AHR DJ Bonnie interviews Planet Calypso designer Kim Welter 2013[edit]

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File:Atlas Haven Radio Logo 16px.png 30 April 2013 19:00

Thread: Kim Calypso Interview with DJ Bonnie 2013!

Recorded interview[edit]

Original announcement[edit]

It’s with great excitement that I announce our next live interview!

DJ Bonnie Kim Calypso Interview March 2013.jpg

Thursday 21st March at 1900ma :)

The interview will be held live on air, on Atlas Haven Radio . We will also do a written transcript for those of you not fluent in Glaswegian ;) and a MP3 version if possible.

We will be covering a huge range of topics including discussing the current hot issues to the latest releases and plans for the future.

Last time it was really great to put forward questions to Kim on what the community wanted to know, and it seems again there is so much out there to be asked!

So this year I will open it up to you again – I would love for you to post questions below on what you would like to be discussed in the interview. To find answers to those burning questions im sure so many of you have!

I will filter through these and hopefully find out as much information as possible :D

You can post here, or PM me if you like and I will do my best to cover as wide a range of topics as we can :)

I'm really looking forward to it, and hope you will enjoy it as much as I'm sure I will.

Thanks in advance to Kim and Atlas Haven Radio for making this possible – and to the community for what I'm sure is going to be an interesting array of questions to follow!


Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
