Creature:Crunk Shark[edit]

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
File:Crunk Shark-profile.png
Name Crunk Shark     Combat Close
Origin ROCKtropia     Attacks 29
Destination(s) ROCKtropia     Range
Class Animal     Aggression Very High
Movement Swimming     Tamable No
Sweatable No     Version Update

The Crunk Shark has been known to make its home off the coasts of ROCKtropia. The common diet of Crunk Sharks varies but have been known to include, lawyers, music managers and haters. Due to their poor eyesight however the Crunk Shark tends to attack anything that moves which has led to cool Avatars being killed by these beasts. Extreme measures must be taken to protect all parts of your body if you dare to swim with these dominaters of the ocean.





LevelSweatHealth LevelDamage
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICrunk Shark Coral Hustler2,00048182000Medium31303420035¦class=fa fa-pencil
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICrunk Shark Reef Eater3,50067313500Large31303435045¦class=fa fa-pencil
IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICrunk Shark Tooth Assassin7,500136297500Large31303475045¦class=fa fa-pencil


MissionDestinationMission ChainMission ScopeMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU
The Hunt For Captain Petter 1ROCKtropiaThe Hunt For Captain PetterHuntingCpt.Francis(137440, 89000, 103),Kill 100 Crunk SharkHandgun (~1.61 PED TT)
The Hunt For Captain Petter 2ROCKtropiaThe Hunt For Captain PetterHuntingCpt.Francis(137440, 89000, 103)The Hunt For Captain Petter 1, |Kill 500 Crunk SharkAim (~8.05 PED TT)
The Hunt For Captain Petter 3ROCKtropiaThe Hunt For Captain PetterHuntingCpt.Francis(137440, 89000, 103)The Hunt For Captain Petter 2, |Kill 1000 Crunk SharkAnatomy (~16.1 PED TT)
The Hunt For Captain Petter 4ROCKtropiaThe Hunt For Captain PetterHuntingCpt.Francis(137440, 89000, 103)The Hunt For Captain Petter 3, |Kill 5000 Crunk SharkCombat Reflexes (~80.5 PED TT)
The Hunt For Captain Petter 5ROCKtropiaThe Hunt For Captain PetterHuntingCpt.Francis(137440, 89000, 103)The Hunt For Captain Petter 4, |Kill 10000 Crunk SharkAND choice between Athletics (~26.88 PED TT), Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Evade (~13.44 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Dodge (~13.44 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT)
The Hunt For Captain Petter 6ROCKtropiaThe Hunt For Captain PetterHuntingCpt.Francis(137440, 89000, 103)The Hunt For Captain Petter 5, |Kill 10000 Crunk SharkAND choice between Athletics (~26.88 PED TT), 1 Agility Token (~ PED TT) OR Evade (~13.44 PED TT), 1 Agility Token (~ PED TT) OR Dodge (~13.44 PED TT), 1 Agility Token (~ PED TT)


Map not available yet!No Crunk Shark spawns documented yet!

Creature Control[edit]

Creature Control documentation methods are not done yet!


* the average number of kills this item usually needs to drop at least once


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Further information[edit]

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Name Explanation[edit]

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Hunting Log[edit]

Average Return on Crunk Shark: 0 %



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Scanner Images[edit]

Other Images[edit]

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Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
