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Creature:Brontes Cyclops/Maturities NextIslandForum
Maturity | HP | Regen Speed | Max Dmg | Level | Sweat | Health Level | Dmg Potential | Agility | Intel | Psyche | Stamina | Strength |
Brontes Cyclops Destroyer | 10 | 12 | 10 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | ||||
Brontes Cyclops Slow | 3,600 | 11 | 3600 | 360 | ||||||||
Brontes Cyclops Defender | 3,700 | 11 | 3700 | 370 | ||||||||
Brontes Cyclops Mighty | 3,800 | 12 | 3800 | 380 |