New payment option launched![edit]

From EntropiaPlanets Wiki - Entropia Universe Guides Wiki Info

File:Logo Entropia Universe 16px.png 15 September 2004

MindArk is proud to present a new payment option - the Project Entropia PED Certificate. A PED Certificate is a pre-paid card which is acquired from a reseller and it contains a secure one time code which grants your avatar the PED amount specified. It is a very easy and secure way of adding funds to your avatar.

A list of currently available physical locations in the real world having the PED Certificates is available here! We anticipate the list will grow with the knowledge of the PED Certificate spreads.

Isn't your Internet Café on the list? It is as easy as contacting MindArk and we will set you up with the PED Certificates. Or do you frequent a favorite Internet Café which don't have the PED Certificates - tell the staff there that they exist and to get in contact with MindArk.

Links, references, contributors, categories[edit]
