Interview:Project Entropia Interview (RPGDot, April 2001)

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Project Entropia Interview

by Chaerea, 2001-04-05

Project Entropia is an interesting Sci-Fi MMROPG from Swedish developer MindArk. We talked to Patric Sundstrom about some new aspects of the game:

RPGDot: You already have player guilds being formed, what role will these have in the game?

Patric Sundstom: I would like to go so far as to say that player guilds (or "societies" as we call them) will be a cornerstone of Project Entropia. We recognize the huge impact on game complexity that good societies can have on an MMOG world and we will do whatever is in our power to allow societies to grow in any way they choose. We are making preparations for societies to be created and ruled in as diverse ways as possible, so that society founders and members can feel that they are in control. As the game progresses, we expect society-run enterprises, militia, towns, and cities - perhaps even nations.

RPGDot: What is the difference between the New City and the Old City of Neo-Ithaca?

Patric Sundstom: The Old City has an old colony infrastructure, which expands around a main complex called the citadel. These citadels were originally constructed by the robots in preparation for the first arrivals of human settlers to the planet. During the robot revolt most of these citadels on the planet were destroyed but some survived the war and went through a postwar reconstruction and expansion process. A new modern city area was built not too far from the old one. The old city is like a slum with a functional community and will remain a part of the city as a whole. All the main cities will have this type of mixed old and new infrastructure from the start.

RPGDot: Will players be able to sail or raft in the game?

Patric Sundstom: Yes eventually. It won't however be available during the beta tests but can be seen as a future feature. It is worth remembering that everything is set in a futuristic environment on a planet where development has moved forward.

There will be ordinary simple boats to cross the seas with, as well as other forms of transportation such as teleporters, hover devices, aircraft etc

RPGDot: What kind of things will players be able to use their Mindforce to do?

Patric Sundstom: MindForce will be applicable in a variety of different areas in the game. You will be able to use it for healing yourself and others, as well as using it both defensively and offensively in combat. MindForce will also be used to invent new things, and to extend your abilities as a player. The list of things that you can do with MindForce is growing constantly and we will release a complete list of things that you can do with MindForce further on at our website. We have so many ideas of what you can use MindForce to.

RPGDot: Will players be able to research new technologies to fight the robots?

Patric Sundstom: Yes, partly to fight the robots, but research areas can include all sorts of things such as food and tools, materials, weapons, protection, equipment and other things.

RPGDot: How many positions are still available in the beta test?

Patric Sundstom: There are still plenty of places left to beta test Project Entropia. Even if you don't make the first round there is a chance you will be included in a later test.

RPGDot: When will the beta test start?

Patric Sundstom: Our aim is to begin the first official beta tests in mid April this year.

RPGDot: What are the current minimum system specifications for the game?

Patric Sundstom: We have not decided on the definitive minimum requirements for Project Entropia yet. We won't be able to do this until we have begun beta testing the game. It will however be an advantage if you have a modern fast computer with a good 3d card during the first beta tests.

RPGDot: Do you have a projected release date for the game yet?

Patric Sundstom: Our goal is to release the game during Autumn 2001. We hope the beta tests will go smoothly and not create too many problems.

RPGDot: Project Entropia will be released at a time when there are many MMOGs on the market. What will make your game stand out from the crowd?

Patric Sundstom: There is a lot that distinguishes Project Entropia from the other MMOGs that are being developed right now.

The game will be completely free to acquire and play. The game will be distributed via free CDs that accompany certain magazines, as well as also being available through the Internet. It will be free to copy and distribute to others also.

We have built into Project Entropia a unique economic system which will allow players to exchange real money for PED (Project Entropia Dollars ). With these dollars you can then buy and sell things in the game. Then when you feel like it you can exchange your PED back into real money.

We want all players to be able to interact with each other in the same world, and not have to pay attention to which server they are on. The goal is to have one million players on-line simultaneously. If there should be more than this it won't be any problem for us to expand our servers to deal with it.

We are using the latest technology to achieve optimal graphics and playing world, this will become apparent from the screen shots we release now and up to the launch of the game.

The players themselves will influence and shape the game as it moves along and by doing so develop Calypso. It will be a world under continual development.

05 April 2001; RPGDot

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