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Calypso Wacky Races (Cape Corinth)[edit]
Start Date::03 March 2012
The 'Calypso Wacky Races' event.
- Where: Starting point/area is near the TP at Cape Corinth
- When: Saturday 3rd March at 8:30 PM in-game time (meet at Cape Corinth TP 8:15 PM)
- Vehicle needed: Valkyrie Mk1 only
- Prizes: 1st place 100 PED, 2nd place 75 PED, 3rd place 50 PED.
- Entry: 10 PED payable on the day (between 8:15 and 8:30 PM in-game time)
- See map below for the route
Other info:
- Marshals/event organizers will meet contestants at Cape corinth TP and will then take contestants to the start area (not far from the TP)
- Start of the race will be when a firework-rocket goes off
- The race will be monitored by aircraft to deter ppl from cheating, such as TPing and going cross-country too much (obvious mistakes allowed)
- At least three marshals will be standing in a line across the finish-point so that contestants will know exactly where the finish is
That's all folks, except to say we need as many taking part as possible, and have fun!
Forum thread: Calypso Wacky Races (Cape Corinth)