Creature:Lemmy Dragon[edit]

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
Moblist thumb lemmy dragon.png
Name Lemmy Dragon     Combat Ranged
Origin ROCKtropia     Attacks
Destination(s) ROCKtropia     Range
Class Animal     Aggression Medium
Movement Flying     Tamable No
Sweatable     Version Update





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MissionDestinationMission ChainMission ScopeMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU
Castle Passage 1ROCKtropiaCastle PassageHuntingPentagram above the Gate(130040, 97473, 532),Kill 100 Lemmy DragonHeavy Melee Weapons (~2.27 PED TT)
Castle Passage 2ROCKtropiaCastle PassageHuntingPentagram above the Gate(130040, 97473, 532)Castle Passage 1, |Kill 500 Lemmy DragonCombat Reflexes (~11.36 PED TT)
Castle Passage 3ROCKtropiaCastle PassageHuntingPentagram above the Gate(130040, 97473, 532)Castle Passage 2, |Kill 1000 Lemmy DragonLongblades (~22.71 PED TT)
Castle Passage 4ROCKtropiaCastle PassageHuntingPentagram above the Gate(130040, 97473, 532)Castle Passage 3, |Kill 5000 Lemmy DragonMelee Combat (~44.52 PED TT)
Castle Passage 5ROCKtropiaCastle PassageHuntingPentagram above the Gate(130040, 97473, 532)Castle Passage 4, |Kill 10000 Lemmy DragonAND choice between Athletics (~143.23 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Evade (~71.61 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Dodge (~71.61 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT)
Castle Passage 6ROCKtropiaCastle PassageHuntingPentagram above the Gate(130040, 97473, 532)Castle Passage 5, |Kill 10000 Lemmy DragonAND choice between Athletics (~143.23 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Evade (~71.61 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT) OR Dodge (~71.61 PED TT), 1 Stamina Token (~ PED TT)


Map not available yet!No Lemmy Dragon spawns documented yet!

Creature Control[edit]

Creature Control documentation methods are not done yet!


* the average number of kills this item usually needs to drop at least once


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Further information[edit]

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Name Explanation[edit]

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Hunting Log[edit]

Average Return on Lemmy Dragon: 0 %


Scanner Images[edit]

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Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
