EWE EP-50 Ranger

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Iteminfo EWE EP-50 Ranger 05.gif Iteminfo EWE EP-50 Ranger 01.jpg Iteminfo EWE EP-50 Ranger 02.jpg
The EWE EP-50 (Earth Weapon Enterprise Energy Pistol) was made with one purpose only, and that was to supply special ops personnel with a sidearm efficient enough to kill an opposing creature or machine with only a few well placed shots. The result, the EP-50 Ranger, has a huge energy consumption, but the damage done is great. EP has had problems with cooling, and several of the handguns have faulty mechanics in the area.
Class: Weapon Iteminfo EWE EP-50 Ranger 03.jpg
Type: Pistol
Source: Looted
Max. TT: 111 PED
Min. TT: 3.33 PED
Condition limit: 3 %
Durability: Above average
Weight: 1.7 Kg
Item points: 1
Max. use per minute: 48 File:Iteminfo EWE EP-50 Ranger 04.jpg
Max. damage interval: 30.0-60.0
Professional requirement: Ranged Laser (Dmg)
Level: 0.0
Professional requirement: Laser Pistoleer (Hit)
Level: 0.0
Ammo type: Light Weapon Cells
Ammo burn: 1200
Decay per shot: - PEC
Damage type: Penetration Example.jpg
Max. damage: 6.0
Damage type: Burn
Max. damage: 54.0
Damage type: -
Max. damage: -
Max. range: 33
Skill Increase Bonus: Never