John Foma Kalun

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Avatar picture of John Foma Kalun, aka Pesok. He is shown wearing a green Tuxedo, a make up mask, and Bat wings
Avatar picture of John Foma Kalun, aka Pesok. He is shown wearing a green Tuxedo, a make up mask, and Bat wings.

John Foma Kalun is the new owner of Club NEVERDIE, after having made a bid when Jon NEVERDIE Jacobs put it up for sale in May 2010. In return for the downpayment made by Foma, he was handed the property deed for Club NEVERDIE Biodome 12 [1]

At the time of writing this, little is known about the person behind the avatar. The avatar's main profession seems to be crafting [2]. He was the first person to craft a Bull TacElite (L) on 25 August 2007 [3]

Other than that, his PCF profile shows he is a member of the society CCCP, and resides somewhere in Boston, Massachusets in the United States [4]. His homesite there is set to, which at the time of writing this article is not a registered domain name.