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Omegaton M2732[edit]
Tier Increase Rate (TIR)[edit]
With this table we're trying to find out how many of an item are in game. With the Tier Increase Rates MA introduced a while back all items have a unique fingerprint and with those we can keep track to them.
Enter the 10 Tier Increase Rate numbers in the table below and the owner of the item if known. |
No. | Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Tier 5 | Tier 6 | Tier 7 | Tier 8 | Tier 9 | Tier 10 | Owner |
#1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
Because there are many numbers of some items and that Limited items get TT-ed when they are damaged, I would suggest to only fill in the TIR's for Limited items and rare Unlimited items. |