crow Nenberg BPs(I-VII) -
Delta B 3 - Amaury NamoKiller Puma - empty
Delta B 4 - Cressi Cress Stardust - empty
Delta B 5 - Rothgar GRoth Goodnar Textures, Misc. -
Delta B 6 - Imewi Ime Dira - empty
Delta C 1 - Wilma Zindy Zhark Misc. -
Delta C 2 - Squee Da Bomb Doe - empty
Delta C 3 - Fed Solo Soloteiev BPs(I), Clothes(C), Misc. -
Delta C 4 - ARE WARASE STARE - empty
Delta C 6 Mindforce Chip Shop George Ace Skywalker MF -

Port Atlantis Mall
Nearest TP: Port Atlantis Mall Last Updated: (12/29/11)
Floor Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
Entrance Spaces
- 1 - Zek Z3kdark3r Darker Armor -
- 2 - Vehshi Rogue Shard-Angel Armor, Weaponry (Ranged), Tools, BPs (I-V), Quads, Arkadia BP books, Misc. -
1 1L - Zek Z3kdark3r Darker Armor, Weaponry, Clothes, Tools, Gems, Animal Parts -
1 2S Hunters & Miners House Max Mickey Orion Hunting, Mining -
1 3S Sakuba's Emporium Milela Sakuba Wilnfe General Low-Mid Gear -
1 4L - spod spod spodley BPs, Mining, Armor, Misc. -
1 5L SZ Telemachus SokrateX Rhade MF, ESI, Skin, Paint, Armor, Misc. -
1 8S The Lion's Den MAXIMUS ROAR STORMBRINGER Texture, Tools, Misc. -
1 10L Southern Fortress Jim EwoK Morris Armor -
1 11L The Stevens' Family Store Dave Yarrow Stevens Weaponry, Armor, BPs (I-IV), Ore, Enmatter, Misc. -
1 12S - Sphalx Hal Draken Armor, Deed (Hangar), Animal Hide, Misc. -
1 13S - Caius Thiti Ceasar Weaponry (Melee, Ranged), Whip -
2 2S Dead Man's Plunder Dave Nihilist Quantison Tools, Weaponry, Armor, BPs (I-IV), Enhancers, Deed (Shop) -
2 3S - Steve Punisher Graham Weaponry (Ranged), Armor, Tools -
2 4L - Nouellus Wolta Phenix Weaponry (Ranged), Armor, Misc. -
2 5L - Jhune Brayo Rivera Weaponry, Armor -
2 10L Sarah's TT+1 Shop Sarah Witchblade0815 Pezzinni Animal Parts, BPs (I-IV), Components, Misc. -
2 11L - Hank mchammer Hammer Weaponry, Armor Plate, BP (V, IX, XIV), Enhancers -
2 13S - Virtulex vix Turbulence BPs (I-IV), Weaponry (Ranged), Armor -
2 14L xXSqUaLLXx bubu pq peach Few Mining Amps (7-13) -
3 1L Bunny Invest bunny bunnygirlz girlz Arkadian BP books, Clothes (T,C) -
3 2S - Baron Baron Von Steuben BPs (I-VII), MF, FAP, Displays, Paint, Misc -
3 3S Bunny Invest bunny bunnygirlz girlz Clothes (T,C), Deeds (Shops(Calypso & Not) Apartment), Skill Implants -
3 4L Bunny Invest bunny bunnygirlz girlz BPs (I-VII), ROCKtropia BP books -
3 5L - Leonis Leo Nis Mining (Amps, Tools, Enhancers) -
3 7S - - Sandrelia Sandi Mayfield For Sale at Twin Peaks, F1S1
3 8S Rabbids Xantonia Xany Belle Armor, Weaponry -
3 10L Exo Express Exsolvus Exo Nex Misc. -
3 14L - Augis Auktuma Tumas Mining (Tools, Amps), BPs (X-XIV), Clothes, Weaponry, Armor, Furniture, Vehicle Repair -

Rogue Plains
Nearest TP: varies Last Updated: (1/10/12)
TP Hangar Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
East 8 - George Ace Skywalker Robot Beacons (several types) NW of TP -

Sakura City
Nearest TP: Sakura City Last Updated: (1/29/12)
Tower Block Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
Koufuku A 1 Jo's Jo Aloisius Smith BPs (I-IV) Some good QR
Koufuku A 3 Apollo's Furniture and Decorations Hades Hermes Apollo Furniture, Decorations -
Yuujou A 1 - Boriss Borius BG Armor -
Yuujou A 2 - stu pey catz BPs (I-IV), Components, Enhancers, Misc. -
Yuujou A 3 - Ami Trabin Trabin Bear Gloves, Chromatophore Face -
Yuujou A 4 - Noodles NightOwl O'Shea B.A.M.F (L) -

Treasure Island City
Nearest TP: Treasure Island City Last Updated: (1/25/12)
Tower Block Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
Platinum A 1 - Noodles NightOwl O’Shea Herman ARK-20, Vivos 5,10,15,20,UR150 -
Platinum A 2 Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer Armor, Decorative Signs, Misc. -
Platinum A 3 - Dinah Blaze Arris Weaponry (Ranged), Misc. -
Platinum A 4 FeelGood's Bargain Bin DrFeelGood DrFeelGood Ladiesman Clothes, Armor, Misc. -
Platinum A 5 The Furniture Shop Baron Baron Topper Furniture, Decoration, Deeds (Apartments) Regularly updated
Platinum A 6 - Anders sob Alm Clothes (T,C) -
Platinum B 3 - Quint Landlord Vicious Enhancers (I-VI) -
Platinum B 5 The Drow Shop diratlion Dir dawson One resource extractor -
Platinum C 4 - hazel Rose d’ark Misc. -
Platinum C 5 LeeLoo's Beauty Workshop Leeloo Leeloo Mountain Beauty Services, Clothes, Misc. -
Platinum C 6 - Ryan Rotrap Masters Misc. -

Twin Peaks Mall
Nearest TP: Twin Peaks Mall Last Updated: (2/3/12)
Floor Shop # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
1 1L Below Markup Enhancers Sandrelia Sandi Mayfield Enhancers, Clothes, Tools, Deed (Shop), Misc. Restocking daily starting mid-Jan
1 2S - bunny bunngirlz girlz - On sale in Port Atlantis F1S3S
1 4L SZ General Merchandise ManagJah Dex Oh Weaponry (R,L), MF (L), Armor (L), High Tier, Arkadian -
1 5L Tzepu’s Shop Tzepelea Tzepu Geri Armor, Furniture, Weaponry, Tools, Deed (Apartment, Castle) -
1 7 Don's Shop - Finders, BPs (I,II,V) -
1 8S - Warants Skalman Skalmansson Foot Guards (F) -
1 10L sfe Jim EwoK Morris Armor -
1 11L Entropia Top Tamer Miggobar Miggobar Nostra Deeds (Pet), Whips -
1 12S SODERS outlet soderd soder soderstrom Mining amps lvl 2,7,8,12, Apis, Misc Restocked daily
1 13S Kenshin's Consignment Shop Kenshin Himura Battosai FAP, Mining, Armor, Misc. -
1 14L Buzz Erik Lightyear’s Hunting Shop Buzz Erik Lightyear Weaponry, Attachments, Enhancers Crafted
2 1L Freyr’s Fashion for Women Mike Freyr Perry Clothes (T,C)(F) -
2 2S Freyr’s Fashion for Men Mike Freyr Perry Clothes (T,C)(M) -
2 3S Thiti’s Shop Caius Thiti Ceasar Deeds (Apartment, Shop), Displays, Misc. -
2 5L TT+1 Ped Shop George Ace Skywalker Armor, Weaponry, Components, Decorations, Containers, Misc. -
2 8S - Alex Pegucka Mak Enhancers (I-IX), Finder Amps (L 5,7,8) -
2 10L Rapid Pet Store Rapid Running Chick Deeds (Pet), Paint, Weaponry, Armor, Misc. -
2 14L Buzz Erik Lightyear’s Mining Shop Buzz Erik Lightyear Mining, Amps, Enhancers Crafted
3 1L - mike hollar jones Clothes(T,C), Skills Implant, Weaponry (Ranged), Misc. -
3 2S Calypso Resource Center Wynfair Wyn Tradamere Animal Parts, Ore, Enmatter -
3 3S Dark Zunami Angel Dark Zunami Angel Beauty Services, Clothes (T,C) -
3 4L - Hyperion Hype Ayres Pictures, Decorations -
3 5L - Leonis Leo Nis Mining, Mining Amps -
3 7S - bunny bunnygirlz girlz - On sale in PA F1S3S
3 8S Mrs. Peel’s Loot Shop Mrs Emma Peel Clothes, Armor, Weaponry, FAP -
3 10L Angel’s Combat Boutique Angel Shadow Heard Weaponry, Armor, FAP All (L)
3 11L Etopia’s Fashion Boutique ETOPIA BOZZO PARACELTZ Clothes (T,C), Deed (Shop), Misc. -
3 13S Alive’s Crafted Goods Shop Maximus Alive GoodEvil Mining Amps, Equipment -
3 14L Buzz Erik Lightyear’s Protection Shop Buzz Erik Lightyear Armor, Medical, Enhancers Crafted

Shopping area:

Shop Shop # Name Nearest TP/City Owner Other details Link
- - - - - -
- - - - - -