Creature:Tripudion Puny[edit]

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info
Creature Name Tripudion
Maturity Name Puny
Health Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"."Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"." is not a number.
Sweat Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".
Regeneration Speed
Maximum Damage
Creature Level
Health Level
Damage Potential
Mission points
Level Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".


[[File:Tripudion puny 01.jpg [[File:Tripudion puny 02.jpg [[File:Tripudion puny 03.jpg


Name Frequency Last VU

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Where to find this mob[edit]

Land Area Zone Quantity Maturity
Calypso Gateway Island - 6/10 -1/10