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Skill Reward Evaluation[edit]
Avatar Name
Skill Name
Skill Value before reward
Skill Value after reward
PED TT Value Rough EstimationBeta
PED TT calculated using the Chipping Optimizer Tool by jdegre
- go to chipping optimizer page
- select "show all skills" from the drop down profession list
- enter the skill value before in the input box of the corresponding skill
- the "Level" field will show the same value as you typed
- enter the skill value after reward in the "Target Level" input box
- click "go!"
- in the corresponding skill row, the recommended chipping will display in green, and inside brackets, the size of the chip required, which is the same as the TT value needed to go from the skill value before reward to the skill value after reward
- copy this skill value, go back to the mission page
- click edit and paste the value in the corresponding position