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Naglfar Series[edit]
This vehicle was implemented in VU11.5
For specific info about the different models please refer to the indidual pages:
Vehicle | Type | Seats | Attachment slots |
Mountable Weapons |
Max TT Value |
Markup | Condition Limit |
Weight | Item Points |
Fuel consumption (active) |
Fuel consumption (passive) |
Wheel Grip |
Engine power |
Max speed |
Spawned weight |
Max Structural Integrity |
Penetration | Impact | Burn | Cold | Cut | Stab | Shrapnel | Acid | Electric | Durability | Capacity (items) |
Max weight |
VU |
Naglfar Mk1 (L) | Boat | ? | VWeTM B1 VWeSM B1 |
Yes | 30 PED | ? % | 3.0% | 10.0 kg | 1 | 1.05 Oil/km | - | - | 1019.7 HP | 50.4 km/h | 15000.0 kg | 900 | 16.0 | 27.0 | 16.0 | 14.0 | 27.0 | 25.0 | 15.0 | 15.0 | 14.0 | 2100.0 | 61 | 151.0 kg | 11.5.0
Naglfar Mk2 (L) | Boat | ? | VWeTM B1 VWeSM B1 |
Yes | ? PED | ? % | 3.0% | ?.0 kg | 1 | ? Oil/km | - | - | ? HP | ? km/h | ?.0 kg | ? | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | `? | ?.0 kg | 11.5.0
Naglfar Mk3 (L) | Boat | ? | VWeTM B1 VWeSM B1 |
Yes | ? PED | ? % | 3.0% | ?.0 kg | 1 | ? Oil/km | - | - | ? HP | ? km/h | ?.0 kg | ? | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | ?.0 | `? | ?.0 kg | 11.5.0 |
Naglfar and Jormungand at Port Atlantis
Naglfar, Jormungand and Sleipnir at Port Atlantis
Naglfar, Sleipnir and Pitbull at Port Atlantis
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