Extraordinary General Meeting of MindArk PE AB September 2011[edit]

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Extraordinary General Meeting of MindArk PE AB taking place on 19 September 2011

Translated by Google Translator:

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting of MindArk PE AB (publ)

Shareholders of MindArk PE AB, 556640-4769, called an extraordinary general meeting on Monday September 19, 2011 at. 15:00 in the company's offices at South Allégatan 1 in Gothenburg. The premises open for registration at 14:00.

Notification etc.

Shareholders wishing to attend the meeting must notify no later than Tuesday 13 September 2011, at. 12:00. Notification can made in writing to MindArk PE AB, Järntorget 8, SE 413 04 Gothenburg, per phone 031-60 72 60, fax 031-13 60 16 or by e-mail economy@mindark.com and should include name, social security / Number, address and registered shares. The notification shall also relate to any advisors, as a shareholder intends to lead the meeting.

Right to participate at the meeting will be notified owners that are registered in the Euroclear AB (former VPC AB) shareholders on Tuesday, 13 September 2011. Shareholders who have registered their shares shall, in order to participate in the meeting, ensure that the shares are registered either Euroclear by Tuesday 13 September 2011. Such registration, which may be temporary, should be requested from the trustee well before this date. Note that procedure also applies to shareholders using a bank's share deposit and / or trading via the Internet.

Of agents needed a warrant. If the proxy issued to a legal entity, a certified copy of one, not older than one year old; registration for the legal person attached. Power of attorney and any registration certificate should be in advance of the Meeting sent to MindArk PE AB.

Issues at the EGM:

  1. Election of Meeting Chairman
  2. Preparation and approval of electoral register
  3. Election of one or two
  4. Determination whether the Meeting has been duly convened
  5. Approval of agenda
  6. Determining the number of Board Members
  7. Election of Directors and Chairman
  8. Adjournment

Proposal for resolution regarding item 7 above brought by Jan Welter Timkrans as shareholders.


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