Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships 2011[edit]

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The EUWBC is an annual event organized by Oleg/Entropian Events.

Official Announcement[edit]

Event: EU World Boxing Championships 2011

Entropian Events present

EUWBC 2011 Logo.jpg

The Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships are back![edit]

As always, EUWBC is free to enter, and with six different competitions for various skill levels, there’s something for everyone.

Read on to find out more about the tournament and how to take part!

Individual Championships[edit]

Contestants will be divided into six Weight Classes, based on their current Health (see below). The six winners will be declared EU World Boxing Champion 2011 for their class.

To commemorate their victory, the champions will receive a personalised forum signature, specially created for them by Globex Designs, Inc.

Here’s an example of last year’s design:

Weight Classes[edit]

Entrants will be split into weight classes depending on their Health:

  • Flyweight: Up to 110 Health
  • Lightweight: 111-130 Health
  • Welterweight: 131-150 Health
  • Middleweight: 151-180 Health
  • Heavyweight: 181-220 Health
  • Super Heavyweight: 221 Health or above

Competitors will be required to prove their current Health at a ‘weigh-in’ by taking a screenshot prior to each match, clearly showing their current Health. This screenshot must be posted here or sent to the judge privately following the match.

Super Heavyweight and Welterweight competitors are not required to provide a screenshot (except in the case of an ‘over-weight’ Welterweight player – see below). Welterweights will be scanned to determine their Health.

Players’ Health is likely to increase during the course of the tournament, so players will be allowed to play ‘over-weight’ by up to 3 Health points, as long as they start the tournament in the correct weight class. There is no penalty for being ‘under-weight’. If you think you are likely to go ‘over-weight’ by more than 3 points, you should enter the higher weight class.

Example: Cassius joins the Welterweight class and starts the tournament with 147 Health. By the semi-final he has reached 152 Health and is allowed to compete as an ‘over-weight’ player. But by the final he has 154 Health and is disqualified – he should have entered the Middleweight class! If there are fewer than 8 entrants in any single weight class, then the competition for that weight class will be cancelled.

Society Championship[edit]

As well as competing as individuals, fighters can also score points for their society, which will be totalled over the course of the tournament to produce the Society Championship table.

Any society with at least 3 members entering the tourmanent will be entered into the Society Championship.

Each competing member will score points as follows:

  • 2 points will be awarded for each round won
  • 1 point will be deducted for each round lost
  • 1 point will be awarded for winning a match
  • 30 points will be awarded to the winner of each weight class
  • 10 points will be awarded to the runner-up in each weight class

The society with the most points will receive a custom-made virtual commemorative plaque created by Globex Designs, Inc. This is a graphic file that you can display on your society’s website, use as a sig, or upload to signs and screens within EU – it’s ideal for a 4:1 X-Lite sign.

Here’s last year’s plaque as an example (click the image to see it at full size):


Entry to this event is free! All you need to do is register on our EUWBC website. Just go to www.euwbc.comand enter your details. If you don’t have a society just leave that field blank.

Please note that all entrants are required to provide an e-mail address. We will be using e-mail as our primary means of communication this year. Rest assured, we won’t give your address to anyone else.

Registration is open now and will remain open until 21 September. Entries after 21 September will not be accepted.


On 19 September we will e-mail all registered entrants to ask them to confirm that they will be taking part in the event. If we do not receive a reply by 23 September you will not be allowed to take part. If you know that you will be unable to reply to me during this time (e.g. if you will be away with no forum/e-mail access) please let us know in advance and we will discuss this with you individually.

Tournament Schedule[edit]

On 24 September the event launch party will be held, during which the first round draw will be revealed. Contestants don’t have to attend but I hope you’ll all come along and find out who your first opponent will be. Those who are not taking part in the event are of course also welcome to attend.

The first matches will be held on 1 & 2 October. We will aim to complete as many matches as possible over this weekend.

Each match will be arranged individually in order to set a time convenient for both fighters. Entrants are expected to show a reasonable amount of flexibility when arranging matches, and to maintain communication with us, responding to messages in a timely manner. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.

In short – we’ll try to be flexible and we expect you to do the same. If you take the piss, you’re out. Any competitor who fails to show up for a scheduled fight without warning or explanation may be disqualified.

Because of the ad hoc nature of the match arrangements, it’s impossible to give a more detailed schedule at this point. We hope to be able to hold the final matches on 22 October, but this is subject to change.

Match Rules and Other Details[edit]

  1. The tournament follows a knockout format, with opponents decided by random draw. The draw will also determine the subsequent ties (the winner of Match A fights the winner of Match B, etc).
  2. Dates and venues for matches will be announced on the forums and communicated privately to contestants. Unless specified otherwise, all matches will take place at Billy’s Spaceship Afterworld on Calypso.
  3. Depending on the number of entrants in each class, some fighters may have to play an extra round, while others automatically progress to the second round. The random draw will decide which entrants will have to fight the extra matches. 2010 champions will be excluded from this draw and will therefore not have to play an extra match.
  4. With the exception of the finals and semi-finals, matches consist of up to 5 rounds, each lasting 3 minutes.
  5. If one player dies within 3 minutes, his opponent is awarded a win by knockout for the round. If both fighters are still alive at the end of the round, the player with the highest proportion of health remaining (as determined by the judge by looking at the player’s on-screen health bars) will be awarded a win on points.
  6. Any player leaving the ring during a round will forfeit the round to their opponent.
  7. The winner of the match is the first player to win 3 rounds.
  8. The semi-final matches in each class will consist of up to 9 rounds of 3 minutes, with the winner being the first fighter to win 5 rounds.
  9. The final matches in each class will consist of up to 15 rounds of 3 minutes, with the winner being the first fighter to win 8 rounds.
  10. Armour or healing is not allowed during a round. Players may of course heal between rounds.
  11. The only weapon allowed is the Castorian EnKnuckles-A (TT Powerfist), except in the Super Heavyweight class. Super Heavyweight contestants must use the Loughlin Smacker One (limited or unlimited).
  12. Enhancers and mindforce buffs of any kind are strictly forbidden.
  13. Excessive jumping is not allowed. If the judge feels that a contestant is jumping excessively (as a guideline, if you are jumping more than punching, that’s excessive) they will receive a warning in local chat. If the player continues to jump excessively, they will forfeit the round to their opponent.
  14. Competitors are expected to show respect to their opponent and the tournament by:
    • turning up to matches as arranged, on time;
    • maintaining a reasonable level of communication with the organisers so that matches can be arranged effectively;
    • demonstrating a reasonable amount of flexibility in arranging matches.

      Failure to do so may result in rounds or matches being forfeited, at the discretion of the judge.

  15. In case of any dispute, the judge’s decision is final. We reserve the right to disqualify any entrant in the event of suspected or proven cheating or foul play.


Spectators are welcome and encouraged to come along, cheer on their friends, and enjoy the boxing. Please stay well clear of the ring entrance while a fight is taking place. Under no circumstances should a spectator enter the ring.


Many thanks to our sponsor Globex Designs, Inc. for supporting this event once again by providing the prizes and other artwork. And very special thanks to those who took part in and supported the previous EUWBC tournaments – I hope you’ll be back again this time!

And finally…[edit]

If you have any questions please post them here.



Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships 2011[edit]

Round 1[edit]

  1. Tommygun Ze-Tomb Raider (-TAO-) v Anthony Joseph Hughes (Laudanum)
  2. Gretchen Gretch Jarvis (-TAO-) v sandi sandismx susteric (Irken Invaders)
  3. izzy zudu ros (Tusalusa Cadets) v Camber Kyriel Culdi (Laudanum)
  4. Albert STONE Einstein (NBK) automatically progresses to the next round
  5. Nick Malice Succorso (Irken Invaders) v hitman nutrageti 47 (The Company)
  6. Alaina Bonnie Scotia (Age of Enlightenment) v Maelcum Hideo Newmark (German Entropians)
  7. Mike Jinx Doe (Tusalusa Cadets) automatically progresses to the next round
  8. Tyler Fluff Roach (Freelancer) automatically progresses to the next round

Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships 2011[edit]

Round 1[edit]

  1. Danny Honsi Hornsberger (German White Angels) automatically progresses to the next round
  2. Goose Mad Hunter (BlackAngels) automatically progresses to the next round
  3. Nicky osyman Brown (Skillin' Villains) v Earl Von Kippler (Skillin' Villains)
  4. Kid Squirrel Immortal (NBK) v Sono Ax Lethnik (NBK)
  5. Leona Cat Srelliw (The Disturbed Ones) v Alexander Neutrino-X Darkmoon (Skillin' Villains)
  6. Simon Mcveith Baptista (UTOPIA) automatically progresses to the next round
  7. Mark Rufen Power (-TAO-) v James Anzak Arden (Expeditors)
  8. Max Erdes Jino (BlackAngels) v Edward MrEddie James (German White Angels)

Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships 2011[edit]

Round 1[edit]

  1. Kylie Kylie White (Federation of Free Wanderers) automatically progresses to the next round
  2. Poseidon Thor Artic (BlackAngels) v Mandred Maverick Torgridson (German White Angels)
  3. Vlooe (germansurvivalartists) v Nicholas wizzszz Wolf (Jurai Blood)
  4. Kestukas Kestutis HOF (Socialiai Remtini) v Arthur FrequentFlyer Dent (Delta Force)
  5. Piekny Roman Radek PL (Poltropia) v Erkle dilly Dillyston (GloryHound Irregulars)
  6. clon xituz -x (German White Angels) v Shaolin Amathera Nightwish (Calypso Desert Rangers)
  7. Marcus corrie aurelius (BlackAngels) v osmotious oz maximious (-TAO-)
  8. thomas thortom tomsen (German White Angels) v Bo-göran Bobbazz Salomonsson (BlackAngels)
  9. Uklesh Pluut Frozen (nExt Cons) v Jennifer Jenny ferr (Swedish Hunting Society)
  10. Jack Cappy Walsh (Irken Invaders) v Simon Simpe Szentes (BlackAngels)
  11. Michael 3J Sanders (NBK) automatically progresses to the next round
  12. Trinity Dusk Trinity (Federation of Free Wanderers) automatically progresses to the next round
  13. John itwasntme Remontoire (Bravo Three-Nil) v Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey (Uber Noobs)
  14. John Hawk Connor (-TAO-) automatically progresses to the next round
  15. Blastoise Meculus Yarlboro (Odysseus Unbound) automatically progresses to the next round
  16. Kiara Moon Kindred (Delta Force Elite) v Professor Latha Serevi (NBK)

Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships 2011[edit]

Round 1[edit]

  1. Wedlylaw Wed Beetherbell (Gods of War) v Mistress Delcour Libertine (BlackAngels)
  2. Warvar Mortal Wild (CCCP) v Eufrat Frat-boy Tigris (HJS - Hjerpeskans.se)
  3. AL Aca Killmore (Federation of Free Wanderers) automatically progresses to the next round
  4. Tomas Vulture BAT (BlackAngels) v Karolina Zlotko Borkowska (BlackAngels)
  5. Adam Nebu Jackyll (Groene Draeck) v Fort Fort Tress (Jurai Blood)
  6. Gallyon Luckycharm Sundstrand (Asylum) automatically progresses to the next round
  7. Keira Gypsy Croft (Antipodean Army) v Teiwaz Storm Ing (Dark Knights - Squires)
  8. Ben Aurine Ike (WildD3amons) automatically progresses to the next round
  9. Hans Christian Improvisator Andersen (germansurvivalartists) v Dash Fur Crazylegs (Manticore)
  10. Maurice Rakuuz Kylex (BlackAngels) v Kiri Kiri Hime (NBK)
  11. April Raven Phoenix (Federation of Free Wanderers) automatically progresses to the next round
  12. Silas Nikopol Diegaeth (Jurai Blood) automatically progresses to the next round
  13. Thorfin Thor Skullsplitter (Freelancer) automatically progresses to the next round
  14. Tiny Dancer Cheryl (BlackAngels) automatically progresses to the next round
  15. Steve Mischief Sunderland (NBK) v Juniper Jaywalker Jones (-TAO-)
  16. eddric massive slasher (Jurai Blood) v James James Bond (Swe Hunt)

Entropia Universe World Boxing Championships 2011[edit]

Round 1[edit]

  1. Warants Skalman Skalmansson (Warants) v Stoikow Stoikow Mudorow (Warants)
  2. ENTROPIAS MOST WANTED (Warants) v Bob beechbum da'mon (Irken Invaders)
  3. Therya Sound Tallin (Shaolin) v Imperious TheSavior Heroim (Dark Knights)
  4. Onaya Oni Salnar (Skillin' Villains) v Brent Wildman Lansing (WildD3amons)

Launch Party[edit]

On 24 September the event launch party will be held, during which the first round draw will be revealed.

Location: Billy's Spaceship Afterworld Ring


Videos, images, etc

Links and References[edit]