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Beginner Markup Trends/Arkadia[edit]
- Yellow Paint - 3-400% - Feran and Hadraada (and other mobs)
- Carabok Hides - 135-140% - Carabok
- Resources for Viceroy Armor Parts - 115-125% (if in proper quantities) - variety of mobs
Halix are great to hunt:
- around half of the viceroy components drop from them (soft hide, electronic stabilizing component, animal oil residue, miluca lumber, blazer/nova fragment, green paint, socket 1 component, animal hide, animal muscle oil, wool, explosive projectiles)
- halix hides sell for MU, though it is lower than carabok (~110%?)
- halix tails sell for 3000+% MU but are rare drops (I have gone 500 kills without a tail)
- mission rewards (good skills, but those skill gains don't count towards mentor goal, take what you can get!)
Two good low depth ores with good MU are lidacon and wenrex.
- Lidacon is on the island that contains sanctuary cove, no monsters spawn on north shore of island, though I believe it is found anywhere on the island. Sells for 135-140%MU
- Wenrex has always been good MU but has climbed of late (August 2014), selling in the 250-350%MU range. Check for good drop locations; I tend to prefer the arctic (other drops have okay MU) though it appears to be anywhere on the western side of the continent.
- Feran, Hadraada, and Carabok (and others) all have missions, so make sure you start those missions first if grinding them for markup.