Planet Calypso Shops

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
Location Last Update
Twin Peaks 7/27/14
Genesis 11/23/13
Medusa 12/1/13
Omegaton 12/31/13
Emerald Lakes 10/27/13
Deer Mall 11/1/13
TI 11/5/13
PA 6/21/14
CCMP, CLM 7/26/14
Sakura 7/27/14

Nearest TP OLA # Owner Inventory Other details Link Last updated
AOL #15 15 Jos Bernz Bernz Armor, Few Clothes, BPs (I-II) Shopkeepers in shack, as well - 1/1/12
Atami's Paradise - Atami Tami Atemi MF, Armor, Misc. - - 1/1/12
Atum 42 N Divinity Deth Undefined LP485 Apis (Lots) Always Below MU - 1/6/12
Nea's Place - Qetesh Qetesh Qetesh A-3, A-3 Imp, Weapon DE I, Misc. - - 1/1/12
Segna Forest 53 Warants Skalman Skalmansson Explosive Projectiles (lots) - - 1/7/12
Z's Little Farm - Lee Zhorgul Salmon BLP Stack - - 1/6/12

Camp Echidna Cabins
Nearest TP: Camp Echidna Last Updated: (1/6/12)
Cabin # Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
1 - Maureen Twister Twist Armor Plating - -
2 Xander's Pride Xander Zan Catman - Beauty Salon -
4 - Luna Lun Moonsparkle Armor, Lights - -
5 Siam's Shopping Area Siobhan Siam Ameno Weaponry (Ranged, Amp), Armor - -

Camp Echidna Hangars
Nearest TP: varies Last Updated: (1/10/12)
TP Hangar Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
North 3 - Christer toad Johansson Component Extractors (large variety) NW of TP -

Cape Corinth Marketplace
Nearest TP: Cape Corinth Last Updated: 7/25/2014
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
1 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
2 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
3 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
4 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
5 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
6 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
7 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
8 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
9 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
10 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
11 - Kajinn Kajinn Bloodrayne Amps(f:2), Weaponry(r,), Misc - 5/10 - -
12 - Jet Go Black Decorations, Deed(compet), Furniture, MF, Misc - 10/10 - -
13 - John Slim Harpo - inactive 0/10 - -
14 - Angel Shadow Heart Tools(h), Weaponry(r,) - 10/10 - -
15 - Mak MASARAKSH Sim Fireworks, Winery Crystal - 9/10 - -
16 - Tira Vickers Kira - - 0/10 - -
17 - Jet Go Black Amps(w:B101,A203), AUD, Weaponry(r,beginner) - 10/10 - -
18 - Goober GOOBSTER Assipe Components(crafted), Decorations, Weaponry(r,m) - 48/70 - -
19 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
20 - Getsome Booty Booty - inactive 0/10 - -
Chateau Liberte Marketplace
Nearest TP: Nymphtown Last Updated: 7/25/2014
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
1 - Brian BlueIce Basson Decorations, Urn - 3/10 - -
2 - Vanilla Nilla Wafer Clothes(T,C), Weaponry(r,) - 7/10 - -
3 - Calivas MrX Lucky - inactive 1/10 - -
4 - Mutant Atrax Stalker Amps(w:b101), Weaponry(r,), Misc - 9/10 - -
SKs - Edward Magyar Republic Armor, Explosives, MF, Weaponry(r,) - 27/40 - -
Deer Mall
Nearest TP: New Oxford Last Updated: 2/4/2012
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Floor 1
1.1 New Oxford Maximal Supply Co. Jason Maximus Landon Amps(w,f:1L,2L), Animal Oils, Armor, Enmatter, Explosives, MF, Mission Tokens, Ore, RK-5, Tools(h,m), Weaponry(r,m,e), Wire - 120/185 - -
1.2 - PL HARNAS BORG - inactive 44/55 - -
1.3 Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer Animal Oils & Parts, Components, Decorations, Enmatter, Leathers, Ore, Robot Components, Textures, Weaponry(r,), Misc - 76/110 - -
1.4 Trance Make-up hypnotica trance blain Makeup Services, Misc Not many items for sale 127/160 - -
1.5 - Maureen Twister Twist BPs(I,II,IV,V), Displays, Extractors, Skins, Paint, Pictures, Textures - 47/115 - -
1.6 Pal's Palanor Pal Vendrion Clothes(T,C), Misc - 19/55 - -
1.7 Xander's Pride Xander Zan Catman Textures - 103/110 - -
1.8 - Gloria GoNi Nicestyle Amps(f:2,6), BPs(I,III), Crafted Components, Foot Guards, Ore, Weaponry(r,BreerP1a), Misc - 54/110 - -
1.9 ManBearPig's Deal ManBearPig DeCur Armor, BPs(I,III-VI,VIII,IX,XII), Decorations, Furniture, Karadi Painting, Weaponry(r,) - 54/55 - -
1.1 - DragonEy The NightReaper - inactive 0/75 - -
1.11 Antonio's Photography Antonio Amar Mar Clothes(C), Pictures, Sjoeblom Crystal ** 96/110 - -
Floor 2
2.1 TusaLusa Shop Alpha FIT Beta Armor, MF, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,m) - 32/55 - -
2.2 - Monique Mon Cauldron Enmatter, Ore very few items 6/110 - -
2.3 - Monique Mon Cauldron - inactive 0/55 - -
2.4 Delta Force Unity Shop Zam White Killjoy Armor Plating, Decorations, Furniture - 63/160 - -
2.5 Dessy's Furniture & Much More Dessy Dessy Valnor Armor, BPs(I,III), Clothes(T,C), Furniture, Lesser Elysia, Ore/Enmatter?(NI), Weaponry(NI) - 99/110 - -
2.6 Dekan's Dekan goga Swift BPs(I,VII-IX), Decorations, Furniture, Ore/Enmatter?(NI), Paint, Textures, Weaponry(r,), Misc - 53/55 - -
2.7 Dead Mans Plunder Dave Nihilist Quantison Animal Parts, BPs(I-IV), Decorations - 54/55 - -
2.8 - Brian BlueIce Basson Tools(m), Weaponry(r,m) - 31/110 - -
2.9 Cat's Catiana Cat Well Ark Keys, Armor, Clothes(T,C), Decorations, Furniture, MF, ESI, Tools(h,m), Weaponry(r,m), Misc - 109/110 - -
2.1 CrutchCo Cloth & Craft John Crutch Scoggin Clothes(C), MF, Signs, Weaponry(r,m,v), Misc - 55/55 - -
2.11 Cat's 2 Catiana Cat Well Animal Oils, Components, Enmatter, Ore, Paint, Time Crystal - 55/55 - -
2.12 Smith Store Richard Smith Grandux - inactive 1/110 - -

Emerald Lakes
Nearest TP: Emerald Lakes Mall Last Updated: 10/28/2013
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Floor 1
1.1L Zombie Armaments & Supplies Juniper Jaywalker Jones Armor Plate,Clothes(T,C),Decorations, Enhancers,Vehicles(T,C),Weaponry(r,m) - 278/310 - -
1.2S Peanut's Bazaar Peanut DeadlyPeanut Hall Amps(w,f:1L,2L),Armor,Enhancers,Weaponry(r,m),Misc - 105/125 - -
1.3S Anyzteoz Shop Maciej Anyzteoz Mazur Armor,Armor Plate,BPs(VI,VII,IX,X,XIV)Clothes(T,C),DNA frags,SI(full),Weaponry(r,m) Lots of implants 109/125 - -
1.4L GloryHound Thoughts & Shots Warden Coz Coz MF, Weaponry(r,m,e), Misc - 108/310 - -
1.5L - Daniel Oxid Berit Armor,Bleaching Tools,Tools(h),Weaponry(r,),Misc - 173/315 - -
1.7S - PopFuzz Poppy Fuzzy Armor Plate,BPs(I-VI) - 119/125 - -
1.8S Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer Armor,BPs(I-IV),Clothes(T,C),Components,Decorations,Paint,Textures,Misc - 75/125 - -
1.10L - Onkel RobRoy Bob - private -/- - -
1.11L - Tony Nixon Larsen - inactive 0/310 - -
1.12S - bigdaddy bigdaddycg ciano - inactive 0/125 - -
1.13S Knowing Leland Lee Ribling Beacon,BPs(I-VI,XI),Clothes,Deeds(booth,apt),DNA(RT?),Furniture,Weaponry(r,),Misc - 125/125 - -
1.14L Summer's Fashion Designs Alkesh Summer Vallan Clothes(T,C),Decorations,Displays,Makeup,Paint,Signs,Tools(coloring) - 319/330 - -
Floor 2
2.1L - Radiance Rad Luminosity Beauty Supplies,BPs(I-X),Enhancers,Paint,Tools(m),Weaponry(r,v),Misc Only some paints for sale 246/320 - -
2.2S - Caius Thiti Ceasar - inactive 2/125 - -
2.3S The Supply Line Earl Von Kippler Animal Oils,Armor,Components,Decorations,Pictures,Weaponry(r,) - 78/125 - -
2.4L Celia's Salon celia penats krok Animal Parts,Armor,Clothes(T,C),Crafting mats(cyr),Enmatter,Extractors,MF,Ore,Paint,Textures,Weaponry(r,m) - 244/310 - -
2.5L - iulrorck abaddon bark Crafted Components,Nanobots,Ore Only a few items for sale 150/315 - -
2.7S Zombie Armaments & Supplies Aurisk Morey Kenbi Armor,Refiners,Tools(m,h),Weaponry(r,m),Wire,Misc - 71/125 - -
2.8S Dandy's Loot Factory Lucifer dandy Leon MF Only a few for sale 33/125 - -
2.10L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - 0/310 - -
2.11L LeeLoo's Corner LeeLoo LeeLoo Faith Armor,Clothes(C,T),Decorations,Enmatter,Fruit,MF,Ore,Paint,Textures,Weaponry(r,m,e) - 302/310 - -
2.12S KRMY Krimanji Krimey Groening Robot Flare Filter,Salamander Arms (M) - 36/125 - -
2.13S 70's Shop Seventy 70 Was Amps(w),Armor Plate,CLD,MF,Refiners,Tools(h,m),Weaponry(r,m) - 102/125 - -
2.14L Bigdaddy's bigdaddy bigdaddycg ciano Armor,Clothes,Decorations,Refiners,Tools(h),Weaponry(r,) - 131/310 - -
Floor 3
3.1L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/310 - -
3.2S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/125 - -
3.3S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/125 - -
3.4L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/310 - -
3.5L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/315 - -
3.7S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/125 - -
3.8S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/125 - -
3.10L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/310 - -
3.11L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/310 - -
3.12S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/125 - -
3.13S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/125 - -
3.14L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - -/310 - -

Genesis Amethera Headquarters
Nearest TP: GAHQ Last Updated: 11/23/2013
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Tower B
1 L'enclave larr larr delenclave Beauty Services, Enmatter, Ore - 7/11 - -
2 - - - - -/- - -
3 - Lolita Lovelife Lolly Papillion - inactive 0/11 - -
4 - baris sigortaci78 sukur - inactive 6/10 - -
5 - Michael Smoerble Stock - inactive 0/10 - -
6 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
7 - Kalevi Susi Susi Armor, Deeds(foma), Tools(h), Misc - 7/10 - -
8 - Phillipe Phil Reyme f-101 - 1/10 - -
9 - Asha Asha Vevila - inactive 0/10 - -
10 - david phoenix wharrier - inactive 0/10 - -
11 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
12 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
13 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
14 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/10 - -
A.1 - Jos Bernz Bernz BPs(I-III) - 10/60 - -
A.2 - Anthony Morkai de Jais Armor, MF, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,m,e), Misc - 81/85 - -
A.3 - Flying yuko Snail - inactive 0/60 - -
A.4 - Jessica Jessabell Bell Clothes(T,C), Decorations, Furniture(C,) - 31/60 - -
A.5 - zZz Sliver XzZz Clothes(T,C), Decorations, Furniture, Thrusters, Misc - 82/85 - -
A.6 - Dirk DR Rand Armor, Clothes, MF, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,) - 32/60 - -
B.1 Gunrod's Store Jock Gunrod Zarrafakt Decorations, Enmatter, Furniture, Ore, Tools(h), VS, Misc - 24/60 - -
B.2 - Bastian Geode Ovall - - 0/85 - -
B.3 Tiny Shop enji Akina tina Armor, Enhancers(II,V,VII) - 43/60 - -
B.4 - Eleria Orion Starwind Animal Parts, Components(loot), Misc - 26/60 - -
B.5 - Richard Smith Grandux - inactive 0/85 - -
B.6 - Jay Husker Brown - inactive 2/60 - -
C.1 - Dessy Dessy Valnor - inactive *owner listed isn't correct (I think)* 0/60 - -
C.2 Sol's Little Shop of Horrors Robin Solaris Hat Decorations, Displays, Furniture, SI(various) - 20/85 - -
C.3 - Zek z3kdark3r Darker - inactive 0/60 - -
C.4 - Miggobar Miggobar Nostra Clothes, Deeds(pet) - 28/60 - -
C.5 - atma spinal existance BPs(wire), Welding Wire - 63/85 - -
C.6 - Michael Bearlover Deede DNA(nec), Weaponry(r,M3A), Misc - 41/60 - -
Apt 3B Stevie's Ore Shop Steve Stevie Vai Enmatter, Ore Below MU 66/120 - -
Apt 5E Armors by Auktuma Augis Auktuma Tumas Armor(crafted) - 119/120 - -
Apt 7B Armor Plate by Auktuma? Kestutis MADsterLT Timinskas Armor, Armor Plating - 105/120 - -
Tower D
B1 Dessy's Clothing Dessy Dessy Valnor Clothes(T,C), Vehicles(T,C) - 118/120 - -
10E The Valiant Little Tailor Maternus Simmer Simmerson Clothes(T,C,Plain) - 119/120 - -

Nearest TP: Medusa Teleporter Last Updated: 12/1/2013
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Floor 1
1.1S ManBearPig's Cheap Amps and Enhancers Deal ManBearPig DeCur Amps(f:3), Armor Plating, Enhancers(I,V,VIII-X), Misc - 39/40 - -
1.2S Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer Armor, Misc - 26/40 - -
1.3L - Jok star de PE LeMagniFiK BPs(I-VI), Extractors, MF, Ore, Paint, Misc - 74/100 - -
1.4L - Nighty Skorp Shadow - inactive 0/100 - -
1.5S Project Society Ron Jubal Jester MF, Weaponry(r,m) - 40/40 - -
1.6S - keano kman runner Armor - 17/40 - -
Floor 2
2.1S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/40 - -
2.2S - Rob RobVee Vee - inactive 0/40 - -
2.3L - Modified Akoz Power - inactive 0/100 - -
2.4L - Ericarrie Saoirse Saoirse - inactive 25/100 - -
2.5S Ionar Electronics Fritz Sir Smuggler Ionar - inactive 0/40 - -
2.6S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/40 - -
Floor 3
3.1S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/40 - -
3.2S - Frank tanor Tanor BPs(I,IV,V,VIII), MF, Tools(v), Misc - 37/40 - -
3.3L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/100 - -
3.4L - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/100 - -
3.5S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/40 - -
3.6S Chug's Last Stand benjamin haphazzard kane Amp(XR70), Armor(Angel UL), Weaponry(r,Apis) - 32/40 - -
Floor 4
4.1S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/40 - -
4.2S - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - inactive 0/40 - -
4.3L - bunny bunnygirlz girlz - inactive 0/100 - -
4.4L - Modified Akoz Power - inactive 0/100 - -
4.5S - Radio Radio Radio - inactive 0/40 - -
4.6S - Modified Akoz Power - inactive 0/40 - -

Omegaton West Habitat
Nearest TP: Omegaton West Habitat Last Updated: 12/31/2013
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Tower Alpha
1 - Sultan Starscream Dunder - - 0/10 - -
2 - Leeroy Jughead SgtWood Misc - 3/10 - -
3 - Ryan Zer0XHDX0137 Brown Tools, Weaponry(r,), Wire, Misc - 10/10 - -
4 - Jos Bernz Bernz - - 0/10 - -
5 Greadon's Shop Zapra Zap Greadon Clothes(C,T), Misc - 7/11 - -
6 - FA Loeken Aderschnausser - - 0/10 - -
7 The Armoury Atlan Ion Leticron Weaponry(r,) - 7/10 - -
8 - mellow molleke janssen Ore, Misc - 3/10 - -
9 - Lane von Hohenstein - - 0/10 - -
10 - Lane von Hohenstein - - 0/10 - -
11 - kira red star-rigger - - 0/10 - -
12 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - 0/10 - -
13 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - 0/10 - -
14 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - 0/10 - -
15 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - 0/10 - -
Tower Beta
Tower Gamma
35B - Steffen Stelgim Josefsen RK-5, Tools(m), Misc - -/- - -
Tower Delta
1 - norua norua cain EMT Kit BP (III) - 1/10 - -
2 - Richard Smith Grandux - - 0/30 - -
3 - Cool Buckwild Fly Armor, Holiday Hat, Weaponry(r,) - 10/10 - -
4 - Albus Topodoco Zerdrob Armor, Clothes, Ore, Misc - 9/10 - -
A.1 - Jet Go Black - private 20/80 - -
A.2 - Miguel carniceiro boss Beauty chairs, Clothes(T,C), Garnets, ME, MF, Tools(h),


A.3 - Garkham Garkham666 MorgSkull "Clothes(C,T plain)" -/37 - -
A.4 SirEmi's Arkadia Shop Emi Odyssey Sir - 8 60/- - -
A.5 The Habitat Bargain Bin Killarious K-Max Maximillion Armor, Clothes, MF, Tools(h,m),

Vehicle parts, Weaponry(r,m),Misc||-||104/105||-||-

A.6 - Lady Impzar Impzar - - 0/60 - -
B.1 Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer Animal Parts, Armor, Clothes(C,T),

Decorations, BPs(I,II,\IV), Misc||-||42/60||-||-

B.2 - Josh Crow Nenberg BPs(I-IV,VI,VII) Several Types 83/85 - -
B.3 - Amaury NamoKiller Puma - - 9/60 - -
B.4 - Cressi Cress Stardust - - 0/60 - -
B.5 Groth's Fine and Happy Place to Shop Rothgar Groth Goodnar Armor, Crafted Components,


B.6 - Imwe Ime Dira - - 0/60 - -
C.1 Rock's Gazz Station Resource Shop TheRock Animalcommander RockY MF, Ore, Weaponry(r,),

Misc||Miner's Mafia||32/60||-||-

C.2 - Squee Da Bomb Doe - - 0/85 - -
C.3 - Fed Solo Soloteiev BPs(I), Clothes(C,), Trippy Texture - 30/60 - -
C.4 - ARE WARASE STARE - - 0/60 - -
C.5 - FOUNDER GOD GENESIS High-Five Trucker Hat (F) - 1/85 - -
C.6 - Henry BabyOxide Ha Amps(F:2,Athena), Time Crystals, Tools(m), Weaponry(r,m) -


Tower Epsilon
1 - Marcus Callender The Estate Broker - - 0/10 - -
2 - - - - -/- - -
3 Page's Shop Page Snow Snow Armor, BPs(I), Tools(h), Weaponry(m), Misc - 8/10 - -
4 - Spanglehelm Rusty Rockfist Animal Oils, Armor, Explosives - 10/10 - -
5 - Leland Lee Reibling - - 0/10 - -
6 - Silver Argentum Fox BPs(I-IV), Coloring equipment, Ore - 10/10 - -
7 - Leeroy Jughead SgtWood Tools(h), Misc - 7/10 - -
8 - Angor Snap Assassin - - 0/10 - -
9 - Kygon Shr00m Infraction Mai Tai - 1/10 - -
10 Fred Zed Gerard's Booth Fred Zed Gerard Clothes,Weaponry(r,) - 9/10 - -
11 - Salamander Cugel Noir Evil Skull Facemask (M) - 1/10 - -
12 - Steffen Stelgim Josefsen Masks, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,), Misc - 10/10 - -

Port Atlantis
Nearest TP: PA Mall Last Updated: 6/21/2014
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Floor 1
1.1L - Zek z3kdark3r Darker Armor, Boxes, Clothes(T,C), Eyeballs, Weaponry(r,m), Misc - 63/110 - -
1.2S Welding Wire Shops Hyun Soo Jang BPs(weapon, I-VIII), Enmatter, Vases, Wire - 105/105 - -
1.3S Emma's Shop Juliane Emma Morgan Clothes(T,C,Rare), Textures - 59/65 - -
1.4L - rfs-1 Wise Respected Armor, BPs(comp,I-V), Clothes, Tools(m), Weaponry(r,e), Misc - 109/110 - -
1.5L SZ Telemachus SokrateX Rhade Amps(BLP), Animal parts, Armor, Aurli parts, Beauty, Extractors, Makeup, MF, Paint, Textures, Weaponry(m) - 105/130 - -
1.7S Mr & Mrs Stevens Outlet Centre Anraiel Anra Stevens Armor, BAMF(zk6), Clothes, Explosives, MF, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,) - 43/45 - -
1.8S The Lion's Den MAXIMUS ROAR STORMBRINGER - inactive 6/45 - -
1.10L Southern Fortress Jim Ewok Morris Armor, Armor, More Armor 152/175 - -
1.11L The Stevens' Family Store Dave Yarrow Stevens Armor, BPs(misc,I-III), Explosives, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,m) - 73/110 - -
1.12S - Sphalx Hal Draken Deed(hangar) - 14/45 - -
1.13S [something] Monster Hunting Noorie Noorie Anwar Armor, MF, Tools(h) - 35/105 - -
1.14L - Doncent green Greenlife "BPs(finder,I,IV) Coil Springs" -/26 - -
Floor 2
2.1L Deep Space Supplies Bjorn Bjorn Longstaff Amps(Laser), BPs(misc,III,V,XI), Clothes, Decorations, Furniture, Weaponry(r,) - 103/110 - -
2.2S - Dave Nihilist Quantison Armor, BPs(misc,I-IV), Clothes(T,C), Makeup, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,), Misc - 45/45 - -
2.3S Fate Thanatos Themis Armor, Cyrene Collectibles, Weaponry(r,), Misc - 33/45 - -
2.4L - Nouellus Wolta Phenix Armor, Decorations, ESI, Extractors, Hides, MF, Weaponry(r,), Misc - 88/110 - -
2.5L - Jhune Brayo Rivera - inactive 27/110 - -
2.7S - Josha Josha Zenovka - inactive 0/45 - -
2.8S Kristelle Krystal Universe Components, Extractors, Mob oils, Paint, Robot drops - 45/45 - -
2.10L Sarah's TT+1 Shop Sarah Witchblade0815 Pezzinni Armor, BPs(misc,II,III,V,VII), Clothes, Crafted components, Decorations, DNA(Argo), Robot(vixen) parts, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,) - 118/155 - -
2.11L - Hank mchammer Hammer Armor, Armor Plates, Weaponry(r,m,e) - 80/110 - -
2.12S Spacely's Outlet George Spaceman Jetson - inactive 2/45 - -
2.13S - Virtulex vix Turbulence Armor, BPs(misc,I-III), Clothes, Decorations, Duchev Log, Weaponry(r,), Wire - 44/45 - -
2.14L - Charles Maiato May Amps(mining), Ore, Treasure, Vases, Weaponry(r,) - 32/130 - -
Floor 3
3.1L Bunnygirlz Fashion bunny bunnygirlz girlz Clothes(T,C) - 106/110 - -
3.2S Baron's Little Bit of Everything Baron Baron von Steuben Components(craft, loot), Makeup, Paint, Misc - 38/45 - -
3.3S Bunny Invest bunny bunnygirlz girlz BPs(IV,V,X), CLD, Clothes(T,C), Containers, Deed(shop,FOMA), DNA(argo), SI - 105/105 - -
3.4L Bunnygirlz Fashion bunny bunnygirlz girlz Clothes(T,C) - 109/110 - -
3.5L - Leonis Leo Nis Amps(laser), Armor, Enhancers, Weaponry(r,) - 29/110 - -
3.7S Leon's Classy Fashions Leon HEAT Kusanagi Clothes(T,C) - 44/45 - -
3.8S Rabbids Xantonia Xany Belle Clothes(T,C), MF - 30/45 - -
3.10L - Flizan Fliz Fliezan Armor, MF, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,m,e) - 113/115 - -
3.11L - Mistress THE-WITCH Hazel - inactive 6/110 - -
3.12S - Kygon Shr00m Infraction - inactive 35/45 - -
3.13S - Balthazar Noggin Fishburn - inactive 21/45 - -
3.14L Auktuma's Augis Auktuma Tumas Amps(BLP,Laser,mining), Beauty Supplies, BPs(VIII-XII,XIV), Clothes, Furniture, RK-20, Tools(h,m), Weaponry(r,m,e), Wire - 90/110 - -

Rogue Plains
Nearest TP: varies Last Updated: (1/10/12)
TP Hangar Name Owner Inventory Other details Link
East 8 - George Ace Skywalker Robot Beacons (several types) NW of TP -
Nearest TP: Sakura City Last Updated: 7/27/2014
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Koufuku Tower
A.1 Jo's Jo Aloisius Smith BPs(I-IV), Decorations, Weaponry(r,) - 16/50 - -
A.2 70's Sakura Shop Seventy 70 Was Animal Oils, BPs(I,II), Components(looted,crafted), Skins, Tools(m,h), Misc - 57/75 - -
A.3 - Raul Zorro Lopez MF, Scanners, T104 - 6/50 - -
A.4 - ARE WARASE STARE - inactive 0/50 - -
A.5 - Noone No Never - inactive 0/75 - -
A.6 - Miro EL EM - inactive 0/50 - -
Yuujou Tower
A.1 - Boriss Borius BG Armor - 24/50 - -
A.2 - stu pey catz Armor, BPs(I-V), Signs - 54/75 - -
A.3 - Ami Trabin Trabin Amps(w:bull20, bull40, shearXR50), Bear Gloves(L), Chromataphore Mk,I Face Guards (L) - 71/75 - -
A.4 - Noodles NightOwl O'Shea BAMF(zk1,zk2), Rv 50 (outside) - 7/50 - -
A.5 Nagakin's Emporium Rangkayo Naga Bonar - inactive 83/75(?) - -
A.6 - Ann Yanna Martens - inactive 0/50 - -
Treasure Island
Nearest TP: Treasure Island City Last Updated: 11/5/2013
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Platinum Tower
A.1 - Noodles NightOwl O'Shea Leather, Textures, Tools(h) - 5/60 - -
A.2 Lady Lustreal's Emporium Lady Lustreal Dremer Armor, BPs(I-III), Clothes(T,C), Tools(h), Misc - 61/85 - -
A.3 - Vlad Vlad Banokin F-105 - 4/60 - -
A.4 FeelGood's Bargain Bin DrFeelGood DrFeelGood Ladiesman Armor, Clothes(C,), Weaponry(r,), Misc - 34/60 - -
A.5 The Furniture Shop Baron Baron Topper Decorations, Displays, Furniture - 84/85 - -
A.6 - Anders sob Alm - inactive 0/60 - -
B.1 - Micah Hoos McDowell - inactive 2/60 - -
B.2 - Jon Max Carter - inactive 0/85 - -
B.3 - Dreka Spitfire Blanche BAMF(ZK1,ZK2), Jungle Caps, MF, Trailblazer Boots, Misc - 42/60 - -
B.4 - Netaquel Netaq Osianov - inactive 0/60 - -
B.5 The Drow Shop diratlion Dir dawson One RE-101 - 11/85 - -
B.6 - camille alain prince - inactive 0/60 - -
C.1 - Ark Cybe Nor - - 0/60 - -
C.2 - Amanda Mandy Swift - - 0/85 - -
C.3 - Dalharil DD D'Oloth - - 0/60 - -
C.4 - hazel Rose d'ark - inactive 9/60 - -
C.5 LeeLoo Mountain's Beauty Workshop Leeloo Leeloo Mountain Armor, BPs(II-IV), Decorations, Deed(), Displays, Enhancers(I-III), Enmatter, Ore, Signs, Misc - 58/85 - -
C.6 - Ryan Rotrap Masters Armor, MF Implant, Weaponry(r,) Only some items for sale 18/60 - -

Twin Peaks
Nearest TP: Twin Peaks Mall Last Updated: 7/27/2014
Shop ID Name Owner Inventory Notes Q. Link Link
Floor 1
1.1L Hot Stuff Fashion Sandrelia Sandi Mayfield Beauty supplies, BPs(masks), Clothes(C,T), Decorations, Furniture, Masks, Signs, Textures, Tools(h), Wire, Misc - 130/160 - -
1.2S Shop #2 Hyun Soo Jang BPs(I,IX,X), Components(crafted), Hoverpods, Weaponry(r,), Wire - 59/65 - -
1.3S - Finn Da Celt Mac Cumaill - inactive 0/65 - -
1.4L Entropia Artworks Vehshi Rogue Shard-Angel Armor, Custom Art, Decorations, Deeds(various), Furniture, Tools(m), Vehicles, Weaponry(r,m,e), Misc - 143/200 - -
1.5L - Noorie Noorie Anwar BPs(I-VII) - 52/160 - -
1.7S Mr. Incredible's Discount Ore Warehouse Mr SuperHero Incredible Ore - 10/65 - -
1.8S - Warants Skalman Skalmansson Foot Guards (F) (unlimited) - 31/65 - -
1.10L sfe Jim EwoK Morris Armor - 179/205 - -
1.11L Entropia Top Tamer Miggobar Miggobar Nostra Armor, Deeds (Pet) - 146/160 - -
1.12S Swag Inc. Iono Io Onoi AUD, CLD, Enhancers(depth), Enmatter, Explosives, Ore, Residue, Tools(m), Misc - 103/125 - -
1.13S Divinity's Emporium Divinity Deth Undefined Armor, Deeds, MF, Weaponry(r,m) - 52/65 - -
1.14L Buzz Lightyear's Hunting Shop Buzz Erik Lightyear "Amps(w), Clothes, Crystals, Decorations, Enhancers(eco dmg). Weaponry(r.)" -/94 - -
Floor 2
2.1L Dark Zunami Angel Dark Zunami Angel Beauty Services, Beauty Supplies, BPs(VII-XI), Clothes(T,C), Misc - 159/160 - -
2.2S EL Credits Shop Mike Freyr Perry EL Credits - 42/65 - -
2.3S - Caius Thiti Ceasar - inactive 0/65 - -
2.4L Freyr's Fashion Mike Freyr Perry Clothes (T,C) - 109/160 - -
2.5L Thiti's Shop Caius Thiti Ceasar Deeds(s), Enhancers(rng,dmg), Tools(h), Weaponry(r,) - 94/160 - -
2.7S Enhancer Shop Manni Pxeuda Fauster Enhancers(I-X) - 64/65 - -
2.8S - Alex Pegucka Mak - inactive 20/65 - -
2.10L Rapid Pet Store Rapid Running Chick Armor, Components(looted), Decorations, Deeds(Pet), Extractors, MF, Paint, Weaponry(r,m,e), Whip, Misc - 164/165 - -
2.11L Tiny Shop enji Akina tina Armor, Armor Plate, MF, Ore, Treasure, Weaponry(r,e) - 107/160 - -
2.12S - Drago PL Green Drago PL Red Drago PL Armor, BPs(V,VIII), Clothes, Decorations, Laser sights, Weaponry(r,m) - 59/65 - -
2.13S - Maximus Alive GoodEvil Weaponry(r) - 23/65 - -
2.14L Buzz Lightyear's Mining Shop Buzz Erik Lightyear Cltohes, Crystals, Enhancers(rng,depth), Furniture, MS parts, RK-20, Signs, Tools(m), Wire *Crafted* - 164/180 - -
Floor 3
3.1L Shadow Theunicate Soul & Krukanan Krukan Mertanen's Mining & Hunting shop krukanan krukan Mertanen Amps(f:7,w:XR80,XR90), Armor, ESI, MF, Tools(m), Weaponry(r,) - 50/160 - -
3.2S - Skoker Shoe Sverpan Armor, BPs(I-III), Components(crafted), Decorations, Weaponry(r,m,e) - 38/65 - -
3.3S - Mike Freyr Perry - inactive. For sale 18/85 - -
3.4L - Hyperion Hype Ayres Armor, Boxes(T,C), Clothes(T,C), Decorations, Furniture, Paintings, Urns, Weaponry(m) - 153/160 - -
3.5L - Leonis Leo Nis Decorations, Diplomas - 42/160 - -
3.7S Bunny Invest bunny bunnygirlz girlz - inactive 1/65 - -
3.8S Blu's Shop Rhodry Blu Kenrisson Amps(w:B10,B20,XR55), Armor, Explosives, Weaponry(r,) - 33/65 - -
3.10L Angel's Combat Boutique Angel Shadow Heart Diplomas, MF, Tools(h) - 162/165 - -
3.11L Forgo's Shop Forgorth Forgo Lundain Armor, Armor plate, BPs(I-IX), Clothes(T,C), Decorations, Enhancers(dmg), MF, Nanobots, Tools(h), Weaponry(r,m,e), Misc - 159/160 - -
3.12S Freaks of Nature Inc. Spanglehelm Rusty Rockfist Animal Oils, Armor, Components(robot), Skins, Misc - 54/65 - -
3.13S Mining Amps & Equipment Maximus Alive GoodEvil Amps(f:3,7,12) - 33/65 - -
3.14L Buzz Lightyear's Protection Shop Buzz Erik Lightyear Armor, Armor Plating, BPs(phantom,VII), Enhancers(IV), , Tools(h) *Crafted* - 161/200 - -

Shopping area:

Shop Shop # Name Nearest TP/City Owner Other details Link
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