Help:Maturity table[edit]

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Explanation on how these tables work[edit]

Maturity Health Regen. Speed Max. Damage Creature Level Taming Level Sweat Available Health level Damage potential Agility Intelligence Psyche Stamina Strength
004.png Young 1530 - 1 31 N/A 1530 Massive Large 15 15 20 153 220
004.png Mature 1650 - 1 35 N/A 1650 Massive Large 16 15 20 165 230
004.png Old 1780 - 1 38 N/A 1780 Massive Large 17 15 20 178 240
005.png Provider 1920 - 1 41 N/A 1920 Massive Large 18 15 20 192 250
005.png Guardian 2080 - 1 45 N/A 2080 Massive Large 19 15 20 208 260
005.png Dominant 2230 - 1 49 N/A 2230 Massive Great 20 15 20 223 270
006.png Alpha 2340 - 1 53 N/A 2340 Massive Great 21 15 20 234 280
006.png Old Alpha 2470 - 1 58 N/A 2470 Massive Great 22 15 20 247 290
007.png Prowler 2610 - 1 62 N/A 2610 Extremely high Great 23 15 20 261 300
007.png Stalker 2750 - 1 68 N/A 2750 Extremely high Huge 24 15 20 275 310

These tables are created a while ago by me (RAZER) in order to graphically show the level of the creature, by using the little icons in the first column. The icons shows a level from all grey bars (very easy) to all red bars (VERY hard). The fun thing about this table is that it does a lot of the stuff by itself, all you need to do is fill in some basic info you get from scanning the creature. Below you can see the data you need to fill in and the order you need to put them in the data entry.

There is a lot of text before the actual data lines, please let all that as is.

Every line of data begins with { { M a t u r i t y | , this can not change because this tells the table where to get his calculation data, so please leave this as is. After that is the actual data we need to fill in separated by a " | ".

Please be sure to use the order as mentioned below, or things will not go very well :)

  • Maturity
  • Regen Speed
  • Maximum Damage
  • Creature Level
  • Taming Level
  • Health Level
  • Damage Potential
  • Agility
  • Intelligence
  • Psyche
  • Stamina
  • Strength

Some of the values are set to 1 as a standard. This is not to mess up the calculations (divide by 0 and stuff)

At the very end of every line of data you'll see to brackets } } , these tell the table that the line is finished, so please keep those there as well.

When all the data is entered the table will display that data and calculate some more. After that it will dispaly the little threat icon in front of each line to show how dangerous the creature is.

If you have any questions please let me know by sending me (RAZER) a PM and I'll try to help you.