Help:Personal Sidebar Links

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info

Complementing forum thread:

It is possible for every user to add personal links to the sidebar. These will appear just below the "Sign up/Login" link.

Creating the personal sidebar page[edit]

To create a personal sidebar block please create a subpage of your userpage like this:




Adding blocks[edit]

To make a block of links appear please add something like the following to blank page:

* MyFavorites 

Please Note: The asterisk * is mandatory but the name of the block is completely up to you.

You can create serveral of these blocks if you want.

Adding links[edit]

To add links to the blocks please proceed as follows:

* Blockname
** Pagename|name to appear in the sidebar


* My stuff
** Calypso Land Deeds Revenues|CLD charts
** Planet ROCKtropia Teleporters|RT TPs
** Entropia Universe Guide|Guide 
** User_talk:Tass|Bugging Tass


Some links you might want to have in your sidebar can be found on the page building the original sidebar: MediaWiki:Sidebar

In this section you can share sidebar blocks you find useful for other users to copy.

If you want to have a specific block and havve no idea how to create it please poke us know in the forum thread: