Information about new deposit system[edit]
Information about the new deposit system:
Register a credit card The first time you register a credit card via the Transfer button in the Project Entropia client or web site you may only make a one-time deposit equalling $10. This limit is removed once the credit card is activated (see below). Please note that you cannot make any deposit via the Transaction Center within the virtual universe of Project Entropia until your credit card is activated.
Receiving the activation code When the first deposit is successfully carried out you will receive an eight-digit activation code on your next credit card statement. If you are using an Internet bank it may take a few days until this activation code is shown. Please ask your credit card issuer for more information on these matters.
Activating the credit card You need to make a subsequent deposit via the Transfer button in the Project Entropia client or web site. You there have the option to enter the activation code. When you supply a valid and verified activation code the deposit limit is removed and you make virtually as many deposits you desire.
Secure credit card deposits If your credit card is a VISA and is associated with Verified by VISA, or a MasterCard associated with SecureCode, your online deposits into Project Entropia are safe against unauthorized use. For every new credit card used in Project Entropia the registration and activation process must be performed.
Limit on the number of credit cards associated with an avatar You may only have a single credit card associated to an avatar. Once you have used a credit card to make a deposit to an avatar, you cannot use the same credit card to make deposits to another avatar.
The Project Entropia Transaction Center Until your credit card is activated, use of the Project Entropia Transaction Center is disabled for you. When your credit card is activated, you may use the Transaction Center to make any further deposits.
Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]