GM marketing executive to join MindArk Board[edit]

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File:Logo Entropia Universe 16px.png 04 October 2000

Original press release[edit]

Press Release

MindArk AB Magasinsgatan 3 Göteborg, Sweden Patric Sundström, Communications Tel:+46 31 136 736 Fax+46 31 136 016

For your business and technology editors

General Motors marketing executive to join MindArk Board

Gothenburg, Sweden, October 4 – MindArk, the Internet experience company, today announced that Steve Shannon has been appointed to its supervisory board. The appointment of an American marketing expert to the board coincides with the launch of Project Entropia, the first real online universe.

Steve Shannon, Executive Director of Marketing Services for GM North America, adds much needed mass marketing expertise, says Benny Iggland, chairman of the board. “Steve has proven that he understands how complex products can be marketed to millions of potential users around the world. This is essential for the launch of our online ´real´ universe.”

Steve Shannon (42) has acquired international experience from postings in Europe. He is a graduate from Harvard College in Cambridge and from the Columbia Graduate School of Business in New York.

MindArk, based in Gothenburg, Sweden, is active in the field of Internet experiencing. This field, which is quickly expanding, addresses the need of entertainment via Internet from millions of users. The first implementation of its revolutionary system is Project Entropia, which is a virtual second universe where any Internet-user may experience almost anything she or he could experience in the real world. The use of the virtual world is for free, the costs for the project will be covered by charges for transactions carried out via the proprietary and patented (pending approval) economy system.

MindArk ( develops Internet technology solutions. With novel applications in the experience and entertainment sector, in browser infrastructure, and in massively parallel simultaneous interactive user presence on the Internet, MindArk is expanding the new universe.

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