Help:Editing creatures
Go to the creature template and edit that, copy all the content of that page to your clipboard
You can find the creature template here: Template:Creature
Start a new page and name it like this: Creature:<name> (Where it says <name> fill in the full name of the mob as it is shown in game)
Edit the page and paste the content of your clipboard to this page
Fill in all the missing data on your newly created creature page
For help with the table go here: Help:Maturity_table
If the creature is not yet in the main creature page of the planet then edit that page and add the following line to it:
{{#lst:Creature:<name>|creature}} (Where it says <name> fill in the full name of the mob as it is shown in game)
- Where it says none.png, you can add a picture of the mob, just remember that it will be scaled way down, so be sure it looks good.
- Where it says <name> fill in the full name of the mob as it is shown in game.
- For all the "-" fill in the value in % for the various damage types. These value's need to be found by testing all kinds of armor on the mobs. This is a hard and long process. If you do not know the values, leave them like they are. Also fill in the other values (sweatble, tameable, etc.)
This should add a new line to the main creature page with a link to the creature page you just made.