EBN: Meteorites

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File:Logo Planet Calypso 16px.png, 21 March 2013, Thread: http://www.entropiaplanets.com/threads/ebn-meteorites.8896/

Jermaine Johansson:

“We interrupt tonight’s recap of the invasion to bring you an update on the swarm of objects detected by CDF satellites last night. As if fighting an invasion wasn’t enough - it now appears that Calypso is being bombarded from space. Thankfully, not by the robots. CJ Weave is reporting live from the field.”

CJ Weave: “Thanks, Jermaine. We are currently at the crash site of one the many meteorites that have struck Eudoria over the last few hours. Crashes have been felt or seen near Ashi, Minopolis and Cape Corinth.

So far, no casualties have been reported, but the damage to infrastructure and property is calculated to be in the billions of PED.

Imperial Zoological Scouts are currently moving in to investigate the meteorites... CDF obviously... hands full... invasion…”

Jermaine: “CJ?”

CJ Weave: “… going in... closer look, before... arrive...”

Jermaine: “CJ, the feed is getting very unstable. Can you hear me?”

CJ: “... solid black metal... glowing...”

Jermaine: “CJ, you’re breaking up.”

CJ: “…

The meteorite... ... it’s MOVING!


Jermaine the anchor: “CJ? CJ..? Well, folks, it appears we have... once again... lost the feed.

Our technicians are hard at work trying to get the feed back up as soon as possible.

While we wait, I would like to remind our viewers that Exodus Space Station is not a refugee camp. Any vessel entering our protected zone may be fired upon.

Thank you.”

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