Next Island Missions/EntropiaPlanets Forums

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Next Island "Mainland" Missions

MissionMission ChainMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU
Armor of HeroesDiNapoli,(137081, 83293, ?????),Gather 15 Chlorite Crystal
Gather 5 Papoo Eye
Gather 5 Boar Tusks
Gather 5 Boar Hearts
Gather 10 Obsidian Crystal
Breast Plate (~5.00 PED TT)| |12.4.2
Arrival(?????, ?????, ?????),Find Arthur (137344, 83284, )
Find 2922-Fyodor (137377, 83285, )
Mission:The Story of Next Island |
Crystal Breakfast(?????, ?????, ?????), 
Discovering DermaProfessor Albert Kardsten(137347, 83281, 109), Derma SwordMust bring him the Derma Sword, he will not keep it
He will send you to 4 different locations looking for clues once you location them return to the Professor with the clue you solved for your reward. (, , )
50 click Hoplite Helmet BP(L) (~ PED TT)| |
Genetic Research(?????, ?????, ?????), 12.5.2
Genetic Research II(?????, ?????, ?????), 12.5.2
Getting the fix0574-Samuel(137319, 83240, ?????)X, XGet a location fix on other Elsysians
Activate sensor Alpha (137321, 83257, )
Activate sensor Beta (137284, 83437, )
Activate sensor Gamma (137506, 83992, )
Activate sensor Delta (137720, 83179, )
Return to 0574-Samuel (137319, 83240, )
Mission:Unlocking the gate12.4.2
Helen Venture's Hunting Party(?????, ?????, ?????)X, X 
Inventing a ColorDr Shepherd(?????, ?????, ?????)First Wave Elysian by Samuel, Crystal Center (near wave marker), |Gather 8 Muscle Oil, 8 Papplon, 8 Danburite CrystalsMiranda Violet (Paint) Blueprint (~0.50 PED TT)| |
Maintenance Problems0574-Samuel(137319, 83240, ?????)X, XSupply Cache A (??????, ?????, )
Supply Cache B (??????, ?????, )
Supply Cache C (??????, ?????, )
Mission:Getting the fix12.4.2
Paint & ColoringMirandaMiranda, Crystal Center(137334, 83294, ?????), 20 woolGather 20 woolElysian Colorator + Bleacher (~ PED TT)| |12.4.2
Talk to Samuel, the broken robot2922-Fyodor(137377, 83285, ?????)The story of Next Island, |Find Samuel (137319, 83240, )Mission:Maintenance Problems |12.4.2
Talking to NativesArthur, 1314-Mary,(?????, ?????, ?????), 
The Robot Historian(?????, ?????, ?????)X, X 
The Simian ProblemThe Simian Problem(?????, ?????, ?????)The Simian Problem: Yellow Papoo, The Simian Problem: Red Papoo, The Simian Problem: Brown Papoo, The Simian Problem: Grey Papoo, |1 Agility AND choice between Longblades (~ PED TT), Melee Combat (~ PED TT), Alertness (~ PED TT)
The Simian Problem: Brown PapooThe Simian Problem2922-Fyodor,(137377, 83285, ?????),Kill 250 Brown PapooMission:The Simian Problem |12.4.2
The Simian Problem: Grey PapooThe Simian Problem2922-Fyodor,(137377, 83285, ?????),Kill 250 Grey PapooMission:The Simian Problem |
The Simian Problem: Red PapooThe Simian Problem2922-Fyodor,(137377, 83285, ?????),Kill 250 Red PapooMission:The Simian Problem |
The Simian Problem: Yellow PapooThe Simian Problem2922-Fyodor,(137377, 83285, ?????),Kill 250 Yellow PapooMission:The Simian Problem |
The story of Next Island2922-Fyodor(137377, 83285, ?????)Arrival, |Click through the dialogueMission:Talk to Samuel, the broken robot |12.4.2
To Infinity and Beyond1314-Mary(137346, 83235, ?????)X, XTravel to Ancient Greece
Get directions from Io (??????, ?????, )
Find The Cave (136186, 87220, )
Beyond Infinity, 1 Chiton (~ PED TT)|, Mission:Meeting the Gods
Unlocking the gate0574-Samuel(137319, 83240, ?????),Persuade Mary (136368, 84370)
Use Samuel's (137319, 83240) argument
Use Fyodor's (137377, 83285) argument
Use Arthur's (137344, 83284) argument
3 Time Travel Crystal (~ PED TT)|, Mission:To Infinity and Beyond |12.4.2
Village Boar Hunting Challenge Stage 1Village Boar Hunting Challenge(137360, 83244, ?????)None, |Kill points 1000 Village BoarAND choice between Longblades (~0.14 PED TT) OR Rifle (~0.14 PED TT) OR Anatomy (~0.14 PED TT)
Village Boar Hunting Challenge Stage 2Village Boar Hunting Challenge(137360, 83244, ?????)Village Boar Hunting Challenge Stage 1, |Kill points 5000 Village BoarAND choice between Longblades (~0.70 PED TT) OR Rifle (~0.70 PED TT) OR Anatomy (~0.70 PED TT)
Welcome to Crystal Center(?????, ?????, ?????), 
Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge Stage 1Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge(137360, 83244, ?????)None, |Kill points 1000 Yellow PapooAND choice between Anatomy (~0.03 PED TT) OR Rifle (~0.03 PED TT) OR Handgun (~0.03 PED TT)
Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge Stage 2Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge(137360, 83244, ?????)Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge Stage 1, |Kill points 5000 Yellow PapooAND choice between Anatomy (~0.16 PED TT) OR Rifle (~0.16 PED TT) OR Handgun (~0.16 PED TT)
Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge Stage 3Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge(137360, 83244, ?????)Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge Stage 2, |Kill points 10000 Yellow PapooAND choice between Anatomy (~0.32 PED TT) OR Rifle (~0.32 PED TT) OR Handgun (~0.32 PED TT)
Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge Stage 4Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge(137360, 83244, ?????)Yellow Papoo Hunting Challenge Stage 3, |Kill points 20000 Yellow PapooAND choice between Anatomy (~0.64 PED TT) OR Rifle (~0.64 PED TT) OR Handgun (~0.64 PED TT)

Ancient Greece Missions

MissionMission ChainMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU
Arachne's DilemmaArachne,(?????, ?????, ?????), 20 minotaur horn, 20 minotaur tail 
Looking at distant pastsCreon, Archon of Thebes(36311, 20685, ?????)Meeting the Gods, |Setup the sensors
Sensor Alpha (36708, 21018, )
Sensor Beta (35538, 21214, )
Sensor Gamma (36232, 19672, )
1 Falcata (~ PED TT)| |
Meeting the GodsAncient Greece(?????, ?????, ?????)To Infinity and Beyond, |Leave the cave
Go to the city (36027, 20173, )
Talk to the guard
Find the Forum (36214, 20275, )
Talk to Captain Penthesilea (36259, 20524, )
Talk to the Archon (36311, 20685, )
Mission:Looking at distant pasts |
The Keys to the UnderworldThe Keeper of the Keys(36002, 19857, ?????)X, XTalk to the Keeper of the Keys (36002, 19857)3 Time Travel Crystal (~ PED TT)| |

Discontinued Missions

MissionMission ChainMission GiverPositionStart ConditionObjectivesRewardsVU
A Republic of Letters(136470, 84358, ?????),Seek out Akau the First Village Elder (136388, 83769, )
Visit Kamole the Second Elder (137048, 84269, )
Locate Tane the Third Elder (138172, 83936, )
1 Agility
Amazon War Part I(?????, ?????, ?????), 
Andromache Amazon Defection(?????, ?????, ?????), 
Frank's FriendsFrank(136421, 84354, ?????),Rutile Beach (136192, 86982, )
Hunters Waterfall Outpost (134434, 87442, )
Neophyte Village 138043 83951
The Ancient Ruins (138703, 82885, )
1 Noob Club (~1 PED TT)| |
Get to the VillageHank(136389, 84754, ?????),Get to the Village, Talk to Frank (136421, 84354, )Perception (~ PED TT)
Glorious Beginnings!(?????, ?????, ?????),Find Hank the repair papoo (136389, 84754, ) 
Glorious Greece Beginning!(?????, ?????, ?????), 
Papoo InfestationRongo(136321, 84353, ?????),Kill 20 Papoo1 Strength
Pesky Boars ISebastian(136299, 84377, 248), 
Sebastian ViewSebastian(136299, 84377, 248),Kill 50 Village BoarTime Travel Crystal BP (L) (~0.01 PED TT)| |
Test Your Might(?????, ?????, ?????), 
The Proving Grounds ITank(?????, ?????, ?????),Challenge and Defeat 10 PapooMelee Combat (~ PED TT)
The Proving Grounds IITank(?????, ?????, ?????),Challenge and Defeat 20 Papoos1 Stamina