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Fort Troy Mission Terminal[edit]
The Mission Terminal at Fort Troy is located a few steps northwest of the TP just at the entrance of the terminal center ~(80488, 68318, 160).
Currently the initial missions for several mission chains are available from this mission terminal.
Please note: The names of the missions differ from the text displayed on the buttons of the mission terminal. Also the text of the buttons can change according to the missions you have accepted or completed.
Single missions and initial missions of mission chains available:
Genesis Star gather robot parts missions (3)[edit]
- Genesis Star gather robot parts missions (single missions)
Genesis Star Technical Assignment missions[edit]
- Genesis Star Technical assignment missions (mission chain)
University of Valhalla Missions[edit]
- University of Valhalla Missions (mission chain)
Discreet Applicants Missions[edit]
Last will of Karen Wong (2)[edit]
- The last will of Karen Wong (mission chain)